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Character Lothaire Grayson - The Bastard Prince



NAME: Lothaire Grayson

FACTION: Ashlan Crusade

RANK: Prince-Chaplain ( 2nd LT)

SPECIES: Essonian

AGE: 20


HEIGHT: 5'10

WEIGHT: 186 lbs

EYES: Green

HAIR: Silver / Shaved

SKIN: Ruddy


Voice: Basic / Essonian



An average man of average appearance. His skin is ruddy from years in the sun, his face far less craggy than that of his father's yet still of stoic make. His reddish hair is kept cut close to his scalp so that he might better wear a helmet, the same with his face as gas attacks are not particularly pleasant. Green eyes peer out from a sloping brow, his most noteworthy trait. He is often clad in either an Essonian officer's uniform or the golden armor gifted to him by the priests, with either a trenchcoat or a black cloak trailing behind him. As of late, has been seen wearing the purple robes of the priesthood, though accented with his own armor. His voice is rough and deep, often making him sound far older than he actually is.


War makes victims of us all, and yet for some it brings the gift of life, whether unwanted or otherwise.

Lothaire was one of these unwanted gifts. Fathered by the absent Kaiser Cedric Grayson of the Ashlan Crusade in the Ashlan patriarch's youth, Lothaire’s existence was a closely guarded and exceedingly embarrassing secret. To reveal that the Essonian figurehead would engage in relations outside of marriage would have surely splintered the burgeoning Essonian nationalist front, and thus the boy was kept well away from the public eye for the good of the nation.

The fire of his parents’ romance was hot and brief. She was an otherwise nameless woman owing her allegiance to the sorcerers of Krayiss II, and had only come to meet his father when offering advice on achieving greater compliance from the local population. Advice had turned to personal matters, and then the Kaiser had taken his leave, the encounter a vague memory.

Or so it was until the sorceress showed up at the gates of his compound with a babe in her arms. Arrangements were made immediately, much to his mother’s chagrin. Little Lothaire was to be taken in by the Essonian Youth Corps to be mentored by military officers and serve the state in a position that would keep him safe and comfortable. At six months old, he was transferred discreetly to Coruscant, where he attended schooling for the first years of his life in the shadow of his father’s Imperium.

His mother was replaced by a priestess that served as his maternal guardian, and his father’s trusted general Decius Loken of the Sons of Ession took the position of paternal guardian and tutor. At six, he began cadet training. At fourteen began the officer’s courses. An attentive but otherwise unsociable child, Lothaire made marks well enough to pass, though he seemingly lacked the exemplary abilities of his line, such weaknesses chalked up to ‘poor breeding’ on the side of his commoner mother by his superiors.

Disgruntled at such comments and spurned by his father’s complete absence in his life, Lothaire took to brash behavior to stand out. More than once was he reprimanded for starting needless fights and stirring up pointless contrarian debates.This brashness fermented into arrogance as his newfound confidence led him to greater heights in both academics and physical challenges. While his scores never reached the zenith of other academy stars, his ratings in the wargames were exemplary.

As he grew into manhood, Lothaire had developed a reputation for his brashness, his stubborn nature, his hot temper, and his seeming need to be at the center of everything going on around him. Were it not for his razor sharp mind for tactics and logistics, and his ability to lead his subordinates effectively in the thick of fire, his name might well have been the only things keeping him from a discharge.

Lothaire finished his tenure at the academy shortly after his twentieth birthday. He quickly found himself put into a position of relative safety and comfort overseeing the supply detachment of a reserve division, and so too did he find the bane of his existence.

He was good at the office work. Exceptional really, and it made him want to jump between a closing blast door. Half a dozen requests for transfer to the front were received and denied. Enraged, Lothaire took the matter to the higher echelons of leadership, complaining that he was being held back from the places he was needed most because of father. Such complaints were again ignored.

