Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello everyone. Just signed up and the place is rather scary due to the mass amount of information everywhere :S

I'm relatively new to the Forum Roleplay scene. Though I've been doing in-game role-play on Minecraft since July, 2011. I began to do Forum Roleplay last October and have since done Halo, Walking Dead and DC Comics RP. This is the first time I've done Star Wars. I've watched the movies, but that is as far as my knowledge on the SW universe goes. If anyone could give any tips and pointers, it'd be HUGELY appreciated. I look forward to RPing here.
Welcome to Chaos! Yes, it can be chaotic, but it can also be a lot of fun. There's a great variety of people and writers here, and we're pretty open to writing with anyone. I do hope you enjoy your time here, and that we can help you learn and grow as a writer and roleplayer!

As the others have stated before... if you have questions, ask. PLEASE. If you're curious, if you're uncertain about something, by all means, ask. Not to mention it's smart to do so.

And for the sake of all that is lovely and good in this world... follow Wheaton's Law!

1. Glance over the rules, but don't worry - if you do something against the rules, someone will let you know. The newer you are, the nicer Staff will try to be in resolving issues.
2. Ask Questions
3. Joining a Faction helps increase communal activity and working together with others will get you your answers quickly.
4. There's a large amount of people who sit in Skype chats, and this can be great for meeting everyone. However, a word of advice: this is also the breeding ground of a lot of drama and biased rumors.
5. If you ever feel the need to spam, do it in the approved area please.
6. If you have a major question concerning the rules, opening a thread and asking is probably the best way to get it answered - though not a lot of people utilize this.
7. Have fun.

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