Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Planet Luxuryworld-3063; Designation: Edenia

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Baroness Magrath

Location Designation
..:: Edenia ::..

..:: Astrographical Information ::..

Region: Wild Space
Sector: Not Applicable
System: Avidonian

Suns: Trinary Star System
  • ​Avidos
  • Donian
  • Sethal

  • Sola
  • Evega

Grid Coordinates:
  • R-3 [Estimated]

Chaos Map Location:
  • Tigel Arm: Between Lorrd and Morellia​

Orbital Position: Fourth Orbit; Habitable Zone
Orbital Period: 541 Local Days
Rotational Period: 48 Local Hours

System Features:
  • Denalia - Terrestrial; Second Orbit; Habitable
  • Avidon - Terrestrial; Third Orbit; Habitable

Stellar Objects:
  • Space Debris - Failed worlds, Abandoned vessels, Rogue Asteroids, etc etc
  • Asteroid Fields - Inner System Ring; Outer System Ring

..:: Physical Information ::..

Class: Terrestrial
Gravity: Standard

Atmosphere: Type I Breathable

  • Warm Temperate
    ​Think Planetwide Caribbean

Primary Terrain:
  • Planetwide Oceans
  • Archipelagos
  • Minor Island Continents

..:: Points of Interest ::..

  • Eden Manor
  • Seaside Fortress
  • Shipwrights Harbor
  • Aquaria
  • The Magrath Vineyards
  • Ostrovic Ruins

Geographical Landmarks:
  • The Shoals
  • Laqosh Breeding Grounds
  • The Ostrov Basin
  • The Spires of Avega
  • Balancing Stones

..:: Biological Information ::..

Native Flora:
  • Plum Orchid
  • Blood Onion
  • Limeonut

Native Fauna:
  • Alliganha
  • Laqosh
  • The Ostrov
  • Octros
  • Dacasta

..:: Societal Information ::..

Native Species:
  • Ostrovics
    Devolved into the Ostrov

Immigrated Species:
  • Humans
  • Twi'leks
  • Wookies
  • Other Slave Species

Primary Language(s):
  • Galactic Basic Standard
  • Huttesse
  • Bocce

  • Colonial Viceroyalty

  • 750,000+
Demonym: Edenians

Major Imports:
  • Technology
  • Foodstuffs
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Slaves
  • Raw Materials

Major Exports:
  • Tourism
  • Art
  • Culture
  • Gourmet Cuisine
  • Luxury Goods

  • Neutral

..:: Major Population Center(s) ::..

  • Eden - Capital

  • Ophellius
  • Aquaria

  • Numerous Resorts

..:: Culture ::..

..:: Resorts and Tourism ::..

Predominately relying upon the Tourism industry; Edenia has thus focused upon the natural beauty of its ecosystem, from the vibrant viridian oceans and the stark white sands of its beaches. Thus to ensure that their status as a premiere tourist destination remains and is well deserved, the world has outlawed industry beyond simple agricultural pursuits or its burgeoning Tourism industry. Any and all mining, forestry and heavy manufacturing is unheard of or even seen on the world.

Many of the larger islands in the vast archipelago chains are hosts to large and sprawling resorts that offer views and all the amenities that one could find on a Core World such as Chandrilla. There has even developed a healthy rivalry between many of the resorts as they attempt to draw in the most or be the most exclusive; even going so far as to attempt to have the most difficult rooms to book or the longest waiting list to prove their affluence.

..:: Art ::..

While the world primarily thrives due to its Tourist Industry and the many resorts that dot the various islands; that is not to say that there is nothing in the way of creativity. For while much of the heavy industry is prohibited, smaller industries thrive. Farming; predominately the Plum Orchid Vineyards stand side by side with the skilled artisans and crafters on Edenia. Art is just as much a part of life for an Edenian as is tourism.

To this end, art is viewed as anything that can be created to express oneself. Be it a stunning stone sculpture or a sweet Plum Orchid Wine handcrafted from the vine to fermentation. While a large population works in the tourist industry, just as large a population work as artists, sculptures, painters, etc etc.

..:: Gourmet Cuisine ::..

An extension upon the art that is so loved on the world, chefs are seen in their own light as being artists in their own right. While Edenia imports a large quantity of their foodstuffs, as the world has few natural flora beyond the simple fruits that grow in the vineyards and sandbars. The rarest flora that only the premier chefs are permitted to work with is the Blood Onion (which in comparable terms acts like fugu and uncooked taro). The flora is so poisonous that in order for a chef to be permitted to cook with the ingredient, they must have decades of experience and be licensed.

..:: Government ::..

Watched over by a Viceroyalty; much like Denalia; however in a more direct fashion. The Viceroyalty of Edenia is much more hands on, due primarily to the many resorts and the tourism industry that keeps the world alive. The Viceroyalty is also the governmental agency that oversees the licensing of those few chefs permitted to cook with Blood Onion.

