Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marcella Vale

Marcella Vale



➳ Marcy, Vale
➳ Bisexual
➳ Human
➳ Female
➳ 1.8m
➳ Slender
➳ Dark
➳ Brown
➳ Sith Empire

➳ Commodore
➳ Unconfirmed

"Some women fear the fire, and some simply become it."

Marcella's mother always told her she was beautiful. Dark hair, like silk, running to her shoulders. Her spotless complexion. A charmed smile threaded between her cherry red lips. It was enough to drop any man to his knees, begging for a taste, a touch, a try. Like roses, compliments were thrown at her feet: gorgeous, stunning, perfection. But to her, they were empty words, and Marcella was more than a showpiece or a jewel on display. More than just beautiful.

Some might say beauty was her strength, but for Marcella, it was her (+) charm and her (+) intellect. If beauty alone was enough for the Empire, she'd have been Emperor by now. Marcella knew better. She was sly, resourceful, and understood exactly how to maneuver her way through the politics of the Imperial Legion and her Sith superiors. Where she (-) lacked in the Force, she made up for in sheer will and cunning. Had she possessed a gift for the Force, she might have been the most dangerous Sith in the Empire, but Marcella settled for the Legion. Wherever power was, she went with it, and she believed it was hers to take. But in that mindset, she had since become (-) arrogant and quick to anger where her pride is concerned. Not that it's stopped her from earning the rank of Commodore, and a ship of her own.

Marcella Vale


Marcella was never content with what she was given. Most men saw her as a fancy trinket, a shiny watch on their wrist or a timepiece to tuck away in their pockets. Something seen and not heard. She was not a trophy wife, an object of a man's desire, but someone with ambitions of her own. Marcella hoped to sate her hunger for power by dabbling in the criminal underground, but warlords and mobsters couldn't see past her smooth skin and hourglass figure. They couldn't see the fire burning underneath those soft eyes. So, she left. If she could not find what she was looking for in government or crime, she would search elsewhere. Somewhere she could thrive.

The Sith Empire posed a serious challenge to her. Women like her, without the Force or the skill of a lightsaber, would find little in the Imperial Armada. Marcella was different. With her connections, she managed to avoid positions no man or woman could escape on their own, as cannon fodder on the battlefield or mechanics in the backs of ships, and instead became an officer on deck. From there, it was a matter of stepping stones. Respect and intellect came a long way, but it was her cunning and manipulation that led the way. Framing her superiors, undermining her rivals. It was survival of the fittest, and Marcella willed to survive.

Eventually rising into the rank of Commodore, Marcella now commandeers a squadron and ship of her own: a Vicar-class Cargo Frigate, otherwise known as Retribution. Due to her enlistment and service in the Armada, she was given a special dagger too, which she keeps on her waist at all times. On the bridge of her ship, she tends to sport her official uniform, in black or white, to set her apart from her subordinates. Outside the bridge, on Imperial operations, she always wears a set of Stormnight armor with SIF-7 'Minos' blaster, along with several flash grenades and sonic imploders.

Aboard her ship, accompanying her fighter squadron, Marcella has a Tuk'ata interceptor and usually wears a flight suit with it. Not that she wears it often, same with the ship, as she prefers ground or "diplomatic" operations. She's more of a charmer than a fighter, but that doesn't mean she can't brandy her fists better than her words.

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