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London Film & Comic Convention July 2015

Connor Harrison

Showmasters London Film & Comic Con will be taking over the Olympia in London this July. Taking place on Friday 17th July, Saturday 18th and Sunday the 19th of July 2015, London Film & Comic Con promises to bring favourite stars from TV, Film and Comics as well as a whole host of fun activities including photo shoots, panels, autograph sessions and hundreds of stalls full of TV and Film memorabilia to browse.

This is my first ever convention and my first ever venture into Cosplay I will be attempting to go as none other than Marty McFly circa 1985. I’ve just finished the final touches to a replica skateboard to complete the look.

Why Marty McFly? Well it’s a safe start for Cosplay I reckon, but also as the convention times with the 30th Anniversary of ‘Back To The Future’ and along with a host of stars from the film including Christopher Lloyd (Doc), Claudia Wells (Jennifer), Lea Thompson (Lorraine), Donald Fullilove (Mayor Wilson) and more, none other than Michael J Fox will (Marty) be in attendance also over the weekend.

AND pleased to say I have photoshoots booked with Michael, Christopher, Claudia and Lea for a real BTTF experience! So excited!

PLUS there are lots of Star Wars alumni in attendance with hopefully more to be announced closer to the date, one such person is Ray Park who I also have a photoshoot with!

No – this is NOT a bragging thread (ok maybe a tiny bit) but I’m interested if anyone else is going to this event?? If so, do you have any shoots booked or venturing in Cosplay?

The current list of the Star Wars family attending will be:
- Ray Park (Darth Maul TPM)
- David Prowse (Darth Vader ANH/ESB/ROTJ)
- Kenny Baker (R2-D2 Saga)
- John Ratzenberger (Major Derlin ESB)
- Milton Johns (Captain Bewil ROTJ)
- Ken Colley (Admiral Piett ESB/ROTJ)
- Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett ESB/ROTJ)
- Erik Bauersfeld (Admiral Ackbar ROTJ)
- Stephen Costantino (Gamorrean Guard ROTJ)
- Ray Hassett (Tigran Jamiro ESB)
- Ian Liston (Wes Janson ESB)
- Alan Harris (Bossk ESB)
- Mark Capri (M’kae ROTJ)
- Dean Mitchell (Cellheim Anujo ROTS)
- Bill Hargreaves (IG-88 ESB)
- Alan Flyng (Imperial Officer ROTJ)
- Garrick Hagon (Biggs Darklighter ANH)
- Jack McKenzie (Rebel Lieutenant ESB)
- Kit Hillier (Rebel Soldier ESB)
- Marolyn Turk (Beedo ROTJ)
- Tony Smart (Stormtrooper Stuntman ESB)
- Len Bond (Stormtrooper ROTJ)
- Stephen Fitzalan (Mon Cal Officer ROTJ)
- Terry Sach (A-Wing Pilot ROTJ)

Connor Harrison

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] Leave it with me! :)

I tell you what though, I've just finished the replica skateboard and man, that was tricky to do!

Connor Harrison

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] I'll get some pics up later of my attempt, but all I did with the kit I had (as in the just skateboard, pain, sticker paper and toolbox) was to look at stills from the film on the internet and then go about re-painting a £10 skateboard to black, then making replica stickers, creating the splat effects and then painting the wheels.

Connor Harrison

They just announced some more names today....

Jonathan Pryce and some woman called Sigourney Weaver?


Connor Harrison

[member="Lady Kay"] Aw that's a real shame! I'll be sure to update with pics as best I can for you and snap as much SW material as I can!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Thanks! My hubby us from there and we go visit every couple of years. We were just there last summer. Our Con over here was not that great this year, but Carrie Fisher was there and I snuck a photo of her. Haven't figured out how to add pictures to posts yet, but I'll share when I do.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Hey [member="Lady Kay"] - well it was huge! Packed! 2 days over 4 floors of Geek chaos in London. Loads of stars from TV and film and the comic world, with gaming zones, comic zones, cosplay zones and merchandise all around.

Felt wonderfully nervous meeting guests for my first con, but will share my experiences here:

Michael J Fox - Standard photo that lasted seconds, but even with him acknowledging me saying "Hi" and "Thank you", that was more than enough. Just a great guy, and felt very privileged to be in the same area as him as he battles on with his health, but still makes so much time to please fans. Heart-warming stuff.

Christopher Lloyd - Standard photo, in and out, but he welcomed me with a surprised "Hey!", responding to me Marty McFly Cosplay, and I had to call him Doc! Great photo, warm smile from him and a thank you as he shook my hand leaving. Just like I thought he would be. Brilliant moment.

Claudia Wells - Meeting her first for an autograph, and I was floored by her smile and welcoming nature. What was more of a joy was the fact she wanted a picture taken with ME on her personal phone, with my Marty outfit on, and then let me take one on mine, with a wonderful autograph, hug and kiss on the cheek. And as for my DeLorean photo shoot with her, she recognised me, asked for two I took, the other I'm not sure where that goes...and basically made me feel my enthusiasm was appreciated.

