Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Be as descriptive and detailed as desired. Any information that does not fit a category can be added at the end.

Name: Maleficara

Region: Tingel Arm
System: Shadow Realm
Suns: One Sun, unnamed
Orbital Position: With it's sister planet Eclipstica, it orbits on the exact same line.
Moons: Kraticks, it's too far away to effect much of the planet's ocean.
System Features: Orbits on the same path as Eclipstica but on the opposite side. An asteroid belt made of Neuranium surrounds it, the asteroid belt is extremely large to which makes it nearly impossible for ships larger than frigates to land on it, or even orbit it. The large amount of Neuranium also hides the planet from scans of almost all kinds.
Coordinates: Polar opposite of Eclipstica's.
Rotational Period: 24 hours
Orbital Period: 450 days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: Diameter is around 14,322 km
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: The climate is misty everywhere. It appears that the planet holds huge amounts of humidity that causes it to be grey, and cloudy all day, with light misty rains. When it becomes Winter, and Fall it snows.
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: There are three continents all separated by the vast oceans, which also lead into lakes, rivers that reside in the continents. The continents are as named:
Vel'kran - Full of lushes green grasslands in the northern hemisphere with swamps and wet lands in the southern. There are NO man made structures here. It also is the largest of the continents, and can be found on the east side of the north pole.
Garja - Mountainous, and with higher elevation then the rest of the continents, it possesses many valleys, and hills along with five large mountains known as The Demon Fingers. (it is rumored evil things live in the mountains, though no one has ever ventured into them, and returned.)
The City of Ferres - A continent that is one large city, similar in aspects of the Coruscant, and Axxila, this is the ONLY man made structures that can be found on the planet from the days long gone of the Infinite Empire's want of galactic domination.

Native Species: Unknown Animals (Im not sure what kind of animals I will have on the planet yet, but there will be animals) the Cannibals (various common species of the Infinite Empire slaves) nearly two million.
Immigrated Species: N/A
Primary Languages: The planet's once Infinite Empire spoke Rakatan, and Basic, there are many OLD databases that have the language written in those databases. The Cannibals there speak are feral beings that have made various clans, and speak in grunts, and growls.
Government: Once was part of the Infinite Empire
Population: Unknown number of animals.
Demonym: Maleficarans,
Major Imports: Imports are not needed as the planet is very self sustainable.
Major Exports: Neuranium, Durasteel, various vegetables and meats, Duranium as well.

  • Material: Neuranium
  • Amount: Large
  • Intent and Reasoning: It will be freely mined by those wishing to gather some, the intent, in a clear sense, was to give a place where many could mine at, and not worry about someone trying to stop them. The reasoning would be that, even though the metal offers some stealth effects to whatever it is applied to, it's more so up to them whether or not the submission used for this mined material gets approved. Even then, with this stealth, it's not really ALL that stealthy compared to some of the other stuff, and from what I understand, Wookieepedia never really gave a place where it could be found, well now we will have a place here on Chaos.

Affiliation: The Shadow Dynasty

Major Locations:
The Demon Fingers - Five large mountains (little smaller than Mt. Everest) come up to what looks like fingers coming from the ground. Throughout all Seasons, there is always snow near their peaks, and hold various predator animals.
The City of Ferris - a city that an be found on the third continent, it expands the entire land, and is deserted of all civil life, now only cannibal clans reside here.
The Distortion Ring - This is the asteroid ring around the planet. Its quite massive, and causes scanners of almost all kinds to go haywire.

What was once much like the idea that Eclipstica was going with, it turned out that the Infinite Empire had many problems landing on it, and once they did, even after the large city was built even more misfortune fell upon them as the slaves revolted, and became greatly hostile.

When the slaves beat the Infinite Empire back out of orbit, many ships crashed from the Distortion Ring, and came back down into the oceans. The slaves then would try to make their own civilization only for them to fight among each other with the various ideas imprinted into their minds from slavery.

They became feral, and cannibalistic, creating clans that separated them, and would then destroy the history of the planet, and leave it in chaos, and bloodshed.

The Brothers of Blood worship the stars, sacrificing, and inbreeding hoping to be blessed by the stars. They are secretive, and the second most orderly of the three clans. Not much else is known about them.
The Ca'fin Cult leads followers to believe that they are gods, and thus must be worshiped. They plan to make the other clans bow down to them. They are highly ordered compared to the other two, and seem more civil too. There is almost no inbreeding found within the cult,

The Free Horde is a merciless group, they hunt, kill, and do whatever else they please. They seem to have no real plans to act upon other than bringing about chaos. They fear the other clans will take away freedom from them, and thus fight them to live accordingly. Inbreeding is a very major thing within the horde, and they are unorganized, almost literally semi-sentient, and fight among themselves.

