Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little by Little

Factory Judge
Alright guys. Been away for a while. Long story short,
  • Promoted to manager position
  • Crashed two days later into a semi
  • Broke leg
  • Dealing with insurance and work related STD (Short Term Disability) Claims.
  • Poor boss decisions.
  • Me trying to find new job.
TL:DR: Might come back here, play some Rise of Iron, little to no threads.

Anywho, I am stuck jobless with nothing to do now, and having a rather painful experience with adult life. For some of you who I have talked to on Skype, or on other mediums of the internet, A few days ago I projected to be back sometime in september at the earliest due to so many complications. However things got better.

Work finally caved in for what I was asking me for, and fixed itself, literally after I made one last phone call, *seems too good to be true* and all I have to do is now look for a new job. However, as I am not in college, owe almost 2 grand to various parties, it's kind of difficult.

Anyways, My life is simmering down a little, and I might return. I have talked to a few people who want me to join them on whatever it is, but in all honesty, I am going to be very slow, and if I am here, its only going to be a handful of threads. No invasions, Maybe some slow Dom's and Faction threads. Maybe in a week or few when things may start to work out better, I might be able to plug more time into here as I would like.

FYI, Live with my parents still, buying a house/apartment is not on the top of my list. My brothers are going to school again, which means I will have a lot of time to myself to find work, and whatnot. While I am not doing that, I will likely be playing Destiny Rise of Iron, or be on here. Either is a welcome site at this point. If you are still reading this, then "Quote me if you dare" Because Who is ready for private matches on Destiny, and the sick looking Siva armor for the raid!

As always, Thank you guys for be a good community that I can always come back to, and enjoy my time here watching people's stories unfold, and take shape with me, against me, or in their own little slab of the galaxy.

May the Force be with us all.
Life does get in the way sometimes :p I wish I could be playing Rise of Iron with you, but with my current living environment, I dare not get a tv and console for fear of moving all of my stuff at a moments notice. Life in the military. Anyway, I hope to see you around here more often! Hopefully your employment situation mellows out more.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

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