Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for someone to teach Abyss fold space or teleportation.

It has been a while since I actually had someone teach Abyss a skill, instead of having him pick it up along the way of another story. But I feel like I would really like to have him go back to learn something from others, and a more obscure ability like teleportation or fold space gives a perfect reason for that. So anyone up to teach him the basics of the skill, at best with a story to go along with?

Also before anyone complains, I intend to use that ability more as fluff and escape strategy, and not to have Abyss do ridiculous space jumps in pvp.
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Is it possible? Yes. Should you do it? No.

Teleportation or Fold Space are the sort of abilities that require a massive amount of Force energy to pull off effectively. Jorj Car'das managed to move a salt shaker a few meters, and that exhausted him. The energy requirement would be enormous, and entirely likely to exhaust if not harm/kill the one using it. Added to which the distance you could travel wouldn't be particularly far. And imagine what would happen if bits of you didn't appear in the same space as the rest of you... Definitely one of the dafter Force abilities on record.

Honestly, I would say this: don't do it. You've got a good reputation among us. This...well, I wouldn't have expected it from you.
As said I am not planning to make Abyss do crazy things with it, and I will probably keep it out of pvp entirely. Wookiepedia points out that teleportation (not the more. obscure aing-tii version fold space) isn't even considered to be that rare among the jedi and sith, only that it take up a lot of energy and is pretty limited in the distance one can move, and that are drawbacks that I can live with for a purely fluff ability, used to make a cool entrance or whatever.

Yet I would probably not use it if it has some kind of reputation on chaos that I am not aware of. Sure it can be abused and applied in ridiculous, world breaking ways, but can't almost any force power? I am just confused why a power that exists in 3 different forms in legends creates that sort of reaction.

[member="Darth Abyss"]

Yes, but look at the sources: mostly video games, and a few episodes of The Clone Wars, which I think everyone would agree isn't exactly reliable reference material. The Wiki says it's a 'not uncommon' ability, but we've never seen it used by any of the famous Jedi or Sith. Anakin would have used it to beat Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Palpatine would have used it to survive being thrown down a Death Star shaft. Mace Windu could have survived being blown out a window by Palpatine and his Force Lightning.

Just strikes me as a very odd fluff ability that isn't used in any of the serious source material because nobody really takes it seriously. Nor should they!


Disney's Princess
Darth Abyss said:
I am just confused why a power that exists in 3 different forms in legends creates that sort of reaction.
I'm going to approach this from a different angle entirely.

It's not the canon. There are lots of crazy things in canon. Heck, just about everything in Tom Veitch's Dark Empire comics is EU canon and it's cray-cray x1000. But you don't see people on CHAOS using Star Destroyer sucking wormholes, exploding Jedi Master trees, alchemically infused robot TIE fighters, or a firearm that kills entire planets because Hyperspace. (Also. SoonTM)

Nah. It's not the canon at all. It's the slippery slope of having characters acquire Naruto powers that takes the communities Force Users away from being just "gifted people", (As Sarge would put it,) and putting them squarely in the "video game" category of Starkiller and that MMO-thing Bioware runs. And trust me. You don't want to be there. It's just not healthy for your writing. :p

All that said? You could also do worse. I once watched a Sith Knight blow up a whole legion of her own Stormtroopers by changing the weather into a Lightning Tsuanmi because somebody killed her boyfriend. That was... Hard to read. Let's just put it that way. :D :p

Tirdarius said:
Fold Space
Fold space is an ability utilized by the Aing-Tii and is in no way a common ability. Teleportation and fold space are two entirely different variations on instantaneous (though it's debatable if it is actually instant) movement via the force. It isn't the kind of thing you'd use in combat unless you were Abeloth or Luke Skywalker. I believe the Aing-Tii used it for more practical methods, such as moving objects, though I know they transported people. The difference there is that the Aing-Tii had a fairly small pool of abilities they taught and learned, and were rather well-known for being incredibly capable with force abilities.

Not to say it was used like something out of an anime or something, but it is something that would be incredibly difficult to learn let alone master. It was never used (aside from Abeloth, who is the definition of OP) as some kind of crazy fighting supplement or even escape move, though.
I know it, Fold Space. I have used it maybe a half-dozen times. I have ceased to use it except as comedic relief in non-PVP threads. It shouldn't be used. It's a crutch, and a low one at that. And this is coming from the guy who fondly brags about no-pants invasions of a certain pink twi'leks house. If *I* say it's too campy and cheesy, you really should be examining it veeeeerrrry closely.

I'm a big proponent of you doing you. But really, what does this gain you?

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