Technology: The tech level is various. Some of it is nearly ancient Old Republic weapons that either dont work, and are used as blunt weapons, to swords that have lost their edge ages ago.

More common tech can be found due to the Netherworld happenings sending people of today to the planet, and being mauled to death, and their equipment being saved.

Older weapons from the New Republic era can also be found here from ships that crashed landed, and were scavenged, along with vehicles that just barely run, if not putt along.

History: From the time the Infinite Empire tried to land, to actually landing, the history of the planet was destine to fall apart. There was nothing special about the slaves brought to the planet, and nor was there any Force Hounds left to help build civilization.

With only real importance being the Ca'fin Cult being the largest clan, roughly around fifty thousand members, all which can be found within the City, the Brothers of Blood, about thirty thousand members, found within the Demon fingers, and the Free Horde which can be found in the grass lands with around ten thousand members are the largest groups found on the planet each fighting to try and take over their own territory, with smaller clans looking to gain more members to strengthen their cause.

The history is littered with small wars against each of the clans. The Ca'fin Cult wanted to erect a cult that worshiped the stars, while the Brothers of Blood wanted to worship the ideology that blood was what bred the strongest generation, and the Free Horde wanted chaos to rule the planet, and it's inhabitants.

The clans started with the strongest, or brightest of the slaves leading the others, moving their groups to ideal locations, and with their skills built from being slaves, began to build their own villages, and towns. After living environments were established, is when the first Great War started.

The Great War, the Brothers, and Horde attempting to control the Demon Fingers, lasted for what seemed like forever, and to this day, the Cult still believes it continues as the two groups still fight on large scale bases. With the Brothers being the clear winners, suggested through the Brothers being the first to claim the fingers for themselves.

The Horde was the reason for the downfall of the civilization, destroying all the Rakata tech that could be found, leaving only their architecture behind. The Horde is also the reason for hostility towards outsiders with such aggressive behavior as the leader of the Horde pounded the thought that every one was out to turn them back into slaves before the clans became reality.

After the Great War seemed finished for the most part, the Cult came for the Horde's leader, killing him, and beginning a new war, the Headless War.

This war was fought with the Cult beheaded the enemy, sacrificing them to the stars in hopes that they would be blessed. Coincidence would have it, the Gulag Virus passed right by as the planet, along with the system, was too far away.

The clans would then settle down, breeding, and such that would cause various common mutations found in inbreeding, and lack of nutrients, and the consumption of each others' flesh.

Later, the Horde, would begin an onslaught of join, or die with the much smaller clans that really had no name. This period was called The Hounding. The Hounding made the Horde larger, and thus stronger, capable of rebelling against any attack from the other clans.

Years would pass with a certain kind of peace, known as The Silence. With the Silence, came the Netherworld, and new outsiders with new tech. The Silence was broken with this, and thus started The Disturbed.

Many new tech was taken, along with much more strength given to each clan.

At the moment, a new war as been bread due to the new weapons taken, The War of the Three. A massive war of all three as recently broken out, with the Brothers unaffected, and the Horde bashing heads with the Cult more than anything.

Notable PCs: N/A
Intent: The purpose of this planet was to create more lore for the Shadow Dynasty, and put more bodies into the Shadow Realm system. The planet serves also as something a little different as well with its asteroid ring that surround it.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Alright, before we go any further, you have your asteroid ring listed as being made of Neuranium, which is a restricted material. In order to move forward with the application, you will have to fill out the portion of the application relevant to restricted materials, under the Major Exports section.

  • Material: (which restricted material is on the planet/moon?) Mandalorian Iron/Beskar is no longer available for use on Codex planets.
  • Amount: (the amount will determine whether a dev thread is required. Think carefully and do not abuse what you pick.)
    Small- Allows for unique items and cannot be mined for semi unique or above.
  • Medium- Requires a dev thread of 25 posts to have and may be used for semi unique or below
  • Large- Requires a dev thread of 50 posts or more (at judges discretion) and is for minor or below

[*]Intent and Reasoning: (This is the most important and can get the material taken away if not completed. Why would you like to have this material?)>
[member="Romeo Sin"]


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Okay, now that we've got that in there, time to give this thing a run through.

