Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mad Sounds

9:21PM Archive Construction Site
Annaj, the Fringe Confederation

Think it has been about a year now that I found myself under Dissero’s tutelage. However Ovmar has treated me in the past he more than made up for it by finding me a replacement for Rave, Di… is a special man and I don’t mean that in the particular snowflake special. He is interesting, teaches me a lot of good and yet misses that certain intensity that Merrill had always carried around like a second skin. Can’t really point out the reason for it, ain’t all that good with people yet, but I can say one thing and that is that I like it as it is right now.

Been making some progress in the alchemy-world, but Di ain’t all that alike to Rave in terms of teaching either, more laid-back there too. Less interested with perfection and achieving results, more… patient when I kark up and trust me… I kark up a lot. Anyway, I miss Rave, but this is a good place for me; sometimes I wonder why Ovmar bothered with it- he had never liked me before and suddenly outta the blue he does this. Almost as if he felt guilty, felt responsible, I don’t know. Probably just blabbering here.

Oh look, there is the man of the hour - @Lord DIssero - himself

Logging out.


Cerita looked up from her datapad as her master wandered out of one of the adjacent buildings that had already risen up on the site. Construction, it some ways this was as much training as anything else they had done in the past, at least that was what she liked to think when waiting and trying not to be very bored. They were finally busy with establishing the archives, the ones Ovmar and Dissero had agreed on creating all those months ago in Ovmar’s little sanctuary.

But somewhere around the line- with Darzu Technobeasts, Reavers and the Apocalypse springing up… things had become a bit more complicated.

Ya gotta make some kind of priority calls at that point and putting up some libraries hadn’t been part of that call.

My Lord, are we satisfied with the proceedings?’ Translation read: ‘They done karked up, or have they actually been doing a good job.’

It was accompanied by a shallow bow, in private they might have some fun and jokes, but in public she would make sure not to embarrass him. That was one of the things Cerita had learned early on interacting with the various entities in the Fringe Confederation, there were undercurrents here, power struggles that began and ended with a pleasant smile and a reputation could be made or broken by one misstep.

A viper's nest if anything, but Sarova actually liked it to a degree.

Kept a girl sharp.
Dissero had yet to get caught in that particular undercurrent. Whether it was due to his laid back personality, his ability to get a job done, or the fact that he personally kept a hoard of knowledge and priceless artifacts - well, he couldn't really be sure. Truth be told, he was of the opinion that everyone else had a pretty decent opinion of him.

Except for Ardik. Dissero was pretty sure the man hated him with the fiery burning acidity of a ravenous sarlaac.

He was strangely OK with this.

I deserve that much.

A heavy sigh met his Apprentice in return as he turned to gaze upon the skeletal structure before them. They were so far behind schedule it'd become something of a joke in his mind, but who could really blame them? More than half the team had fallen to the reaping, and half more hadn't returned from the Netherworld. No one could blame him for it, and there hadn't even been a deadline set by anyone but himself. The real issue? Dissero hated interruptions. He liked to see his projects through from start to finish, and now with having to replace his build team, he wanted to tear everything down and start from scratch.

But this was Fringe money he was spending, not his own, and he wasn't about to waste what had already been spent.

"Oh..." he said, one hand on his hip, the other itching at his jawline, "fudge."

[member="Cerita Sarova"]
It seemed that they weren't actually doing all that well, though Zorro had the right of it. Few if anyone could really blame them for the setbacks received, it ain't like they wanted for shet to break down all around them and all manner of people disappear into the wind. No, if it had been up to them they would have finished the project ages ago- well, maybe not ages ago, but they certainly would have come far 'til now. The girl shielded her eyes against the sun and regarded the skeletonic frame in front of them, it didn't really look like much (yet) and it was clear to his apprentice that [member="Dissero"] wasn't exactly satisifed with it either, whatcha gotta do about it though? Wasn't like they possessed an unlimited amount of money to thr-

Well. Actually.

This kinda was Ovmar's pet project, no? And he was some kind of billionaire playboy, no? So perhaps it was time to bring in the alchemical equation into this particular project, might even show Di that she was trying her best to soak in all the knowledge he was imparting her with.

