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Mandalorian Dominion of Tiss'sharl

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Hidia had been deep in her own thoughts, mostly about how bored she was and how much she wished she was doing anything else right now, when the other woman, who Hidia was guessing was in charge but could not be sure, approached her and told her some armor had been sent for her. Was fine with her. She had no attachment to the clothes she currently had on. If the one in charge prefered she use something else, then she would change without a fuss. So Hidia nodded at the woman.

"Fine with me. Where do I pick it up?"

It was then that the other man who she had saw drinking earlyer walked in with a dead body, which he tossed on the floor. Hidia's nose wrinkled a bit from the unplesent smell as she glanced at the man with her multicolored red and green eyes.

"I assume now we prepare for the rest. They're probably not stupid enough to only send one."

[member="Pyrrha Nikkita"]
[member="Miles Rorke"]
[member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"]
Location: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
Objective: Armour! Get your armour here!

Rena the Quartermaster was starting to enjoy her job. So, without boring any of you with silly exposition, I'm just going to reduce my own character to a point of ridicule for your benefit.

You're welcome, universe.

Breathe in, Rena, you'll need it.

"Armour! Get your armour here! And what armour-wearing Mandalorian has any respect for themselves without guns? MandalTech's finest! You need jetpacks? We've got jetpacks!"

I'm pretty sure [member="Hidia"] and [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"] could hear the very loud shout of what is apparently now an armour merchant?
Location: Tiss'Sharl
Objective: Guard Duty
Allies in area: [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"], [member="Miles Rorke"], [member="Hidia"],
Music: None?

As the woman in rags began to nod her head and accept the armor with a question of when it would be, The man earlier came in with a dead body slung over. Letting he body flop to the floor as I turned to him. The mowhawk tuft shaking on my helm that was on my head. Reading signs told me the creature had been dead for a while, but not enough to drop the core body tempature. I scouled at the man asking what was next. All the while, the Tiss'Sharl had walked over. Scanning the body, the creature leaned over it's fallen kin.

A growl formed on his lips as from behind me towards the left a woman yelled out for armor. I turned to the ragged woman and ushered her over there. "Go and ask for the red commando armor, and any weapons you want. They should have the standards." I turned to the man and the Tiss'Sharl as he spoke to me in a very pissed tone.

"What. Is. This? Your man roams around without one of my own guards to go and kill one of our kind?" I turned to look between them, Raising a stop hand to the man, Maybe a little bit buzzed, I didn't want him to say anything rash and spoke loudly to make sure I was clear and above his own voice should he talk. "I am sure there was a misscomunication Tiss'Sharl. He was doing his job. I believed him to be fine on his own. That is my fault." As much as I would want him to take the fall for his own mistakes, we can't lose our relations with this side of the planetary war. "Now I hope this is not who you say it i-"

"Of course it's not one of my personal guards. I have never seen him before, yet he wears the uniform." I nodded my head. Intel about a possible break in. Moving closer to him to speak more softly, "I do not wish to say this, but if one man got in, then there must be more. As much as I would like you to trust your men, any one of them could be the source. If you so please Tiss'Sharl, grab your deligates and your lowers and we can move to a different location that is more fortified with the Mando's."

He looked at me. And shook his head. "Not moving anywhere with him." His head indicating Rorke. I turned to him and nodded. "Initiate Rorke, If you so please to remove yourself from this imediate area." I wanted so much just to push the man out, but we needed to be civil. "You know above all else that we need to keep good to our word. Take sniper or a scout position away from the Tiss'Sharl."

"Psssssht. No. I want him no where near me or my men."

Turning to him, I hoped he could say something nice and try to make up for this, becuase if this continued, it may jepordize the entire mission. In my head, I prayed to any and all gods and goddesses that this man may keep a level head and maybe not act like a senial senior.
Location: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
Objective: Get armor

Hidia nodded and turned to the woman she had apparently failed to notice before. She couldn't care less about the argument brewing between the man who just came back and the natives. Unless it turned into an all out fight, unlikely given the job was to defend these people, she would stay out of it. She walked over to the armor person.

