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Lyra Valkaren, Ghost of the Angelic Knight

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Triad the Avenger

Living, Dead, Dark, Light... A true quagmire, is i

Name: Lyra Valkaren
Loyalties: Formerly the Jedi Order; Currently Triad
Role: The metaphorical angel on Triad's shoulder, and one of the two ghosts who've taken residence in Triad's head.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 90 (Age of death); ~ 1300 (age of ghost); 27 (Physical appearance of ghost)
Species: Shaliz'na/Force ghost
Force Sensitivity: Yes; Knight Level
Appearance: Her ghost is often armored, and she has dark-ish blonde hair.


Lyra is as extroverted and irreverent as she was in life. Her role as the "angel" in Triad's mind is more similar to a don't kill people unless they give a very good reason than be good to everybody. In the first place, she was progressive enough to have been happily married to a former Sith Lord for several decades before she died.

In terms of actual personality, she's a cheery but sarcastic woman who likes to mess with people. She was always quicker to taunt her enemies than to actually draw her sword, but was often more than happy to draw blood if she felt it was necessary.

Weapon of Choice: Broadsword
Wealth: None. Dead bird lady is dead.
Combat Function: Can possibly force Triad to transform into her and control his movements.

- A large amount of training in melee weapons
- Very experienced wind shaper
- Can telepathically talk to people in general, not just Triad.

Notable Possessions: None. Once again, dead.
Other Notes: As stated before, Lyra can take control of Triad's form and movements, including putting her own melee skill to use.

Intent: Helping to train Triad, and basically fleshing out a major part of his character.
Hi, I'm callum

I like the idea of Lyra but there are a few issues that need to be ironed out.

Triad the Avenger said:
Force ghost
As a force ghost a dev. thread of 25 posts is needed

Triad the Avenger said:
Other Notes: As stated before, Lyra can take control of Triad's form and movements, including putting her own melee skill to use.
This causes me some concern, I doubt this would be taken well in a pvp situation . If you want this to be a thing I need a 40 post dev thread instead of a 25 post one

can You also put in some weaknesses to balance out her strengths

Triad the Avenger said:
This species is renown for alcohol addiction, was this ghost an alcoholic and has it made Triad alcoholic and if she isn't why isn't she. Could you add this to the submission along with a personal history. This can go in the other notes section.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask [member="Triad the Avenger"]

Triad the Avenger

Living, Dead, Dark, Light... A true quagmire, is i
[member="Lucien Cordel"]

Okay, honestly, should I even be subbing her as an NPC? She's part of Triad's mind, sort of. Like a separate personality that talks to him.
It's up to you, if you want to have her play an active role then I would suggest that you keep the sub up but the codex is optional so you don't need to sub her it will just add legitimacy if she appear in pvp / force power development
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