Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Application - Black Sun

NAME: Black Sun

Malicar – Faction Owner
Rako Eclipse – Faction Admin
Gad Calgaran – Faction Admin
Myra – Faction Admin

This iteration of Black Sun is comprised of many criminal organizations that are running their operations under one umbrella, Black Sun.

Wardens of Black Sun – the Wardens of Black Sun are comprised of the Underlords and the Underlord Eshro. This council of Underlords set the strategic direction and make major decisions for Black Sun as a whole.
Underlord Eshro – This position is filled by the Underlord that coordinates all Black Sun activity as directed by the Wardens of Black Sun. The Underlord Eshro also ensures that communications and directives from the Wardens of Black Sun are carried out.
Underlord – This position is filled by crimelords that run their own organizations within Black Sun. They have their own private “armies” in service to themselves and Black Sun. They are crimelords with many working for them across the galaxy.
Vigo - Vigos are crimelords in their own right, who also have many in the galaxy working for them. They are more apt to get their hands dirty. While Underlords are technically "over" them, the smart Underlords know better than to push their luck with powerful Vigos...
Enforcer - Enforcers are the ones who ensure that the will of Underlords and Vigos is carried out. They often have small groups of people working for them and have their own networks of people. These the most prestigious "soldiers" of Black Sun. All PCs are at least considered an Enforcer.
Soldier – this rank is filled by the NPC members of Black Sun that are the “rank and file” of the organization. No PCs are at this rank.

MANDATE: Galactic Nomads

Nal Hutta/Nar Shaddaa – Capital

@Malicar | [member="Rako Eclipse"] | [member="Gad Calgaran"] | [member="Aurelius Baldor"] | @Aspen Drey | [member="Fimrati"] | [member="Ivory Stroud"] | [member="Myra"] | [member="Prince Wren"] | [member="PW-3PX"] | [member="Rajo Sobek"] | [member="Rohak Vizsla"] | [member="Tswek"] | @Xiann Sevron | [member="The Smoking Man"] | [member="Skorvek"] | [member="Dako Sein"] | [member="Eriate"] | [member="Bruticus"] | [member="Arcteria Fenris"] | [member="Ardasz Verd"] | @Bal’Falan Hasati | [member="Samael"] | [member="Judas Foster"] | [member="Kat'ra Smart"]

Black Sun is a confederation of some of the largest criminal organizations in the galaxy. Tired of being stomped out by large empires, the underworld entities have decided to align the cartels together into a criminal presence the galaxy has never seen. Under the premise of having a mobile, yet centralized criminal organization, Black Sun will work to spread its criminal tendrils across the galaxy.

This organization is comprised of illicit companionship, slaving rings, information brokers, spice dealers, pirates, thieves, slicers, assassins, hitmen, bodyguards, crimelords, etc.

These criminal organizations have banded together out of necessity, centralizing their criminal endeavors for support, muscle and “know how”. Most of the prominent criminal organizations have been wiped out or faded away. In many ways, these criminal enterprises banded together for survival and they decided that the best way to survive was to be mobile, ready to pick up and move at a moment’s notice.

When this faction started, the numbers grew rather rapidly. We came to find out that there is a good amount of interest in a criminal-based organization. There was also the desire from our membership to become a Major Faction as a criminal organization. Most of the other Major Factions that were criminal organizations have either faded away or gotten wiped out by the larger factions. When the Mandates were revealed, we believed that we could maintain an agile, fun criminal organization under the Black Sun banner, using the different Mandates to help this criminal organization survive the onslaught that will inevitably come our way.

Our role in SW: CHAOS is to provide an influential criminal organization that can serve as an adversary to the good–aligned factions, a neutral criminal faction to provide illegal goods and services to characters/organizations/factions across the galaxy, and an organization that can be a bit of an enigma to the evil-aligned organizations, “friend” or “foe”. Perhaps the biggest role Black Sun serves to be a home for crime-based characters.

Wardens of the Black Sun (Faction)
Very Hostile Takeover (Faction)
To Gain a Barrel of Twi'leks (Faction)
We Need Guns (Faction)
Slug Busters (Faction)

Ascending Isolation
Guess Who is Coming to Dinner
Of Honor and Practicality
Quality Time

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

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