Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Like Old Times

Aldric Laurent



Farm life was quiet.

And for Aldric, that was all he could really ask for. It had been the exact kind of thing he had been looking forward to for years now, and for some years after it had been fine. He was easily content. He had paid his pound of flesh in the galaxy’s endless turmoil. This was the reward.

But even Aldric couldn’t deny the solitude was at times too much. In his defense, he hadn’t expected to be completely alone when he first bought this homestead. There was no changing that now, though. He accepted his life for what it was. Aldric reminded himself of that as he worked his gold and green pastures for the umpteenth hour on end.

Far be it from him, though, to deny that the appearance of a ship in the sky didn’t spark some level of curiosity. Excitement even. A shift from the typical day-to-day. A welcome, and enticing mystery. Only one way to find out. He lifted a large yield of wheat onto his shoulder, and lugged it with him over to the landing zone.


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

With a slow and steady descent, Valery's X-wing broke through the atmosphere and moved to land not far away from his home. She felt a little bad about coming here, knowing that he had chosen this life to get away from his duties and live a more peaceful life instead. But the war was reaching new heights in terms of intensity, and the Alliance needed all the allies they could get.

But she'd be lying to herself if she claimed work was the only reason for her visit.

Within the SIA, agents worked closely in teams, and easily bonded over the misery behind enemy lines they had to endure together. Her relationship with Aldric wasn't any different, so she also looked forward to seeing a friendly, familiar face. Especially in these difficult times.

The landing gear of her fighter soon touched the ground, and after the canopy opened up, Valery climbed her way outside and stretched her legs a little. She took off the helmet, allowing her long hair to cascade down behind her back. After shaking it out, she tossed the helmet back into the cockpit and turned towards his home, where she already spotted him.

"It has been a long time," she called out, as she made her approach with a soft smile resting on her lips. "You look... good." It seemed his time here had paid off.



Aldric Laurent

As the ship moved out of the sun's glare, Aldric smiled. Not just any ship: an X-Wing. His day was about to get much more interesting, that was certain. As soon as the cockpit opened, he called out, "Valery Noble." The old friend and colleague was a sight for sore eyes. During his agent days, Aldric always had a level of respect for the Jedi, but she took the cake. Then again, he never worked as closely with most of the others as he did with her.

"Too long," He set down his harvest as he approached. Her brief assessment made the old agent chuckle. Aldric wasn't sure about the scruff at first, but if she approved, then he must be doing something right, "And you look as ageless as ever. Good to see you, Val."

He gestured back towards his house: a simple, ranch-style dwelling that overlooked the massive fields ahead, "Come in, please. Make yourself at home." Aldric would lead her to the front door, which itself led right into an open living room and kitchen.


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

"Valery Noble."

Valery rolled her eyes a little and shot him a look that made it clear she wanted him to keep it informal. It was just Val to friends and close colleagues, and she definitely counted him among it, no matter how long he was in retirement.

"It's good to see you too," Valery finally said when she stood closer to him, looked up into his green eyes, and smiled a little at his compliment. She knew she looked a bit tired, but with the help of close friends and Padawans, she was finally able to move forward in life again and felt much better. She wasn't sure if he knew that, but the compliment made her feel as if things were at least looking up for her.

"You've got a really nice place here. A bit quiet, but peaceful." The perfect place to be with family, she thought but didn't dare say out loud. This was close to her own home on Cularin, but it wasn't quite the same all alone anymore. "Has the farmer's life been treating you well?" She asked after stepping into the house, where she looked around and followed him into the living room shortly after.

Aldric probably knew she had some business to discuss, but her interest in the more personal questions was genuine.



Aldric Laurent

As he got a closer look, Aldric could see that there was something else. Something beneath the fire of her eyes that he couldn't quite discern. Whatever reason she had for the surprise arrival was similarly unknown, but he didn't push it just yet. He was just glad to have the company.

