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Looking for a Suitable Faction

Everybody can start posting faction adds here, I guess…


Okay, it doesn't look like the Techno Union is a thing anymore, unfortunately; at least I think. They were great for Kerri. I was wondering if any factions would be interested in taking this peculiar character in.

Kerri is a technology expert and gunslinger. Eventually she'll become an Ataru lashing lightsaber pro too. She's force sensitive. She is more introspective and individualistic, but she's disciplined and orderly. I'm of getting her a ship like the Twilight (Clone Wars. Man, I loved the Twilight before it disappeared…) that she can work on and personalize. She also will be getting an astromech. She's bordering between the light side and dark. She seems to carry lightside-esc moral values and stuff, but she's very emotional and would generally use darkside powers to get her way. She's a robotic and scientific genius, but an individualistic genius with hot pink dyed hair and rogue tendencies. I could see her slowly becoming a team player, however, considering her discipline and thing called "character development." Also, I tried making 100% rogue characters before, they didn't last long.

Thanks :)
[member="Kerri Aislinn"]

Hey there!

The Sith Empire might just be the thing for you. Unlike what the name suggests we have a lot of different groups working together within the Empire, so you do not have to be strictly a Sith to fit in. But the Empire is a place with a lot of friendly and experienced writers, who are glad to help out where we can!

If you want to hone yourself in the Darkside, have some fun kicking ass and conquering worlds?

The Empire is there for you. :)

Let me know if you have any questions, either here or through the PM.
[member="Darth Saarai"] Oh cool, Inquisitors! Can I haz fwying helicopter saber too? Disclaimer: I absolutely love Rebels! <3

Thing is, Kerri really isn't about domination and world conquest and that kind of stuff. She's actually very humanitarian and with some morals. I doubt that going around force choking everyone fits her well. It could possibly work though, as she is a bit of a control freak with a lust for power. (UNLIMITED POOOWWEEEEEER!!!)
[member="Kerri Aislinn"]

Feel free to check out the Order of Fire:

It's a minor faction. Morally grey, Lawful Neutral Force-user order, standing outside of the Jedi-Sith philosophies. It's backed by a tier 6 megacorporation called Firemane Industries. We have Neutrals, Dark Jedi and a few lightsiders in our ranks. The group is a military order, anti-Sith and has plenty of advanced technology, since a corporation with its own army and war fleet is supporting them (both are co-run by Siobhan Kerrigan).

We have our own set of rules and are not tied to a specific 'side' of the Force. We have a cadre of friendly writers who'll be glad to interact with your character and help her in her development.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Kerri Aislinn"],

There's also the Metal Lords, while we are primarily composed of Droids and Cyborgs with extensive modifications to the point they are more machine then organic, it has been known for organics to join us even if briefly to work as mercenaries or spend some time developing new products and learning our long forgotten advanced tech ways. We are technology and commerce focused, much like the Techno Union was, and we technically have no morality with each Metal Lord being able to do pretty much whatever they want, we try to solve tensions with organics through diplomacy foremost, stay away from mass murders, and not do any deals with the Sith though, mostly because that reduces the risk of other factions seeing us as another droid uprising and banding together to hunt us down.
[member="Kerri Aislinn"] It's not about Factions taking YOU in, it's about YOU taking a Faction.

Have a good look around to see what suits your character's motivations and morals. It's an enjoyable process and you don't want to feel you're going somewhere with your character you may not be happy with.

See what's out there and take your time finding the right home for you. Who knows, you may even want to stay Faction-less for a while to cause some chaos on your own! Have fun out there. :)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] The OoF looks fun! The only problem could be Kerri's tendency to do things her own way and strike out solo. Although she does everything with strict planning and calculation, once again, she isn't that much of a team player. Still, this could prove to be a good chance for her to learn.

[member="HK-36"] I doubt Kerri would become a full fledged member, but doing some kind of thread would be neat sometime! :)

[member="Connor Harrison"] That is what very good point. Thank you :) I think a faction is kind of necessary for me to keep writing. I need to know my characters are developing, not just gaining UNLIMITED POWER xD
[member="Kerri Aislinn"]

I think that could make things interesting. Perhaps she becomes more of a team player over time, or remains more of an individualist while still following the group's general principles, assuming it turns out to be a good fit for her.

Not everyone in the group is a rigid soldier. My alt, Elpsis Elaris, certainly isn't. She's more Chaotic Good. :D If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or contact me via pm.

Regardless, I'd echo the above comments and suggest having a look around and seeing what fits your character. That's best done ICly. Factions aren't necessary for a character's development, though they can enhance the experience and provide a good framework. I've got chars with faction ties and without them.
[member="Kerri Aislinn"] Hmmm as others have said its best to look around and see where your characters fits in or maybe she won't fit in, in a faction at all. That's truly up to the direction you take her. But apart of the Sith Empire is the Xendori Guard which is a group of Dark Jedi that ally themselves with the Sith.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Kerri Aislinn"]

Being someone with this character in particular that had a tendency of drifting between light and dark throughout its run, I'd be more than happy to suggest the Jedi Order to you (the one mentioned by Tashra above and ran by Veiere). Odd as it sounds, experimenting with orders actually helps to set in stone the way you want your character to be, hell mine isn't even fully a jedi and its with the Jedi order... granted I didn't tell them IC that but meh. Id be happy to direct you to the faction admin or even bring your character in ICly if you are curious about testing out the Jedi order, if not though I do wish you luck.
Thing is, Kerri hates the Sith. Kerri would not get along with the Jedi at all due to her soloist tendencies, obsession with power, and dark side attraction. And I mean, this could be bad with some factions, but worse with the Jedi xD
[member="Raejar"] [member="Tashra"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

The Order of Fire seems to be the best bet right now, although I'm still not sure yet.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Here's Kerri's updated profile, btw. Still have to get some guns and a freighter from the Marketplace. HERE!
Kerri Aislinn said:
Thing is, Kerri hates the Sith. Kerri would not get along with the Jedi at all due to her soloist tendencies, obsession with power, and dark side attraction

Sounds similar to Sio lol.

Let me know if you wanna chat more via pm or thread. Your char seems interesting regardless of where her path leads her.

If you need additional gear, feel free to check out Firemane's storefront: * shameless self-advertisement *

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Théodred Heavenshield said:
[member="Kerri Aislinn"]

By the looks of things Firemane seems like the best fit for this character. However, you could take a peek at the Iron Empire too. You might like the look of them.
[member="Kerri Aislinn"]

To expand on this further, there are two branches that would be a good fit for your character:

The Order of the Technomancers: A group dedicated to technological advancement, and its application for the betterment of the Empire.


The Iron Legion: Our force-user branch, which does not adhere to the light, or dark side. It's comprised of Jedi, Neutrals, and Dark Jedi. Their goal is to protect the Empire, and it's people, through any means necessary.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Kerri Aislinn"],

If you'll change your mind we have a perfect exoskeleton cold durasteel cybernetic body just in your size!

As in perfectly in your size.

If I were you I wouldn't look into how we got the measurements.

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