Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Recall

As you know, the TU was demoted to a Minor faction - due to inactivity. Thanks to the new(and old) rules, rebellions and raids are happening all the time, largely destroying the faction. The very reason we were recalled was inactivity, and thanks to this, we could hardly put up any defence against the attacks. All this has meant that the faction can hardly survive, even as a minor faction.

What I'm trying to say is that the backlash from a recall can kill a faction quickly (though the TU ain't dead), especially as it was probably doing badly anyway, as that is why it would be recalled.

"Invasions against recalled Major Factions do not require negotiations to account for fairness and balance prior to the start of the Invasion." - This rule is not a nice rule.

Werah Ungjoib Asdertu Unon.
[member="Werah Unon"]
If a faction has been recalled (and not by any other means) that faction is quite obviously dead as a major power. The fair assumption is that it didn't have enough members to continue being active, so why should it be protected from others muscling in?

It's the Fall of Rome moment where newcomers carve out new fiefs from the collapsing empire. I'm not sure what to say, but it seems to be working as intended so far.
[member="Werah Unon"]

Think about it this way.

Under the previous ruleset, a recalled major faction would immediately lose all of its territory. Now, other people have to put it more effort to take it from you and put up with real resistance. And us people get lazy when we actually have to work for stuff. Much better, yes?
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Tefka"]

You know, I've discovered as a Minor Faction we're pretty OP. We can raid and support Invasions and Rebellions, but the only way we can be attacked otherwise is via Skirmishes, and I don't recall them really affecting anything except IC choices... And you aren't even required to participate in Skirmishes.

Along with no rules in Skirmishes, I don't think I'd ever engage defensively in one. Justice Shipping was just supposedly assaulted by several FLAGSHIPS, for whatever reason. And that is why I'll barely ever bat an eye at them especially without the requirement to join.

With the addition of Rebellions, you've not only made Minors immune to Majors, but gave them the option to absolutely #REKT Majors. Rebellions having no rules on who can join? Let's just bring our max fleet length, all of us. And if we have T2+ company's, whew, god help a Major.

The Rebels had entirely smaller fleets than the Empire. And the Empire had to keep some resources back to defend other areas. Which let the Rebels basically take 90% of their fleet to assault a generic Imperial Assault fleet. Which could be overwhelming, or severely damaging. Because guerrilla tactics.

ICly no one ever tries to be realistic, and they send everything anyway. Which is fine. Because there's about 500 to 10 ratio with Minors and Majors. Going Major is a death sentence. Playing in the Minor Leagues I don't have to worry about territory, defending or taking. Like the Rebels, I can just leave and pop up anywhere I want to and #REKT poodoo along with a dozen other Minor Factions.

If I'm wrong on any of my thoughts, do tell me
The other side of this story is that you don't have to fight back in the rebellions. No one is forcing the recalled major faction to continue to defend its territory. This at least gives you a chance at maintaining it whereas the previous recall rules did not. Either way you'd lose your spot on the map (if you can't drum up the players and activity to defend a dead faction), this way is at least opening opportunities for newer, smaller groups to get their chance at the game. Nothing stopping you from joining those newer, smaller groups or even creating one of your own to rebel against the recalled Major in order to "reboot" it in essence.

It's all organic and it's all about how you strategize. That's part of playing the map game.
Werah Unon said:
I know, but it kills it any possibility for it to survive as a minor faction. I don't know, I've just had enough. I'm going to take a LOA, for a while. Cya.
This, us completely untrue. If people care about the faction then a recall should inspire am increase In devotion. Sorry man but that's how it is.
Staff members, please let the members voice their complaints without rebuttal.

We're listening, guys. Go ham. Public discourse helps improve things. If you want to improve things, if you think they need improving, then discourse.
[member="Werah Unon"], even though I'm part of the coalition that's rebelling against the TU I feel your pain. I was in the TU since the days it was the CIS and it had an interesting evolution, with many close-calls where it almost fell.

I do agree that that rule could do with better wording. As is, it seems to be... twisting the knife.

Could've just stopped at, "Invasions against recalled major factions do not require negotiations."

Although I'm not sure why anyone would choose to launch an invasion rather than just making a rebellion. More territory gained + subsidization of ahem 'freedom fighters.'
I'm not really complaing about the new rules, just giving my feedback on being recalled with them in place. (It ain't much fun) As well I think like 7hours is a long enough LOA too make my point, so I'm coming back.
I'm not giving up on the TU, but it's still kinda depressing to see people bombing all the stuff you built. (Though I know this happens a lot anyway)

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