"Just the way I like it," Aldric grinned. But even a recluse like him could find the serenity overwhelming at times. Her question gave him a brief pause, as he dwelled on his answer, "Well, it's not quite as idyllic as they make it look in the holos, but the… simplicity is nice." No cold war espionage. No double agents or superweapon schematics. Just him and a big plot of land.

Inside he gesture to the couch and chair in the living room for her to sit, while he walked over to the kitchen and began setting things aside, "If I had known you were coming I would've cleaned up a bit more," Aldric lamented, despite the fact that his home was rather clean as is. A family home with no one else in it, "How have you been? Can I get you anything? Tea? Caf? Hard liquor?" He chuckled.


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

"It's... what I had in mind for what I'd like one day too," Valery admitted with a slightly sheepish smile. Not necessarily becoming a farmer, but just living somewhere quiet where she could focus on the house and her family. But that all seemed really far away right now.

Once inside, Valery slowly lowered herself onto the couch and neatly placed her hands on her lap. Her posture was straight and her body language likely showed she wasn't entirely relaxed yet. It was always a little strange to take a seat in someone else's house to her, especially after such a long time of not seeing each other. "It's not that bad, and yeah... sorry for not calling first." She blinked, smiled even more awkwardly, but resisted the urge to facepalm.

It's not like the official part of this trip was all that secretive.

"Did you ever see me drink hard liquor? Actually, don't answer that." On occasion, she drank wine and he was definitely going to bring up undercover missions if she let him. "Some tea would be nice, thank you," she quickly added with a much warmer smile. But that also meant it was time to answer his other question.

"I've... been better. A little while ago, I lost my husband, so it hasn't been easy," she said a little more quietly. "But I've gotten a lot of support, so I'm doing better and better. I'll be okay," she assured him. "What about you? Loving it here or missing the old days at least a little bit?" she asked, both because she really cared and because it helped her test a possible response to why she was also here.



Aldric Laurent

"It is nice," Aldric affirmed with a nod. He had a similar dream once. Family. Things were never quite so simple, though.

Aldric waved off her apology as he began searching for a tea kettle, "Don't stress over it. I could use the distraction." He started the preparation, and chuckled, "As a matter of fact, I have. Nar Shaddaa?" He asked to see if the planet alone would put the memory back into her mind, "We were supposed to meet that informant at a bar? Took so damn long for him to show we started wondering if he'd either flaked or ousted us. Or died."

He moved to sit down in the chair that let him sit at an agle across from her, "Had to keep up appearances somehow. But unlike you, I can't just wish away all the effects when I need to act like I'm drinking." At the time it had been a bit stressful, but now it was just an amusing little piece of their past. His amusement dropped, however, when she admitted to recent events.

"What?" Aldric blinked, then quickly shut his mouth. It was perhaps the last thing he expected to hear. And there was never an easy way to confront it. He frowned, sympathy shining through his eyes, "God- Val- I'm.. so sorry. That's terrible," It had been hard enough when his wife left him. But the thought of death factoring into the equation made his stomach churn. Unimaginable. Valery assured she was getting better. After a few long moments studying her expression, he just nodded and answered quietly, "...Good. Good." It didn't seem like something she wanted to dwell on. He couldn't blame her. He only wished he could've known sooner.

There was a bit of a mental reset before he spoke again, clearing his throat, "Well I never made it much of a secret that I wanted something like this, but…" Aldric smirked, "I can't lie, sometimes I find myself still itching for those SIA days. Certainly made me feel a bit younger than farming does, at least," He chuckled, then stood up to go finish the tea.

He was nervous about asking further, but eventually relented, "...What about your daughter? How's she? I never did get to meet her. She's gotta be what, three-- four now?"


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

"Heyy, I said don't answer that," Valery said, her cheeks gaining a rosy color as he helped her recall those memories with just the mention of Nar Shaddaa alone. To hide the blush, she raised a hand to her cheek and pretended to tuck some long strands of hair behind her ear. "But I remember, and are you sure you're not just a little salty that I can outdrink you?" she asked with a smug look on her face.