"Hello, I've been instructed to pick up some red commando armor."

She considered asking for weapons too, but she already had a lightsaber, and her aim was abysmal with ranged weapons. Still, never hurt to ask.

"Also, if you have some kind of gun that is easy to aim with, I'll have one of those too."

[member="Rena Kryze"]
Location: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
Objective: Someone got armour, yay.


The woman came up first was a red-headed slip of a thing, little and lithe and certainly wanting to get some 'red armour'. Fortunately, Rena knew precisely what that meant.

"You look like a three, maybe..." Rena uttered to herself - not a hotness rating, calm down, a uniform size three - and then procured a large black plasteel crate, with simple latches on it. Inside was a set of Red Force Commando armour, right as she'd asked. "Here you are. Make sure it fits properly."

On top of it was an MT-14 heavy blaster pistol with scope. "MT-14 from MandalTech. One-handed, scoped, links to your HUD. Should work for you." It was Rena's weapon of choice, anyway. And, given that it was one-handed, could be doubled with a lightsaber!

"Anything else?"
Location: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
Objective: Get into armor

Hidia picked up the box and gun. She popped open the box and looked at the armor real quick, judging the size of the thing. Deciding it would fit just fine, she nodded at the person who gave it to her.


She picked up the box and gun and made for the door. Now would be the best time to get changed, while everyone was busy arguing with one another. it would hopefully only take a few minutes to get into the armor and get used to how it worked. She'd want to be ready if an attack came, and not struggling with her armor and gun. She left and made for the nearest bathroom, walking in and beginning to change into the armor.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Mando worlds surrounded Tiss'sharl, and Alec's course had taken her past here once or twice, enough to know the lay of the land. The Tiss'sharl corporations had a lock on refining, but accepted ore from independents, and last time she'd been around here she'd found a nice rare chunk of lommite, enough to fill the tank. The grapevine, or the temporal instincts she didn't quite understand, told her that this would be a Place Worth Being. The 'Role Model' closed in on a local group of asteroids, already swarming with mining ships.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The man sat across a round durasteel table from one of the reptilian inhabitants of the planet. His cards held deftly in one hand as he and the creature were the last two in play. Sabaac was a difficult game to be good at and even harder game to win at.

His Custom Armor was in perfect order and the new design was revolutionary among Mandalorians but it took more than intimidation to beat this opponent.

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Hidia"] [member="Rena Kryze"] [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"] [member="Bestala Vizsla"] [member="Valerie Vizsla"] [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"] [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"] [member="Miles Rorke"]


[member="Kyr Jendri"] [member="Alec Rekali"] @Hidia @Rena Kryze [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"]

Jerrick had never been here before, nor did the place really catch his fancy. As he walked around the city, he wore a armor that was not at all Mandalorian, but that was exactly what he was. He stature showed his bored self, his hands crossed across his chest, and each step gave a loud *CLACK*.

Yes this was a man of pure, raw power. No one here knew it, no one needed to know it. His fellow vod didnt need to see under the helmet either. He sighed to himself, and stepped off the side, speeders began honking at him, and swerving out of the way as he made his way to the other side.

"I'm so bored!" He yelled in his walk to no where. Truly a super soldier could have more fun then this right? He leaned himself against a wall, and started thinking about what to do with his life, it truly was going no where. He had all these skills, and training, but no real occupation anymore. It was a boring life for a Czar.


Location: Charging into the Fray
[member="Bestala Vizsla"]
[member="Valerie Vizsla"]

With klaxons blaring and people shooting, the slightly inebriated barbarian in armor rushed past Bestala and head butted the nearest Tiss-whatever in the face with his helmet. Blood splashed across his visor and he wiped it clear with a glove, smiling madly beneath his helm.

