Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Major Faction Invasion of Minor Faction

After some discussion, it became an idea for an activity that both Major and Minor Factions to participate in. While it is understood that Minor Factions do not own the hex they reside in as their base of operations, as a narrative, it would make sense, and be a lot of fun if: Major Factions wishing to Dominion a Hex that a Minor Faction uses as a set up for their faction, or a simple main resident, that the option of Invasion of the Hex be considered to give the Minor Faction a chance to both Defend and keep said Hex Neutral. I understand that this is sort of the purpose of Rebellions, but narratively speaking an Invasion would make more sense. Throughout Star Wars Canon & Legends it's been a thing of a Major power invading a Minor power, and sometimes that Minor power can prove to be the victor. This could give Minors more incentive to go Major as well, but with the stipulation being they only start out with the Hex they just Defended if they win. Narratively speaking, if the Invasion is lost by the Minor Faction, they can come back with a Rebellion afterwards, and once more receive a chance to go Major.

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