Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking For A Tea Shop

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

"I know. But... I'll give you time. I hope that you eventually warm up to the idea of going to Doctor Benson. Eventually, I'm going to go back to my home planet. And eventually, you should go to his place. Believe me, I don't think the Doctor has any intention of locking you up. I think that he just wants to make sure you're doing good." He told her. They had reached a level of understanding. That was good. That was progress. Still, she was right. He knew how she felt. They both had their different reasons, but the feeling was still the same. Perhaps even Red might change his mind. Hmm. Unlikely, but anything is possible.

"Alright, show me to my room, then." He agreed.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

While Red might be sure of Dr. Benson's intentions, Kay was not. And that much was evident by the look that she gave the hunter.

"Follow me then." Leading him out of the back room, she gave Doyle a nod when he spotted her, mouthing that everything was okay. Then she led Red up the stairs to one of a frw rooms in the hall. Opening the first door on the right, Kay stepped in and then turned to face him. There was a bed, a desk, wardrobe and an armchair by a small fireplace. Oddly enough there were no windows. "These are simple enough rooms, but cozy. Mine's at the end of the hall. What do you think? Does it work for you?"

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

Red followed her. He nodded to Doyle , showing him that Red had kept his promise that nothing bad would happen to his boss. He followed her up the stairs into a hall. He was carefully mapping out the layout of the place. It was an unconscious action by Red. It was just another thing programmed into his genetics. He didn't know he was doing it, but he was still doing it. That's why Red always had an impeccable sense of direction, he was always unconsciously mapping out the place or doing something else without him knowing it.

Red followed her into the room. He looked around. Minimalist. No windows. Few furniture in the room. He could definitely hook up a couple of sensors and alarms in the doorway. First door on the right in the hallway. Easy to hold off intruders from his room's strategic point in the hallway. He would be able to hear any commotion in the hallway, the other rooms, and even the tea shop downstairs. He would be able to get up quickly and hold off anything trying to come up the stairs. This room would work just fine. "Yes, it works for me. This will work." He told her.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Doyle gave a nod back to Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red , although it looked a bit awkward. He was still concerned and his face showed it. No doubt his boss would talk to him later.

Kay gave Red a curt nod after he had inspected the room. "Good. The others aren't much different." Except for hers of course. It was slightly bigger and had a secret passage just in case she needed to run from someone.

But she didn't plan on running today. So far she didn't need to. "I'm going to head downstairs and help Doyle to close the shop." Without a word she turned on her heel and headed down the stairs. There was no urgency in her pace. She just had work to do.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

Red nodded when she said that she would go downstairs to help Doyle. Red nodded. She left to go down stairs. When she left, Red shut the door. He sighed. He placed down his weapons, taking them off of his utility belt and placing them on the desk. He had quite a bit of weapons, two pistols, detonators, smoke and flashbang grenades, poison darts and tranquilizers, and knives and such. He placed his blaster rifle and blaster carbine on the floor, leaning them against the desk. He grabbed his lightsaber, and placed it on the desk, where he could easily grab it, even in the middle of the night. He hid a blaster pistol next to the bed, just in case. Red would grab his other equipment later from the ship he borrowed. He also placed his helmet on the desk.

Red sat on the bed. He pulled out a communicator. He would then proceed to send out a message. But not just any message. A scrambled, multi-frequency signal that hid where the message was coming from, where it was going, and what the message contained. The message was broadcasted to several points across the galaxy, and only one of them was going to the place where Red was trying to communicate, so that if anyone managed to crack the first protection would have to track where they were going. The message contained self-terminating system where if picked up by the wrong receiver with the wrong frequency and server address, it would terminate itself. While at the asylum, Red measured it's frequency measure, so that he could contact it. One of the droids should report the message to Jakob Benson . Red sent the message to the asylum. It contained code words after it unscrambled, but Dr. Benson was a smart man, he should figure it out. "Agent in. First color in a spectrum of light caused by reflection and refraction. I've made contact with the quarry. It is unwilling to come, will need to wait. Expect arrival in a couple of months. Moving for nonviolent outcome, but will happen if necessary. Fq qefkhp vlr tfii qov ql ilzh ebo rm. Fq fp mxoxklfa. Tfii kbba ql zlksfkzb fq lqebotfpb, lo lqebo jbqelap tfii kbba ql yb mroprba." And after the gibberish part, the message would then repeat itself. The code itself would be difficult. The first color in a spectrum of light bit is a reference to Red, as the first color in a light reflection and refraction, which many call a rainbow, is red, a reference to who is communicating. The last part is the weird part, as it is just gibberish. However, if the Doctor is smart, or one of his droids, they will figure out that the gibberish bit is actually three letters back, and if they were to go three letters forward for every letter, they would get the actual message.

