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Approved Starship Lone Scout C-3

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  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
  • Power Plant: ViX Multi-Flux Reactor
  • Jumpspeeder bay with room for two jumpspeeders
  • Accommodation for up to four personnel with consumables for 6 months.
  • Why Won't You Die - Comprehensive defense systems make this a hard bug to squash.
  • Percussive Maintenance - Durable and easy to repair.
  • Artful Dodger - Agile ship with Tractor Shroud allowing it to slip away from capture by pirates.
  • Sentinel - Powerful Sensors allow the craft to function as a surveyor, scout, or hyperspace mapping ship.
  • Got a ride in my ride - Two Jumpspeeder bays in cargo area.
  • Large Target - No matter how speedy and agile, it is still an easy target to reacquire due to its size.
  • Here I Am - When using its active sensors, it emits so much EM signature it can be detected easily, like a torch in the night.
  • Quietly Blind - When using its passive antenna, it is limited to visual, heat, electromagnetic, and hyperwave detection.

The Sienar Lone Scout series of starships are a venerable model of starship at this point in galactic history. The first production of the Sienar Lone Scout dates to the beginning of the Galactic Empire, before the battle of Yavin. Dozens of models have been made over the intervening centuries, leading to the C series currently being manufactured. The House Mecetti Nationalized Industries currently manufactures the C-3. Despite the hullform being dated, the on-board electronics are state of the art, and there is scarcely a phenomena that the ship is unable to detect. Outfitted with extra range and amenities to suit a variety of roles, this model ship has been frequently used to chart hyperspace lanes, survey systems, and scout territory.

The C-3 model has better sensors and an improved hyperspace drive system than previous classes of Lone Scout. It also sports a Heuristic navcomputer which learns from past navigational calculations and becomes increasingly efficient at calculating new hyperspace routes. Two jump-speeders occupy the ship's small cargo hold, along with EVA suits, com units, and cryogenic sample storage equipment. This allows surveyors to patrol the area near a landing site, taking quick scans and collecting samples for further review by qualified laboratories.

The ship's cramped confines contain only a cockpit, small dining area, shared sleeping space with two bunk beds, and a cargo space. A very cramped refresher with toilet-and-sink-in-shower is adjacent to the sleeping area. This arrangement is not comfortable but it is exceedingly space-efficient. The dining area can double as a gaming room, with tables able to project holographic game pieces. Alternatively, the tables can be disconnected from the deck and moved to create a small exercise space. A holocom communications suite assures that the ship can maintain contact with a parent corporation or base even across many light-years.

The deep scanners aboard the C-3 allow the ship to navigate in uncharted space, collecting the data needed to map new hyperspace routes and document the characteristics of interstellar hazards over great distance. Geosensors and Ore sensors allow the ship to use penetrating radar and other techniques in low flight to glean details of the distribution of minerals which comprise a planetary crust. Life Form scanners allow the ship to accurately detect the location, number and type of life forms on a planet's surface. Mass, Gravity, even Hyperspace impulses are within the grasp of the ship's sensors. If it exists, the Lone Scout C-3 can see it.

Notable contracts for this latest incarnation of the Lone Scout include DDSI and the Empire of the Lost. Although it is a civilian craft, The C-3's capabilities exceed that of many military scout vehicles, making it attractive even to military buyers. House Mecetti is taking full advantage of expired Sienar patents to make a killing by re-using the public domain hullform while packing the ship full of their latest proprietary tech.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti

Nicely made!
  • You cannot delete any fields from the sub, I would like to ask you to ad back the Intent field to the OOC area.
  • I recommend to write your company to the Affiliation. It is why we have the Market Status to write the Open to there.
  • The Crystal Gravfield Trap Sensor is a restricted material, if you want to keep it, you have to modify the production scale to Semi-Unique or Unique, or you can remove this from the list to keep the Mass-production. I would like to ask you to edit this.
Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti

Nicely made!
  • You cannot delete any fields from the sub, I would like to ask you to ad back the Intent field to the OOC area.
  • I recommend to write your company to the Affiliation. It is why we have the Market Status to write the Open to there.
  • The Crystal Gravfield Trap Sensor is a restricted material, if you want to keep it, you have to modify the production scale to Semi-Unique or Unique, or you can remove this from the list to keep the Mass-production. I would like to ask you to edit this.
Thank you for this review.

I have made the updates.
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