He was much bigger than she was and probably drank a lot more than her, but the Force was not so easily beaten, and she always loved to tease with it. But that playful side of her faded only when the conversation briefly shifted to the one thing she was trying to move forward from. His genuine sympathy, the tea he offered, and the fact he wasn't pushing the subject more seemed to help her a lot though.

"I'll be alright, thank you," she said, her head lowering briefly, showing a less confident side of herself. But her eyes remained fixed on his, and that gaze didn't break this time.

"Hey you're not that old," she joked in return with a smirk, "You still look mostly the same to me, but the stubble makes you look a little older, maybe. It looks good on you though. I mean, it's just-" she paused to stop herself from rambling off into full embarrassment, and smiled. Luckily, he then got up to finish the tea, and she just widened her eyes as if she was recovering from having done something really stupid. Now she had a moment to just be herself again and relax.

"She turned five not too long ago, and she's doing okay. It's not easy without a father at her age, and I can't make up for losing a father figure. But she's a strong kid, so I'm sure she'll get through it all."

Valery then paused a moment and looked at him — it was time to ask her own question as well. "On the uh, topic of the SIA... have you ever considered going back? Even if just for a little while?" she asked to test the waters. "The war has been getting really demanding, and they could use really good people like you. You were one of the best we had."



Aldric Laurent

“Salty that you’re a cheater, maybe,” Aldric laughed, “If you wanna turn it into a real competition one of these days, just say the word. But none of that Force stuff,” His own smug expression matched her own.

Naturally the conversation moved on, thankfully to greener pastures. The fact that she specified ‘not that old’ was not lost on him, and he chuckled knowingly, “Brave words coming from a woman who’s technically a few thousand years old.” He smirked teasingly, unable to help a bit of warmth at his own cheeks at the compliment, “Thanks. Felt like it really completed the ‘surly farmer who wants to be left alone’ look, y’know?” He joked.

Aldric seemed to freeze for a beat, before he remembered to grab the cup of tea he had made, and set it down in front of her. Much to his relief, Val’s daughter was doing okay. As okay as can be, anyway. Five? He whistled, not realizing that it had really been that long. His smile turned a touch more sad, “I can only imagine. But if she’s anything like her mother, she will.”

Aldric sat back down, readying himself for whatever Valery was going to ask. As nice as the company was, he knew that she surely didn’t come all the way out here just for a friendly chat. Admittedly, he seemed skeptical at first, “I’m flattered, but… I dunno, Val. I left that work for a reason. The Maw suddenly figure out how to do things a little more subtly, or what?” Blowing up planets, he was aware of. Not even his little farm could miss those news beats. But he wasn’t even aware that the Imperials and the Alliance were coming to blows.


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

Valery used silence in response to being called a cheater as a simple way to victory. Or at least, it was a victory in her opinion, and that was most important. She didn't like using the Force unless it was necessary, so if she let him actually challenge her to a competition of sorts, she was guaranteed to lose.

That obviously couldn't be allowed to happen.

"Brave words coming from a woman who's technically a few thousand years old."

"Calling me old now, hm?" she shook her head with a playful smile, "But you're right, it's a good look..." her voice trailed off as she looked him up and down really quickly, before catching herself and carrying on with a smile again. She kept her thoughts to herself, but there was enough of a smirk to make it clear she liked what she saw. "She's got my energy, and she's very brave. It's just not easy giving her the attention I'd like her to have..." she trailed off a little again, not wanting to go too far into that stuff.

He probably wasn't that interested in all the little details, she figured.

The topic of the SIA was more important right now, and her question had sparked some thought. With the cup of tea in her hands, she listened and nodded, "Not just the Maw but the Empire recently attacked Ilum to harvest Kyber Crystals. They're building a new superweapon, which they already tested a prototype for. Now more than ever, we really need the best people out there. We need people like you, Aldric," she said, not to play into some kind of ego, but because it was the truth.