'Master.' she finally said. 'Was it not you who once told me that an Alchemist cannot create a masterwork when the foundations he is working with are clearly flawed?'

She might be paraphrasing here.

Cerita added a shallow bow at the end of it, though it didn't seem all that respectful.

'It seems to me that the Lord Ovmar would understand such matters and be happy to provide us with all the funding he needs, for his pearl.'
"Yes," Dissero eyed the woman briefly, "I did."

Like a sponge, that one was.

He did not smile at the prospect of going to Ovmar. Dissero wasn't the sort that had ever liked going to others for funding, but then again he'd never really needed to. The man continued to rub at his chin, brow furrowing deeper, ponderous expression bringing wrinkles to the corners of his eyes.

His issue was not with Ovmar - in fact he had no issue with the man at all. The issue was with the approach. If he went directly to Ovmar, then it turned into Project Ovmar. However, if he approached the Council as a whole, then it remained the Council's project for the Fringe. The issue with that? Rounding up all the Council members, several of which had not been seen in some time. There again, however, could be blamed on the Netherworld. Just how many had they lost to the event?

"Tell the site Foreman that the build has been put on hold and to send his men home. Meet me back at the ship."

[member="Cerita Sarova"]

In many ways this had been an Ovmar-project from the start.

The High Council had consisted of Lucianus Adair, Spencer Jacobs, Dissero himself and finally Ovmar. Out of the four, only two had been original members of the old, little council Varanin had created.

Even now the archives were under Ovmar’s protection, stored in private and secret storage houses scattered across Annaj. Only a few were privy of their existence and even fewer could boast to know where they were located specifically.

Varanin knew, obviously. The Grand Admiral had reclaimed much of the dangerous knowledge the Unknown Regions offered. Jacobs knew, supposedly, from her connection to Varanin. Adair had never been interested to know, but he probably had an idea on its existence.

Dissero would have found out about it, soon. But then the Nether happened and shet just became a bit awkward after that.

And that was the tally.

But in general this was just bloviating, because Cerita was clearly only speculating here. What did she really know about inter-personal politics of such a kind?

She bowed to Dissero, this time a more respectable depth and then executed his commands, telling the foreman that the were done for today. After which the girl met Di at his ship.

Didn’t bother him though, he would say things when he needed to. Dissero was a good man, but sometimes… he really needed some alone-quiet-time.
Alone in the silence of his ship's cockpit, Dissero sat staring at the controls. If thoughts had sounds a veritable orchestra warming up for the grand show would fill the depth of the chamber - a muddle of long, stretched out notes and testing musical dalliances. For one reason or another, something felt off and the Alchemist could not pin why.

He'd like to blame it on the Netherworld. Nothing had been the same since, but it didn't feel like the Nether. Dissero fancied himself something of an expert on the auras of strange places and things, and the very distinguished aura of the Nether wasn't ringing through the Force here. Nay, something else was at work. Something subtle and hidden - but that was as far as he could tell.

We're not omnipresent here. Not today, probably not tomorrow. Years from now, perhaps, he might be able to touch upon the star of the skills his elder orchestrated. Today he would settle on the clamoring notes in his head.

Stretching an arm forward, he pressed a key that sat blinking at him for the last several minutes and dialed a holocall through to [member="Jared Ovmar"].

The symphony began - tender notes slowly rising.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Jared Ovmar hadn’t been seen in the Fringe Confederation for a long time, which is not to say that he wasn’t around, it just meant that he had been busy with more troubling matters.

Which, where, when and why were questions for another time though, the most important thing to note was that most if not all matters directly pertaining to the Confederation and the High Council had been executed by the enormous bureaucratic apparatus Ovmar had crafted during his tenure as a High Council member.

Strangely enough, or perhaps it was simply that time of the day, the call went through and immediately was forwarded. Of course, after exchanging security protocols and all that stuff.

A staticized hologram formed itself in front of [member="Dissero"]

Echo and heavily distorted voice aside, it was Ovmar alright.


