Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mara Rockwell, The Mental Hacker


NAME: Mara Rockwall

ALIASES: B1u (Hacking alias)

FACTION: None, up for recruitment.

RANK: Information Broker, Hacker


AGE: 20

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5’ 9” 1.75 meters

WEIGHT: Just right

EYES: blue gray

HAIR: Black/blue

SKIN: Blue

++Computers: Mara is an adept slicer, she is great at hacking into systems, getting around firewalls, and breeching mainframes. If it deals with computers, she can probably do it.
++Aesthetically appealing: Simply put, Mara’s pretty, she knows it, and she’s not afraid to use it to her advantage. When dealing with whatever she has to do, Mara isn’t afraid to use her good looks to charm people into giving away what she needs to know.
++Good with word: Mara is generally pretty savvy at expressing things. She has a sliver tongue, and speaks over 5 different languages. When it comes to speaking, Mara is pretty great at it.
​++Comfortable in her own skin: Mara doesn't blush easy, and is ok with herself and her craziness.
--Emotions (racial weakness): Mara is very forthcoming in her emotions, as an Aruzan she is used to people feeling her own emotions, and the emotions of others. She doesn’t see a point in keeping them bottled up or not expressing how she’s feeling, and expects the same from others.
--Physically frail: Mara lacks brute strength or the ability to shrug off hits.
--Pacifist (racial weakness): Mara is a pacifist by nature. She isn’t fond of hurting people, and can’t stand to see or experience violence.
--A bit off-kilter: Part of Mara’s skills with computers is due to her slight quirk that places her slightly off-kilter; Mara believes the universe is a simulation. While it doesn’t make her totally insane or stark raving mad; she certainly won’t go off on a rampaging killing spree because she believes in this (plus she is a pacifist), but it does make her…. Well, weird.
--Functioning Addict: Mara is a functioning glitterstim addict. She just uses it to take the edge off, or give her an upper when she is tired. The “bad habit” she acquired in college, unfortunately has proven harder to drop than she thought
​--Socially Dysfunctional: Insane, emotionally expressive, and just down right quirky, Mara is pretty socially inept and doesn't really know what's proper or what not. She could show up at a gala in cut off shorts and a crop top and not understand what the big deal is or why everyone is pointing and whispering.
Face claim: Louise Cliffe
Lithe, and shapely, Mara is a head turner any time she walks into a room. As one of the galaxy’s more obscure blue-skinned humanoids, a casual observer normally mistakes her for some Chiss or Chiss-offshoot.
Mara’s hair hangs around her shoulders in a semi-fixed fashion, everything about her is extremely expressive, from her face to her body language, to her voice. Mara enjoys wearing clothing that accentuates her natural figure, the more the better. She is not a simple dresser, and most of her clothes are on the high-end side of things

After the empire, Aruzan were spread in disporia across the galaxy, many set up their own tight-knit, pacifistic communities in little holes in the galaxy. Mara grew up in one such community on Dusuun in First Order Space.
Early on, Mara showed extreme promise with computer, partially due to her own cybernetic implants. She was gifted, and it just seemed to come naturally to her. As a child, she showed real little interest or talent in much else. As an Aruzan, she was neither violent nor inclined to it, she was mediocre at sports, terrible at art, and frankly, didn’t care for history or literature. No one was truly surprised when out of grade school, Mara decided to study computer technology.
But unfortunately for a university education, there comes a price tag. And for her, that meant taking her innate skills with a computer and putting them to a rather illegal use; hacking. Mara never went for anything massive like hacking government stuff or trying to break into coded bank things, most of what she did was pretty benign. But she was good at it. With the stress of both working full time as a hacker and taking full time classes, Mara developed her next little problem—an addition. The woman just needed something to keep her going through the day, and what she got as a result was an addiction to glitterstim. She’s functioning, but still, Mara is an addict.
A few years into her college experience, Mara had a life changing revelation. 60 strait hours with no sleep consisting of a cramming session, an exam, and then a hack job all fueled by Glitterstim and booze gave her a stark revelation; nothing she knew was real. All of the galaxy was nothing more than a simulation, some advanced video game. Why, she didn’t know, but it affected Mara. When she awoke the next morning, Mara realized how true her revelation was, and as a part of it her hacking skills increased ten fold. Of course, who would believe that level of crazy?...

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