Red put away his communicator. He listened to what was happening down the stairs. No commotion, everything was good.

Jakob Benson

The message from Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red was recieved. The droids handling the communications took note of the precise protections and decryption along with it. Not only were the words themselves not easy for the common man to interpret, but the gibberish part took just a few more minutes to decipher. As soon as that was completed, the message was sent to Benson.

The Doctor looked it over and sat in thought for a moment or two before he relayed a reply which simoly read ~Understood~. Benson didn't need to say anything else. He knew the man's character and knew well enough that he'd stick to his task and not deviate. Red would be successful.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

Red received the reply. So, they did figure it out. Good. Now they knew his position. They knew how long to wait. He would provide the occasional update to them, just to update his position and such. Still, this might take a while. At least he'll have something to do in that time, working for Kay. Still, it was going to be a while until they made any progress, in Red's favor or Kay's favor. It could really go either way. Still, it might be entertaining. He had never worked a 'normal' job before. This might be a good chance to learn how most 'normal' people live their lives. It might be educational.

Red stood up. He looked in the wardrobe. He didn't really have many clothes. Just a few items, and his armor. He should probably get some more clothes, so he could blend in better.

He looked around the room. He had arranged all of his items in a neat and orderly fashion, because of his OCD. He needed it to be meticulously arranged in a certain way, or he would never stop thinking about it.

He looked around, wondering what to do next.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Again Kay nodded to Doyle once she got downstairs. More customers had arrived and so he was busy. It was time for her to pick up the slack. Planting on a warm smile, she moved behind the counter and saw to her customers.

A couple of hours later, she was pushing each chair towards the tables as it was closing time. No more water was being boiled, no more tea was being poured. It was the end of the day. Kay managed to slip a few words to Doyle when she could about what was happening, and with Red sticking around for a while. Hopefully the hunter would change his mind.

Once the front door was locked, Kay left the shop floor to go to the back room and prepare some bantha steaks for dinner.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

Red changed out of his armor and into normal clothes. He always felt like normal clothes were too exposed, but it would allow him to blend in better. For the better part of the couple of hours, he was looking through the holonet, looking at the news. The rest, he was doing exercises. Eventually, he stopped and listened to downstairs. He could hear that most of the people had left, and it sounded like things were being put up. He grabbed his blaster pistol, just in case, and walked out of the room. He walked down the hallway and down the stairs. He reached downstairs, and looked around. Everything was put up, and all of the customers were gone. It must be closing time. Red made note of when it was closing time, for future reference.

Red looked around. He didn't see Kay, and he knew that she wasn't in her room, he would have heard her enter. He looked around, she might be in the backroom. Red would see. He had left his pit droid, Pitt, in his room. Red should probably introduce Pitt to the two, so they don't get surprised. He pressed a button on his right gauntlet. In his room, Pitt activated. The droid sprang up and looked around. Red activated his commlink. "Pitt, exit the room, and come downstairs." He told the little droid. Pitt ran out of the room and down the stairs. Red had left Pitt on, so that Pitt would know what was going on and where they were and the layout of the place.

Pitt ran up to Red.
"Hey Red! Ugh, I was deactivated for so long! You could have activated me earlier, you know!" Pitt told him.

Red rolled his eyes and smiled a little.
"Yeah, well, I didn't want to accidentally freak anyone out. This is a delicate situation, you know."

"Still, I was getting bored."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
NPC Treasury NPC Treasury Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

Then, Red's head perked up when he heard someone at the door. He looked at it, and slowly moved to it. The person at the door tried it again, but the door was still locked. Didn't they know that the shop was closed? They should by now, but something was wrong. Then, Red heard the telltale low sounds of someone trying to pick the door.

This was a break-in.

