Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major faction sponsor for a long-term, moderate-pace project

I've got a concept for a long-term thread, people can drop in and out, I'll give Weekend Treasure Hunt-style objectives at different points, it'll be open, anything can happen. The one thing it absolutely needs is a major faction sponsor.

Basically, if you think your faction's active enough for something like this -- and about half our major factions probably fit the bill -- let me know and I'll customize this whole thing for you. My activity's always pretty erratic, so this is designed to get the most punch possible out of times when I'm available.

I can also promise massive payoffs to anyone who spends some quality time on this.
[member="Darth Carach"] - Then I'll consider the One Sith a candidate. I think [member="Sibar Laval"] has also expressed interest for the First Order. If [member="Aram Kalast"] confirms that, we'll see what happens. What I'd like to do, ideally, is get at least part of it competitive in a Weekend Treasure Hunt sense, and I'm fairly sure I can promise some solid rewards to even the losers.
There'll be more than enough room for GA, TOS, and FO to be heavily involved. There'll be rewards for commitment, but participation awards ain't a thing, and only one faction will walk away with the big prize.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Plot Twist: It was all for Silk Holdings and the faction were merely muppets and toys!


Neutral Space! A trade hub where all faction convene super bitterly with each other and the likes!
[member="Kaili Talith"] - Flagships have to be owned by Major Factions, or I'd do it.
[member="Corey's OOC"] [member="Niall OOC"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Paimon"] [member="Sibar Laval"]

Here we go.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
You have the First Order's complete interest and we would happily give it as much attention as we can.
From the beginning we've expressed that the First Order will hopefully be our 'go to' nemesis outside of the Sith.

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