Romeo Sin said:
Be as descriptive and detailed as desired. Any information that does not fit a category can be added at the end.
This line is unnecessary. Please remove.

Romeo Sin said:
System Features: Orbits on the same path as Eclipstica but on the opposite side. An asteroid belt made of Neuranium surrounds it, the asteroid belt is extremely large to which makes it nearly impossible for ships larger than frigates to land on it, or even orbit it. The large amount of Neuranium also hides the planet from scans of almost all kinds.
Neuranium deposits on this scale will not be allowed. More on that later.

Romeo Sin said:
Diameter: Diameter is 5x the size of Earth's.
Romeo Sin said:
If the diameter is 5 times that of earth (63,710 km), gravity would not be standard. Since it's unlikely that a planet in a system with large concentrations of neuranium would somehow be one fifth the mass of earth, it would not be survivable. At that point, the atmosphere would be dense enough that even oxygen would be toxic. If you wish to have standard gravity, please reduce the diameter to 12,000 or so kilometers. Doesn't have to be exactly that, just in that general neighborhood. And please be specific.

Romeo Sin said:
Native Species: Unknown Animals (Im not sure what kind of animals I will have on the planet yet, but there will be animals) the Cannibals (various common species of the Infinite Empire slaves) nearly two million.
Romeo Sin said:
Immigrated Species: N/A
This refers more towards sentient species. Did intelligent like evolve there on its own? Which species immigrated over time? That's what these headings should address.

Romeo Sin said:
Government: Once was part of the Infinite Empire
I don't know of anything that says this isn't okay, but please keep in mind that technology from the Rakatan is strictly banned. We'd recommend against trying to RP there being any Rakatan goodies hidden within the ruins.

Romeo Sin said:
Population: Unknown number of animals.
Please list an exact number. You mentioned the native Maleficarans. How many are there? How many newcomers have arrived in recent years to exploit the mineral wealth?

Romeo Sin said:
Major Exports: Neuranium, Durasteel, various vegetables and meats, Duranium as well. Material: Neuranium Amount: Very Large Intent and Reasoning: It will be freely mined by those wishing to gather some, the intent, in a clear sense, was to give a place where many could mine at, and not worry about someone trying to stop them. The reasoning would be that, even though the metal offers some stealth effects to whatever it is applied to, it's more so up to them whether or not the submission used for this mined material gets approved. Even then, with this stealth, it's not really ALL that stealthy compared to some of the other stuff, and from what I understand, Wookieepedia never really gave a place where it could be found, well now we will have a place here on Chaos.
This is going to be a hard sell. For starters, a Very Large deposit will not be authorized. That, unfortunately, is not something that would be passed with any amount of development. While large deposits are authorized, extremely comprehensive development is required. Furthermore, Neuranium is not currently a resource that may be mined. This likely has something to do with the vagueness of the wookieepedia page. I don't see anything to suggest that it couldn't be mined, but it's going to be a hard sell to the staff. You'll need a development thread of at least 75 posts to go along with this, preferably with a few other people involved.

The goal here is to establish how, exactly, these deposits are mined. What equipment is used? How is it stored? How is it refined? You're essentially adapting an industry to deal with a super dense material that is extremely resistant to energy. We're looking for quality, in depth posts. I'm not saying that you have to write a masterwork, but in a thousand years when the technomancers roam the shattered sands that used to be our world, scouring the wastes for works of exceptional beauty to power the remnants of their decrepit civilization, the guy who stumbles across your dev thread should be able to retire off the profits.

Even after all that, there's no guarantee that the administrators will approve your request. If I were in your shoes, I'd think carefully about whether or not this is path I want to pursue.

Romeo Sin said:
Force Nexus: N/A Size: N/A Intent: N/A
If you don't have a Force Nexus, this section is not required. Please remove.