Sadly misinformed of the silenced nature of this operation, either because of his lack of listening or because he assumed that with the alarm raised all bets were off, Tyr started charging forward yelling furiously in Mando'a.


His heavy repeater added a steady bwhop-bwhop-bwhop to the background as he held down the trigger.


Pa'Kar Sang

"Alright sir, let's-"

An explosion rocked the eardrums of the Tiss'shral and his aides. It seemed the predicted next-in-line president's fears were valid. Someone had come for his head. The sound dampners in his helmet lessened the noise from the initial explosion, but the men hired for this mission had all linked up their coms. Blaster fire and screams echoed through the coms and halls as the assailants got closer and closer.

The synthetic growl of his war beast indicated they were closing in. With a sigh he readied his weapon motioning his client to move further into the compound.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Lommite was the order of the day. Valuable stuff, lommite, in the seventieth percentile for mineral prices by ton. Lommite was a factor in durasteel and half a dozen other common refined materials; everyone everywhere could use more lommite. The 'Role Model' scanned for it often enough to give Alec's fingers password-quick muscle memory. A good haul of lommite ore could make all her troubles go away for a week or more.
Location: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
Objective: I have a quest for you!

And so the redheaded three was off to go get dressed, and that was all well and good. This left Rena to go around and check her stock, because that was her job. She was only one of three people watching this storehouse, and she'd only just started. It was her shift, after all.

Rifles, blaster pistols, glop grenades, cryoban grenades, Force-breakers, frags, stuns, disruptor pistol, disruptor rifle-

Wait. Disruptor rifle. There was no disruptor rifle. Something was very wrong here.

"Oi!" Rena shouted, setting her amplifiers to max for a sec. "Someone's stolen the disruptor rifle from the storehouse! Credits to whoever finds my DXR-6!"

The quartermaster will pay whoever finds her Tenloss DXR-6 disruptor sniper rifle, fitted with sniper scope, a buttload of credits.

Hint: It's probably not here.

Catherine Romanov

Location: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
Objective: So low on the guard duty roster Rena would be impressed

Cue, another inititate. Yep, another one guarding this scaly hide of Ka-Dur-Lor. Fully-clad in her beskar'gam, she wanted action. But no, guard duty. Things were getting considerably more exciting than it was a couple of minutes ago. Not only did they had a dead lizard on the floor, there was an enraged living one as well. And to top it off, Rena's booming voice complemented the cacophony of sounds very nicely. Seems like there was a battle going on somewhere else in the compound. As much as Catherine would have liked to join in the battle, she was stuck here with the rest playing guard-the-lizard, and so she shall. Meanwhile, she'll continue listening to Rena yell about her missing disruptor rifle, while she await further orders.

[member="Bestala Vizsla"] | [member="Rena Kryze"] | [member="Hidia"] | [member="Miles Rorke"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Her sensors burbled, and the Role Model closed in on one asteroid in particular. Good strong lommite signal from veins in there, well-buried but accessible if one had a Jo'henry. Twin four-hundred-metre plasma-jets roared to life, lancing into the asteroid's heart. Gobbets of ejecta spattered off the navigational deflector, or spread across it in cooling pancakes of liquefied ore going solid again. Expertly, she goosed the thrusters and bucked forward by a couple of metres, then back; the little ejecta pancakes, outside the reach of her inertial dampeners, floated free of her deflector and into the tractor-streams that drew broken, half-melted asteroid into her modified Shen-Ru cargo hold. The hold got to work, howling.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
He sat across the table as the cards shifted once more and he was left holding the queen of air and sky hand. Across the table the reptilian scoundrel and frowned.

"Cut your losses and fold now." he said simply.

"You aren't that lucky, Mandalorian." the businessman said, if a lizard can be called a man.

"And you aren't stupid enough to think a dumb old Mando can bluff." Kyr replied his voice like gravel.

"I raise you every thing," the lizard said, "all. In."

"Fine I see you you fifty thousand and raise you my last thirty thousand." Kyr said.

