Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Logen's Run

The explosion could be heard from the Firebird's cockpit. The corellian pilot lifted himself up in his chair looking out starboard side, his naked eyes bearing witness to the truck being taken out by the engaging unknown swoop rider. Logen watched as the front end of the truck shovel into the ground, kicking up dirt and dust adding to the plume of smoke coming from it's aft end. It cratered and scarred the earth before coming to a full dead stop. Then a second explosion as the swoop impacted the immobilized hulk of a speeder, being a wreck on a wreck.

Was that a kamikaze run? Logen thought to himself as his old eyes could not tell if the swoop's pilot had evaded death or not. Either way, his payday was now a sitting wreck a short skip away from the Firebird. He sat back in his seat, igniting the repulsor lifts. The Firebird would rise from the ground and pitch to the starboard side with Logen expertly at the yoke. She would then begin to glide sideways towards the down truck, boarding ramp still down ( Up to you folk if you are on the ship or not) and the retractile ground buzzer at the ready.

Two human forms would begin to emerge from the wreckage, armed with blaster rifles they desperately gasped for air as they choked on the smoke. Logen prayed that the contents of the truck were still intact, or this was a wasted day.

[member="Darth Pryde"] [member="DV8-420"] [member="Kami Meran"] [member="Kei Garnik"] [member="Darth Venefica"]
Kei grunted quickly, watching the ship take off quickly. He swore, punching the tree next to him. He'd planned to draw the Sith away, but the price was that he was forgotten about, left behind like a rock. He gripped his hand, pain shooting through it, admitting punching the tree wasn't the smartest move. He hadn't thought ahead, like normal. Like normal he'd been brash and stupid, he hadn't thought about anything.

He gripped his comlink, connecting through to the Firebird.

"Logen, I'm gonna try and draw them away from the ship. Forget about me, i'll make my own way off the planet. Stay safe buddy"

He coughed slowly, dropping the comlink in his pocket. He'd hear it if anyone tried to contact him, he just wouldn't reply back. Instead his fingers wrapped around the DL-44, and he sprinted for the clearing, ducking behind a log, hoping and praying that it would keep him safe.

He took aim, and readied himself. The Sith was in his sights.

[member="Logen Brunner"]

Never a KC-33 when you needed one.
" Take the job Kami. It's a Milk run Kami. last time im trusting that little winged skever " kami grunted oppening fire.
" no skev this. " she ran to the ship and into its gunner chairs.
" Oppen up Sith time to rat plasma."
He could care less about the crew, and even payed little heed to the force user in the midsts.... He was here for something else entirely. The force powered through his frame as his feet carried him across the plain at an unnatural speed, drawing him closer to his target as he drew his saber hilt from his belt. He focussed on the truck, completely aware that the smugglers ship had lifted off and was heading towards his position.

Snap Hiss

His saber ignited as he reached the truck, the fiery blade sinking into and melting the metal as the Sith began to slice through the back door of the rig...

[member="Kami Meran"][member="Kei Garnik"][member="Logen Brunner"]
Kami opened fire expecting the inevitable deflecting of the blasts but she had a plan.
she aimed infront of the sith trying to cover[member="Kei Garnik"]. idiot had done a runner.
" Plan Captain?" Shje asked trying to keep the Emo boy occupied.
"Camaan camaan that's a good Brooding idiot. in to the grenades."

[member="Darth Pryde"][member="Logen Brunner"]

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