Lea Thompson - Photoshoot first, and she welcome me with open arms and said "My son!", due to my Cosplay, and did the same and did the classic "Mom!" shout. So much love for her fans, and she looks stunning with a bright smile and lots of time to say a few words. Got a wonderful autograph from here and she used the quote "You're safe and sound back here in good old 1955...". A real joy.

Harry Waters Jr - Big smile and a great tux! Full of passion to sign his autograph, with a great quote, and let me take a picture with him, and just evoked a man happy to be there, to meet fans and bring happiness to all. An exemplar guest.

Ray Park - Another guest full of time for his fans, and I noted most of the time he stood up to sign photos and chat to fans. Got some good laughs in about his muscles, and he reminded me it's not about the guns, it's the person on the inside that counts...but did say they were impressive. Just playing around, a great autograph and a photo at the table along with an official photoshoot. Big smiles, thumbs up and a welcoming hello and handshake goodbye. One of those guests who you just know wants to make others happy.

Zack Galligan - Not much time with Zack, and then little interaction, only interaction at the end after his crew member did most of the talking about my name and handed the picture. Got a thank you as I thanked him, but...yeah, maybe a bad day on Sunday? Not as I thought he may be.

Dave Prowse - Kudos for any man of his age being in a big convention all weekend doing the rounds, and a warm hello and thank you was enough, just great seeing him for an autograph.

James Remar - Again, not much interaction, but a cool autograph for my photo, and had a warm smile and handshake after I said thank you and wished him well. Great voice, and nice man.

John Ratzenberger - The Pixar Voice. Just evoked lots of characters as soon as he spoke to me, and complained to me about the crew member taking down the name for personalisation as he wrote "John Ratzenberger"....and John looked confused and asked me if I was another John Ratzenberger (jokingly). So a little laugh, a nice autograph on a 'Pixar Cars' photo and a good memory.

Catherine Tate - Handed the name for personalisation to the crew member with her, Catherine didn't make eye contact, just wrote the name, signed the pic and handed it over. At least she said "Thank you" after I thanked her. Makes me laugh, the one before me got handed the autograph and Catherine wasn't even LOOKING at them, instead looked at Bill Paxton next to her. With a very "not very intimidating" bodyguard inches behind her with the old earpiece in, and you have Bill Paxton and Christopher Lloyd beside her without any, chatting and smiling and making fans feel welcome, this TV star really came across rude and like she couldn't be bothered. Oh well. Not my issue as she didn't have time for me as I didn't really for her!

Can't win them all.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Wow! Wish I was there! Thanks for sharing :) I hope to see those pics of yours too! I live in Michael J Fox's home town, but have never seen him as he just comes up on occassions and to visit his family. But I have friends that met him down in Hollywood.

I didn't get to meet Ray Park when he was here because I was working for Peter Beagle at the con, but my brothers got him to autograph my Phantom Menace after party t-shirt. He had never seen one before and was glad to sign it. He signed it twice, one as himself and the other as Darth Maul (the shirt had a chalk drawing of Darth Maul sliced in half). One of my brothers took a picture of him signing it for me.

When I met Lance Henrickson in the spring, he was all nice and chatty, wanted to hold my daughter, but then he ignored me when someone else showed up to pay for an autograph. That kinda sucked as I felt brushed aside. But oh well :)

Other stars that I've met at cons have been fabulous and really took the time to chat. Juliet Landau was such a treat when I met her a couple of years ago. Her husband is from London, so they spend lots of time there. She took down my e-mail address (after we chatted for at least a half hour as no one was in line waiting), and have chatted through e-mails ever since :)

I've only been to the cons a few times and one of them I was working at it. So glad that you had an awesome experience!! All I can say is....PICTURES please!!!! ;)

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Lady Kay"] Well your experiences sure sounds memorable and fun!

Here are some snaps I took of the Olympia venue, and some cool SW cosplay efforts.






Also a couple of the 30th Anniversary ‘Back To The Future’ cast talk they did, where MJF really was great. When you remember he has Parkinson’s disease, the dedication he shows to pleasing fans to benefit his charity, and sitting there laughing, chatting and reminiscing is really heart-warming to see.




And a few shots of me with the photos and autos I got – safe to say when you find yourself next to a screen hero, it’s a surreal moment and you’re like…do I smile, grin, casual smirk, faint?! Haha. Crazy.
















Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Oh I'm sure that we've been by that building before! Thanks for sharing the pictures :) I don't know how to add pictures to posts yet (especially from my mobile), but whenever I figure it out I'll be sure to share some of mine with you:) Great cosplay by the way! I can see why they all loved you! Our next big comic-con isn't until.November 2016, which gives me lots of time to work on my costume. After hearing of your adventures, even my hubby is thinking of making a costume and joining me :) So yay!

Connor Harrison

[member="Lady Kay"]

My first time doing Cosplay, so it was a safe and affordable challenge to try and it certainly paid off for the BTTF cast liking it!

I hear there is a 'Star Wars London Film & Comic Con' in February to celebrate Star Wars, so I'll certainly be looking out for details on that and have a think what I could do Cosplay wise because I can see the addiction.

Joining in with the overall atmosphere of a place is brilliant, and if you make others smile and enjoy the day with your outfit, it's even better.

Good luck with your effort - I look forward to seeing and hearing your updates. Which con are you going to?

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