Red motioned for Pitt to go to the back and tell them what was happening. Pitt nodded and ran off to the back. Red moved back, and took cover behind a table.

Pitt ran to the back. The little droid approached Kay. "Hey! Red sent me. Someone's trying to break in!" Pitt told her.
Kay was in the back cooking up a couple of steaks. The smells of it easily wafted into the rest of the shoppe, mixing with the smells of tea. She didn't even notice the attention at the front door. That is until Pitt came running in. "Where did you--"

Her words cut off as she listened to what he said. Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red had sent him? A break in? Kay shut off her stove and then headed out to the front of the shoppe. She spotted Red taking cover at a table and heard the rattling sounds of someone trying to unlock the door. Kay moved towards the door, yet stopped ten feet away from it. "We're closed! Try again tomorrow."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Pitt came running out behind Kay. Red kept his eyes on the door. When Kay spoke, the person trying to unlock the door stopped. Muffled noises of speaking could be heard from further off. Then, a voice came closer to the door and said something to them in Bocce. Red listened, then translated, "He said if you don't open it, they'll blow the door in with a detonator and kill us all anyway." He told her. He put emphasis on the "they" part, showing her that there was more than one person trying to break in, but instead a whole group. Red signaled for Pitt to go upstairs to go grab his lightsaber. Pitt nodded and ran upstairs towards Red's room. Red turned his attention back to the situation at hand.
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Kay didn't understand the Bocce, so she was grateful for the translation. But it wasn't as though that made her feel better. The fact that there was more than one of them was quite concerning.

Cautiously she stepped towards the door, though she didn't reach for it to open it. Instead Kay spoke through it. "What do you want? There's very little credits here. Surely not enough to be worth the effort." But there was spice. And there was Red. The gang could be after him too.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Red translated Kay's message into Bocce. There was muffled speaking that couldn't be heard from their end. Then, the voice on the other end replied, yet again, in Bocce. Red listened. He turned to Kay. "Okay, I have two questions. One: Do you have anything not-so-legal in this store? Like spice or some other contraband? Two: Is there anyone you can think of that would want you captured or killed?" Red asked her.
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Kay kept her eyes on the door while the exchanges were made. What was said obviously wasn't good news.

As Red asked her his questions, she closed her eyes for a moment and nodded, speaking quietly to him. "Yes for both...." There had always been people that wanted her captured or dead. Though she figured that was overwith now. But perhaps someone had gotten addicted to her spice-ladened teas, or killed by another. The products were sold to a variety of casinos across the Galaxy.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Red sighed, "Why am I not surprised?" He said. "Alright, they want the spice, any and all valuables, and they might check us for bounties. Or they'll take us hostage and hold us for ransom, or just sell us into slavery. They really just want money and valuables, they don't really care how they get it. If you have people that want you captured or killed, they might take it. I'm not sure, but this could go many different ways." He told her.
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Of all the things that he had said, being sold into slavery was the worst of them. Especially as she didn't have her husband around to help her. "There are no valuables here; just food and drink. Yet if they find out who I am or was, they won't believe that there's nothing of value here."

Kay chewed the inside of her cheek. "How many do you think there are? Think we could take them? Might even be able to use some of my teas to subdue them..." It was a thought. She could try to charm them and get them to try some of her wares. It wasn't as though they'd be able to tell the difference between the teas anyways.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Red listened to her. He really doubted that there were no valuables. Red did bring some heavy weaponry, anyway. There was also the spice. Kay also probably had some credits here, so there would also be that. "I would say there's about ten to twelve of them. Most likely armed with various weapons." He told her.
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Ten to twelve? That was perhaps a bit too much. Kay wasn't exactly at the top of her game, nor did she have any armour on to protect herself. It was times likethese when she wished that she had Lori's skills in setting traps.

"I have escape tunnels that we could use. They lead out into the forest." She spoke her words quietly. It was difficult to know if either of them were being overheard. And she had no idea how patient the gang were. "We could get around them and ambush them from behind."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Red thought about her plan for a moment. Red shook his head. "By then, it might already be too late. They would already be in the store by then, having busted in through the door." Red told her. One of the thugs shouted something in Bocce. Red replied back. "They're getting impatient. Whatever we do, we have to do it soon."

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