Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for RP's

Looking for some RP's for Fane Magnus to join.

Fane is typically a wandering Jedi aligned on the grey side of the light. He has a small base in some temple ruins on Eadu, but he’s free to go many places, and get into many situations as needed.

His skills include:

Bladesman: Knowledge in several lightsaber forms, most prominently forms II, III and V, though he’s able to teach the basic in some others.

Artisan: Adept at crafting lightsabers and holocrons.

Archaeology: Good at finding and exploring the many ancient ruins across the galaxy, Jedi or Sith.
I attest that [member="Adron Malvern"] is lovely in this capacity! If a bit purple.

Also, hit me up if you want to encounter a very philosophical Jedi who thinks that command of a few lightsaber forms isn't much to brag of.

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