Much like Denalia; Edenia's Viceroy is hand selected by the Magrath Barony on Avidon. There is however a larger difference between the Viceroyalty of Edenia and that of Denalia; the predominate being that the Viceroy of Edenia has more freedoms and powers vested to them than that of Denalia. These freedoms include less oversight from the Magrath Barony on Avidon as well as a larger budget in terms of support from the Magrath Barony; along with far fewer slaves being imported to Edenia at the request of the Viceroy. While slaves in the Avidonian System are treated far more humanly than in other parts of the Galaxy; those on Edenia are often more closer in status to indentured servants than actual slaves.

..:: Law Enforcement ::..

Unlike Denalia, Law Enforcement on Edenia is overseen directly by the Viceroyalty of Edenia; with the Viceroy even being permitted a Regiment of the Fenrir Guard garrisoned on the world to enforce the laws. This means that crime rates are far lower on Edenia as the Fenrir Guard patrol the whole of the planet, rather than just small sections or staying on the largest settlements. It is not unheard of, or uncommon to see a squad or more of the Fenrir Guard stationed inside of a resort as additional security.

..:: Architectural Design ::..

Towering structures of stained glass, twisting wood, polished coral and studded with polished stones stand out upon the horizon; though few and far between the largest resorts appear upon the soft blue-copper hue of the sky. Architecture on Edenia is just as much part of their culture; and like cooking, it is just as much of an art as anything else; even more so due to the status of these buildings bringing life to the world. In fact, architects are the most revered and vaunted individuals on Edenia as their designs draw the attention of the galaxy upon their world.

For the most part, cities are built of timber (often imported from other worlds); as well as coral and slate or marble with stained glass being carefully handcrafted, often months at a time. And while architects garner much of the attention, the resorts and the vast amount of buildings constructed on Edenia are a collective work of art.

Technological Level:
  • Galactic Standard

..:: Historical Record ::..

While Avidon played host to the Aeosagians, another aquatic species in the system, Edenia was home to the Ostrovics. These sea dwellers were artists in their own right, and even now much of their ruins and what art has survived still seems to surpass what is crafted upon Edenia today. The Ostrovics held no desire to spread among the stars, and were rather content with remaining on their homeworld. So much so that they could be considered a backwards species; even purposely stunting their technological advancements to ensure that they would never be tempted to spread to their moons or the other celestial bodies in the system.

This decision though would ultimately prove to be one of great tragedy. For in their desire to remain upon Edenia, their forced stagnation resulted in the slow decline of first their society then ultimately the species as a whole. Reaching their peak roughly around the founding of the Galactic Republic; the species has (very much like the Gree and the Kwa) declined over the successive years.

Edenia though was a world that would remain untouched for ages. Even during the events surrounding its sister world Avidon, it was for the most part left untouched. Those few that came to land on the world found that it was barren save for a few flora and fauna (which they deemed inedible) and left Edenia to its own devices.

It was not until the resettling of the system many thousands of years later under the Magrath family that Edenia was seen for the jewel that it was; as it was a boon in terms of the revenue it generated through those desiring to vacation on its pristine beaches. Its worth was so much (and not in mineral wealth) that the Magrath Barony enacted strict laws and regulations to ensure that it would remain unspoiled; a verdant Luxury World.

During the era surrounding the Gulag Plague, Edenia managed to escape the brunt of the virus; though isolated communities were quarantined in some cases (with those areas later being cleansed as a precaution). These regions, few as they are, are still under a quarantine as the Magrath Barony is not ready to permit individuals to venture into those regions. Other than those few cases, Edenia escaped the Plague, and over the next four hundred years it proved to be a strong point in the finances of the Magrath Family. Much as Denalia lent its mineral wealth to their coffers, it was the unspoiled ecosystem of Edenia that lent its wealth to the coffers of the Magrath Family.

Sadly with the Netherworld event; a large portion of the population was whisked away, and many homes and workshops were left barren. The loss of many employees even caused a few resorts to temporarily close their doors. However it would appear that even now, more and more people are seeking worlds to escape to; to flee from the continuing chaos in the galaxy and to find a quite beach somewhere to relax and hide out on until their final days.

..:: Closing Information ::..

Notable PC(s):
  • Baroness Magrath


Much as was stated in the Denalia submission; Edenia is fully intended to further expand upon the lore and history of the Avidonian system, with the purpose of its placement within the system serving to reduce the number of custom worlds directly on the map rather than submitting it with its own location.

Edenia is intended to show that while the Magrath Family and Magrath Barony does have mineral wealth; it also has the wealth of a resort world. Additional submissions in the future will further develop and grow Edenia, providing it with descriptions for its myriad of locations and to offer the board and its members additional places to develop their characters and stories.

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