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Looking for an Artist [Commission]

[member="Tathra Khaeus"]
Are you looking for any particular art style? Realistic, more comic-y, etc. I can do some sketches/"sketches" (I'll put an example or two below) for free, and depending on what you're looking for I might know a couple of artists I can recommend.

Here's a few drawings of mine. It's probably important to note that I primarily do portraits/headshots/whatever you want to call them, and only color things if I'm specifically asked to.
[member="Erebus Laitos"]

Hey bud, thanks for getting back to me. I'm looking for a more realistic art style. Similar to say the image in the left or your signature, and I'm looking for body shots and headshots/portraits if possible. If you could help me out with some suggestions, that'd be fantastic.
[member="Tathra Khaeus"]
Aight, I can think of a couple people off of the top of my head, but I've got to track down a couple pages since I haven't checked their info in awhile. In the meantime, there's one called "Noiteazul". They're one of my favorites, and you can find their commission info here

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