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Magus Khaisû

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  • Intent: To make a Kissai advisor for the Emperor
  • Image Credit: Click - BellaBergolts@DeviantArt
  • Role: Magus of the Kissai Magicians
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 139
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Pureblood Sith - Kissai Caste
  • Appearance: The Sith blood had always been strong in the lineage of Khaisû. Centuries of exclusive breeding between Purebloods has resulted in a higher concentration of Pureblood genetics being found in his DNA, more so than the inherited genes of the Exiles who had copulated with his distant ancestors eons ago. His skin is a vibrant deep maroon, only several hues away from burgundy, and his eyes are an immaculate sparkling scarlet that shine even in low light. In lieu of facial hair, Khaisû possesses a thick mane of appendages and spurs all along his jaw and chin. Actual hair cascades down from his scalp in long thick locks the color of midnight, which is always kept long past his shoulders and brushed back over his ears and out of his face. When engaging in any intensive activity, Khaisû binds it back in elaborate braids and knots.

    Khaisû's garments typically consist of black and blue-hued fabrics, ones that complimentary contrast with his dark red skin. Occasionally his outfits may incorporate distinct purples, usually lilac or indigo, and vibrant yellows. In regards to body jewelry,
    Khaisû favors the traditional golden metal piercings made out of aurodium that are common to the Pureblood Sith of Athiss, but he has occasionally incorporated brilliant gemstones ranging from jades, lapis lazuli, moonstones, and topaz.
  • Name: Magus Khaisû
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: High
    Khaisû hails from a long lineage of Kissai priests, the Hoztsidae (Hoztsids), dating back to the reign of Marka Ragnos and controls the total sum of his ancestor's accumulated fortunes.

[*]Notable Possessions:
  • Sith Lightsaber
    ​Curved Design
  • Silooth Mandible Hilt
  • Amethyst Kyber Crystal

[*]​Sith Amulets

[*]​Sith Chalices
[*]Sith Scrolls
[*]Sith Spellbooks
[*]Spirit Urns


[*]​Master of the Dark Side of the Force




[*]Dark Side

[*]​​Exceptionally knowledgeable in Sith Alchemy and Sith Magic

  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Dark Side of the Force
  • Sithspawn Minions

[*]Combat Function: Though tutored in the fighting styles of the Jedi and the Sith, Khaisû abhors getting his own hands dirty. As a member of the elite and privileged priestly caste of Athiss, he was never expected nor wanted to engage in the beastial arts of the lesser Massassi. Such frivolities were left to those possessing a martial disposition, while the higher calling of science and theology were his destined domain. So, when faced with battle, Khaisû would prefer to let his grunt underlings take care of the problem while he retreats to safety. If pressed into action, Khaisû is more than well-versed in the destructive power of the Dark Side which he can use to zap his enemies with lightning, addle their minds with terror, and throttle the breath from their throats.
  • Arcanist: An accomplished Kissai magician, Khaisû has been instructed in the dark and ancient arts of the Pureblood Sith; including a mastery of the Dark Side of the Force, Sith Alchemy, and Sith Magic. He possesses the cumulative sum of the knowledge passed down by generations and generations of Kissai priests that had lived and died before him, and can use this power at any given moment on a whim.
  • Proud Lineage: Khaisû can proudly trace his entire lineage back to the half-mythical reign of Marka Ragnos, which has afforded his family, known as the Hoztsidae or Hoztsids, an exceptionally privileged position among the society of Athiss. Though less relevant in the modern meritocratic Sith Empire, such ancient heritage is nothing to sniff at; and at any given chance Khaisû would be more than generous to enlighten you on his family's magnificent history.
  • Physically Weak: Over a century of bookish study, neglection of physical exercise beyond what was experienced daily, and a fast metabolism has rendered Khaisû physically weak compared to his contemporaries.
  • Craven:
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