Romeo Sin said:
Culture: What was once much like the idea that Eclipstica was going with, it turned out that the Infinite Empire had many problems landing on it, and once they did, even after the large city was built even more misfortune fell upon them as the slaves revolted, and became greatly hostile. When the slaves beat the Infinite Empire back out of orbit, many ships crashed from the Distortion Ring, and came back down into the oceans. The slaves then would try to make their own civilization only for them to fight among each other with the various ideas imprinted into their minds from slavery. They became feral, and cannibalistic, creating clans that separated them, and would then destroy the history of the planet, and leave it in chaos, and bloodshed.
Romeo Sin said:
Technology: The tech level is Old Republic era, ancient vibroswords, and blasters, along with speeders, and other ground vehicles
Romeo Sin said:
History: From the time the Infinite Empire tried to land, to actually landing, the history of the planet was destine to fall apart. There was nothing special about the slaves brought to the planet, and nor was there any Force Hounds left to help build civilization. With only real importance being the Ca'fin Cult being the largest clan, roughly around fifty thousand members, all which can be found within the City, the Brothers of Blood, about thirty thousand members, found within the Demon fingers, and the Free Horde which can be found in the grass lands with around ten thousand members are the largest groups found on the planet each fighting to try and take over their own territory, with smaller clans looking to gain more members to strengthen their cause. The history is littered with small wars against each of the clans. The Ca'fin Cult wanted to erect a cult that worshiped the stars, while the Brothers of Blood wanted to worship the ideology that blood was what bred the strongest generation, and the Free Horde wanted chaos to rule the planet, and it's inhabitants.

Please insert breaks in between each paragraph, as it is extremely difficult to follow in its current form.

Romeo Sin said:
Technology: The tech level is Old Republic era, ancient vibroswords, and blasters, along with speeders, and other ground vehicles
It seems unlikely that a planet full of cannibals would have maintained the tech base required to keep complex machinery running. By this point they're basically feral savages. It's barely possible they'd keep old swords functional, but speeders, blasters, and groundcars seem extremely unlikely. Please change this section to more accurately reflect that.

Romeo Sin said:
History: From the time the Infinite Empire tried to land, to actually landing, the history of the planet was destine to fall apart. There was nothing special about the slaves brought to the planet, and nor was there any Force Hounds left to help build civilization. With only real importance being the Ca'fin Cult being the largest clan, roughly around fifty thousand members, all which can be found within the City, the Brothers of Blood, about thirty thousand members, found within the Demon fingers, and the Free Horde which can be found in the grass lands with around ten thousand members are the largest groups found on the planet each fighting to try and take over their own territory, with smaller clans looking to gain more members to strengthen their cause. The history is littered with small wars against each of the clans. The Ca'fin Cult wanted to erect a cult that worshiped the stars, while the Brothers of Blood wanted to worship the ideology that blood was what bred the strongest generation, and the Free Horde wanted chaos to rule the planet, and it's inhabitants.
The events of the Netherworld and Gulag Plague must be mentioned in this section. While it's possible that the Gulag Plague passed them by, the Netherworld events most likely did not. Also, a little more detail on how exactly the civilization fell would be welcome. The history might be lost to the inhabitants, but from the looks of it, you're creating a world intended for many folks to write on. It might be a good idea to establish a better baseline for the history so they can stay consistent.

Anyway, that's all I have for the moment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know. This is a lot to take in, but I'm fairly certain we can get this thing approved. It'll just take a little work, is all.

[member="Romeo Sin"]

Would you think it wise to mention a canon mining space station near that period that's broken down that orbits within the inside of the Nuerianum field? (I'm on my phone so some spelling maybe off)

I made the edits, please let me know what more needs changing or that I missed.

I added:

A brief description of the three major clans to the culture

More on the history including the two Site Events.

Added a more detail Tech Level with some reasoning why it is that way.

Change the size of the planet to 14, 322 km

I understand why you feel that a large amount of the metal would be iffy, and a probably not the best idea...I want to try it out anyways. If the admins dont accept it, then I will downsize to Medium.

I would really like, though, to keep the asteroid field mostly just neuranium though of course with the various vanes of the other mentioned metals. The point of the planet is the "Distortion RIng" that kinda hides it. I feel its really different to some of the other planets Canon, and Chaos Canon.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Romeo Sin said:
I would really like, though, to keep the asteroid field mostly just neuranium though of course with the various vanes of the other mentioned metals. The point of the planet is the "Distortion RIng" that kinda hides it. I feel its really different to some of the other planets Canon, and Chaos Canon.

You'll still need the development thread for that.

[member="Romeo Sin"]


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Yes. Can't stress the quality part enough. You're not just selling this idea to me, you're selling it to the admin. And even if everything is perfect, there's no guarantee they'll buy it.

If this is going to take more than a few days, we'll go ahead and archive this until you're ready. You can send me a PM when you're done and we'll haul it out. Sound good?

[member="Romeo Sin"]
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