And so, he continued on with the daily drivel of peace, his mind far away in the border conflicts, where opportunities for recognition and glory taunted him. If only some other dumb bastard had taken his mother to bed…

The priests had arrived in the quiet hours of the nights. They explained their intentions quickly and clearly. The Ashlan Kaiser had been absent from his throne longer than he’d been on it, and his ‘private adventures’ to ‘live life as a proper Jedi Knight’ were severely impeding his ability to lead. Too long had the Crusade existed under regency.

With no other viable heirs from the main Grayson line available, Lothaire was quietly informed that his status as a bastard might well be legitimized were he able to prove himself to the people and the nobility. Eager for quite literally any opportunity to be free from the desk, the youth enthusiastically agreed.

Lothaire was swiftly promoted from a standard officer and given the title of ‘Prince-Chaplain’, gifted with a shining suit of golden armor befitting of his new station, and saddled with whatever resources the church faction that supported him could muster.

Armed with these tools, next to no experience, little to any training in matters of the Force, not a second of time in real combat, and only a commoner’s knowledge of the Ashlan faith, Lothaire and his constituents have proudly stated his claim to the Ashlan throne. Many of the landed gentry and the clergy look upon him with great amusement, others with horror at what might befall their burgeoning empire should such an untrained buffoon take the throne, and further still seeing opportunity for advancement by cozying up to a young and unwise future monarch.

Whatever the future holds, Lothaire is certain it is his destiny to prove himself to the masses and take the throne, and he’ll make sure everyone is aware of it when he does. Maybe then his parents will actually pay attention to him.




ArrogantThis character has no problem with their sense of worth.


ArbitraryThis character does their own thing and has little regard for others.


VengefulThis character is slow to forget a slight or someone who does them wrong.


AmbitiousThis character knows what they want, and they are not afraid to try and get it.


WrathfulThis character is quick to anger and fury.


StubbornThis character does not back down for anything.


TemperateAccording to this character, it's best to enjoy things in moderation.


TrustingThis character is quick to place their faith in others.


HonestThis character values truth and sincerity highly.

A Father's LoveGraywall, Ruusan Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Lothaire Lothaire Lothaire, after being announced as heir incumbent by several factions within the priesthood, is summoned to his familial home on Ruusan. There, Cedric disavows Lothaire's actions, orders the youth to return to his position within the officer corps, disinherits him, and forbids Lothaire from learning the ways of the Force.
ArcanaGraywall, Ruusan Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Lothaire Lothaire
Confused and emotionally broken after his father's rejection, Lothaire runs into Starlin Rand, one of his father's former pupils on the outskirts of the Graywall. Starlin does his best to comfort the distraught prince in his own way and agrees to teach Lothaire the ways of the Jedi under the Grayson Patriarch's nose and against the old man's wishes, Lothaire hoping that he might earn Cedric's respect if he masters the Jedi arts despite the Kaiser's warnings.
Meme MagicSenate Building, Coruscant Auteme Auteme
Lothaire Lothaire
Following his meeting with his father, and the beginnings of his training under Starlin Rand, Lothaire strikes out toward the core. Arriving at the senate building, Lothaire deliberately left his guided tour of the building and found himself arrested for trespassing. Hearing the youth's name, the current chancellor Auteme arrives to investigate as to why a foreign ruler's son might be doing something so foolish.
Based on what?Spice-Smuggling Space Station, Outer Rim Miri Nimdok Miri Nimdok
Lothaire Lothaire
Keen to earn his place in the Ashlan hierarchy, Lothaire takes a mission from the Judges to secure a Sith bioweapon that could thoeretically depopulate a city. The weapon is contained in a gold case being sold at an auction by a minor spice lord. Lothaire arrives to purchase the case, quickly falling under the sway of Miri Nimdok, who has similar designs for the case. Miri only needs to bat her eyes at the youth to get him to do as she likes, and as soon as chaos ensues and Lothaire grabs the case, she betrays him. Lothaire gives chase, closing the hanger doors via his hacking tool and forcing a confrontation. As the guards arrive and Lothaire prepares to face them, Miri drags him aboard her ship amidst a hail of blasterfire, escaping to the stars and saving his life.
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