"Fine!" the business-lizard said. "I'll add thirty thousand credits worth of old Sith Empire armor and weapons. I call."

"Lay them down gentlemen." the dealer droid said at that.

Kyr watched the Tiss'sharl lay out his cards and nodded at the good hand and sighed.

"That is hard to beat." he said as the creature licked it's scale covered lips and smiled, "but..." Kyr laid out the queen of air and sky hand. "You can't beat that."

"YOU CHEATED!" the Tiss'sharl bellowed.

"Are you questioning my honor aruetise?"

"WHAT HONOR?!" the being replied, "I demand he be searched for a skifter!"
LOCATION: Tiss'Sharl, Ka-Dur-Lor's Compound
MUSIC: Conquest of Spaces

Gaius approached Catherine, "It ain't that bad, dala." He could read it from just her stance alone that she wasn't what one would call excited about guard duty. He held a lowered scattergun, safety on and index finger off the trigger, resting along the barrel of the weapon. He was a walking titan, albeit he wasn't tall. His beskar'gam was thick, but there were also many openings to allow him flexibility with his joints. Advantageous and dangerous, anyone could pull off a shot in any number of the holes. Nexu fur gently draped over his shoulders and around his neck, while terentetak hide was strapped around his throat as a gorget and the one horn and a quarter on his helmet were terentetak tusks. "We could be doing nothing at all. At least this job has some ijaat in it." He took up a stance beside her, "Tion gar gai?"

{ [member="Catherine Romanov"] }

Catherine Romanov

And just like that, he was there. A figure clad in one of the largest beskar'gams she had seen stood next to her. He was hulk-big. And that was big. He had all this fur and horns draped around his shoulders and helmet, and it gave off an imposing stature. She looked up at him muttering "Thank god for the some ijaat then." before letting out a giggle. He then proceeded to ask who she was. She replied "Ner gai Catherine Romanov." I don't belong to any clan as of yet, but I hope to remedy that in the future. "And you?"

[member="Lord Gaius"]
Gaius turned briefly to regard Catherine as she answered. A smile curled his lips from within his helmet at her jest of their meagre honour that came with their duty. He in turn answered, "Ner gai Gaius Vel, beskar-goran." He relaxed in posture, his CZ-840 combat shotgun lowered then swung back, forwards and up so that it would come to rest upon his shoulder. Indomitable appearing, perhaps, but he was not so in personality. He just didn't want to die, and better yet, people tended to be more fearful of shooting a Mandalorian wearing Terentatek tusks for horns, and Nexu hide as a scarf. While decor, it was in a way a layer of psychological armour to deter people from deciding to take a potshot or two at him. "Though I have no true aliit, I feel jatne manda with my position." He motioned with an off-hand to her beskar'gam, having given a keen interest in its design, it was his profession after-all, "You did well, if you're ever looking to modulate 'er, stop by Concord Dawn. Some old bloke is trading off with a case of Phrik, it'll cost yer, but it's good quality stuff." Gaius drifted half his attention back to his duty, and said, "So, how do you make a oya'la?"

{ [member="Catherine Romanov"] }

Catherine Romanov

Catherine glanced back at Gaius. He had no true alit as well, that was something they had in common. It was always great finding things you had in common, especially among the Mando'ade. He then casually complimented her on her design of her beskar'gam. She responded kindly "Sure, I'll visit Concord Dawn, sometime, if I, er, need any modifications done. Your armour is very nicly made as well, I love the fur, it's a nice touch." She folded and unfolded her arms before continuing, "I have mostly been going on bounty hunts for random people I have found on the bulletin boards, doing piloting missions and the like. it's no stable income, but it's what good at the moment. Maybe better things will come in the future, who knows?" Catherine drifted her attention back to the lizard she was supposed to be guarding, but it was apparently still too occupied arguing and raging at his underlings and other fellow Mandalorians to care about doing anything else.

[member="Lord Gaius"]
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