It didn’t seem as if Ovmar was in the mood for long-winded conversations.
A frown settled into Dissero's expression.

"Jae," he began, "I need to gather the High Council for a brief discussion on my project. You were the first I called because, well, I like you the most, but also because previous missives sent to Varanin have gone unanswered."

The man leaned back in his chair, hands folding at his front, gaze diverting at the echoes of movement in his ship reaching his ears, "You've always been the more social between the two of us. How many High Council members are accounted for following the Netherworld event?"

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

The staticized apparition of Jared noticeably settled down into something resembling a chair, Di might just catch an arm rubbing something resembling a face and brows furrowing in thought. It didn’t seem as if Ovmar was having a good ol’ time with keeping things in order in paradise.

Finally a sigh.

‘Officially… all High Council members are accounted for.’ in the Unknown Regions one could not afford to look weak, it was the quickest way of having the Rakata’s Infinite Empire decide a rebellion might be in order, or a dozen other vassal states that suddenly remembered how pleasant freedom really tasted.

‘Off the record, we are missing Adair.’ another scratch of the chin. ‘Jacobs has been sealed in a meditation sphere for the past seven years, she is back now… but… yeah.’

She was still recovering from it, they had had a heart to heart, but it would be awhile before she would be ready to assume any responsibilities.

‘We are also missing Na’Varro and as I understand it… Varanin has gone with retirement.’

Didn’t look too good.

No arbiters, of the four High Council members only two remained who were still fully capable. But of them sitting right here.

"That's not much of a High Council."

It wasn't a High Council at all. You couldn't keep a Council with two people, so what exactly was keeping the Fringe together? Monster guts and duct tape, probably.

It was Dissero's turn to rub at his chin, looking ponderous. Seemed he was back at square one with Cerita's words rolling around his thoughts. A deep rumble escaped his throat.

"I'm not...really sure what to do with that information. Sounds like the Fringe is falling apart," a deep breath followed, Dissero wiped a hand down his face, "ohhh... sorry Jae, that's caught me a bit off guard. Ahm-" utterly derailed for what he'd originally made the call for, the man slapped his hands to his thighs and leaned forward, "what do we do about this?"

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Ovmar sighed, the sigh carried through the ether and arrived in Dissero’s ship as a bundle of static and gargling. There wasn’t anything healthy about that bundle of sound, but it was all the long connection could ensure for the meanwhile.

‘This ain’t something we should discuss over this line.’

The Lord of the Fringe pondered for a little while, before continuing.

‘We could meet on Annaj, it would still be the safest planet in Fringe territory.’
Glancing around the cabin at the odd sound of radio interference, Dissero nodded, "I'm there now at the project site. Not in any hurry to leave currently, if you need a few days."

Who could say where Ovmar was except for Ovmar himself.

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Calculations aside it would probably take him a few hours to get there, if he was willing to take the proper shortcuts. Which at this point wasn’t really necessary anymore, not if he didn’t want certain death to become upon him, so Jared would have to go the longer and dirtier way.

Which was fine for now.

‘Will need a day or so, meet me at my apartment in twenty-four hours.’

He would be able to use the shortcut when this shet was dodged.
"Got Sarova with me. I can keep her busy elsewhere if needs be..." Dissero wasn't want to leave his apprentices out of things that might be of use to them in the future, but sensitivity was sensitivity. Not like the shut-in Alchemist was going to lecture Jared for suspicions and paranoia.

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

‘If you trust her to keep things to herself, she may stay.’

I trust your judgment.

He didn’t add that part, Di would know.


Exactly twenty-four hours later Jared Ovmar was sitting in his comfortable chair in his penthouse on Annaj. It seemed that the Lord of the Fringe had finally learned the value of being punctual.
Did Dissero trust in his Apprentice?

Judging by the green-legged woman following him in to the suite, he did indeed. She hadn't escaped a sound chat beforehand detailing the stipulations of her tag-along. It was what would have been considered High Council business at any other time. Her presence was welcome, but her opinion only if asked for. Dissero wanted her along if only for the chance to be involved with what was already a large part of her daily routine, too. Largely the Archival project had run as smoothly as it had thanks to her astute administrations under the guidance of Dissero. Cutting her out now would be markedly unfair.

"Jae," he greeted his friend, amiable despite the strange tension lingering around the purpose of the meeting, "lost some more of your pepper there. I'm going to chock that up to invaluable experiences."

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

‘Heh, I will tell ya all about if when things ain’t so hectic, old friend.’ Ovmar replied, he didn’t offer a handshake. Between the two of them handshakes were one of those… things that would only stir up new- old memories, not a thing that they should really be going about right now.

A nod was presented to the woman, who gave a short bow before greeting the older gentleman with a fashionable.

‘Lord Ovmar.’

Just on that distinct line of respect, how cute.

She settled herself down in the corner, standing watch over what might become a long-winded meeting or something short. Depending on how it would all be taken in.

Ovmar on the other hand simply sat down and studied Dissero for a moment.

‘Ya haven’t changed a bit, Di. Let’s talk business first and then we will enjoy each other’s company.’

He always had his way around words, how to make things amusingly awkward.
"Let's keep this short then, I'm overdue for your attentions."

Wolfish grin. There would be no awkward here - they were far past anything so juvenile. The Archivist moved forward to take his own seat, blue eyes glancing shortly to Cerita who had smartly placed herself outside the circle, on the fringes of what trust Dissero afforded her. She was intelligent like that and he enjoyed that aspect of her immensely.

He was comfortable in Jae's home. It had that familiar sort of arcanic feel to it that he could be comfortable with just about anywhere.

"So we're three legs short of a full bantha, Jae. What are we to do with this great lumbering beast?"

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Ain’t that the million credit question, babe.

Old (young) Ovmar would have thrown himself into this situation without regards for his safety or the others, he would have seen opportunity and reasonable chances to fulfill ambitions. But he wasn’t young anymore, he saw the dangers, the problems and most of all the backbreaking work that would be involved in doing what needed to be done.

He sighed softly, scratched his chin while leaning back against the chair and then shrugging.

‘Only thing we can do, Di.’ a plan was formulating behind those eyes of his, his mind churning and calculating at the problem. ‘Do what we always do.’

‘Make do with what we have.’

The first problem.

‘The Fringe needs decisive action, in previous years that would have been Varanin. But last I heard she left fighting monsters elsewhere.’

She had always done that, go off and fight things we hadn’t even heard of. Always watchful for threats we weren’t even aware of.

‘Means… it’s gotta be either you or me.’

That was the situation, frank.

Both of them knew that the young Jared would have taken the reins without even considering any other options in the past, he would have just done it and tried to smooth things over when everything was said and done.

The fact that he was now here, sitting and discussing it with Dissero first? It meant two things, one; there was some responsibility growing in the Lord, two; perhaps he valued Dissero more than he valued his own ambitions.

Which was extraordinary.
"I was afraid of that."

The man's lips drew thin at the prospect of having to take the reins of anything that wasn't his own personal projects. Dissero wasn't selfish, he was introverted. He wasn't the sort to be in charge of big things like ... well, practically everyone else in his family. He was the hermit. He was the quiet one puzzling out his problems while everyone else had their moment in the spotlight. He was the one working the stage pieces while all the others performed for the galaxy to see.

When things went wrong, he wasn't the one taking the blame unless it really was his own damn fault. In which case he was fairly forward about admitting to it. Typically things-gone-wrong meant he wore the repercussions on his sleeves ... and his skin.

Call him doer, not a leader.

"Jae, I've never controlled anything bigger than an Archive. Between the two of us, you're the leading figurehead, not me. I wasn't elected to the High Council to be a hero or forge a new empire - let's face it, I was elected because I'm keeping the secrets of everyone else that was and is. Call it a ploy of sympathy and appeasement, not that I'll complain about it. I like a good pat on the back as much as the next guy."

He gave a gruff sigh.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm here to help just like always."

[member="Jared Ovmar"]

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