"I will of course never pressure you, and I understand if your answer is no. I hate having to ask you to give up on a peaceful life you've earned. But... I have to ask."



Aldric Laurent

“Old, maybe,” He doubled down, his smirk growing not unlike her own, “But certainly not past your prime.” A few decades or a few hundred, he’d have to be blind not to recognize her beauty. The talk of her daughter got a nod of understanding, “I can imagine. Gotta be tough.” The split between work and home life is part of why he wanted to leave the SIA in the first place. And it's exactly why his first marriage came to an end. Still, talking about Vera did bring a smile to his face. He always was a big softie at heart.

Already he had begun preparing himself to turn down the offer, when she made particular mention of events on Ilum. Aldric straightened up and looked at Valery, almost confused, “The Imps? The Imps attacked us on Ilum?” The two nations hadn’t exactly been on the friendliest of terms as of late, but it was a surprise to hear. He had never trusted the Empire. He lived in it for years. Even still the thought of such a blatant act of aggression took him aback. And it made him reconsider his answer.

For a few long moments he stewed in silence, weighing the options in front of him. The Empire getting into the mix meant the Alliance was now fighting a two front war. And Val had come herself to ask him for help. Aldric looked up at her, but still seemed lost in his own thoughts. It was taking its toll on her, too. At last, he sighed, and walked behind the kitchen counter. From underneath it, he pulled out a blaster pistol, which had been secretly stowed away for years. Just in case of emergency. That part of the job never really left him.

Aldric gave the weapon a brief look over, then tucked it into his pants, “What the hell. I still got a few years left in me.”

“Consider this my re-enlistment.”


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

Those fiery eyes really began to narrow...

"But certainly not past your prime."

She smirked and looked him straight in the eyes, "Good save," she said before she winked and raised the glass up to her lips for a careful sip from her tea. Without him likely realizing it, she was observing his reactions to what she said quite thoroughly. Mostly to get an idea as to how he felt about the SIA and picking up his old job again, but the way he smiled when they talked about Vera definitely didn't escape her either.

A mental note was made.

"They did, and we're now in a strange Cold War like the days of the Old Republic again. We're not constantly fighting over worlds, but both sides are preparing for it, and small skirmishes happen constantly. I... just fear they are aiming to cause another Csilla, and to prevent it we don't need Jedi or more soldiers."

"We need good men, like you," she said, but when she realized how that came across, she suddenly blushed and sat up straight while she leaned back into the seat a little. "I uh, mean good agents..." she tried to clarify, but the damage to her confidence was already done. Valery then watched him consider the offer quietly, and she actually seemed a little nervous about it. She wasn't hiding the fact at all that she really hoped he returned. More than ever, they needed agents like him, and more than ever, she needed friends she could trust in her life. Perhaps a selfish thought, but one she couldn't shake all things considered.

"What the hell. I still got a few years left in me."

Valery's expression brightened up immensely, and she nodded, "More than a few years," she corrected as she looked him up and down again with a smirk. He was much younger than he gave himself credit for, and in good shape too... she shook her head to snap out of that line of thought for now. "But I'm really happy to hear it. With my appointment to the Council and my current role, I'm not officially with the SIA anymore, but you can count on me helping with assignments."

"All you need to do is ask..."
she said with a hopeful tone — she wanted him to want her help.



Aldric Laurent

Aldric would find her awkwardness more teaseworthy, if he himself weren’t having the same reaction. A slight blush, and an awkward cough to move the conversation along. Not that he minded her appreciation…

“Early retirement’s not for everyone, I guess,” He shrugged, letting the ‘old man’ mindset slough off. Farm work kept him spry, but he was weirdly looking forward to the idea of getting back into the thick of things. And with a Jedi like Valery at his back, what could go wrong? "Congrats on the promotion, by the way." A chuckle.

Her assurance to help made him smirk, “Wouldn’t want it to be anyone else. Just like old times, right?” Aldric stepped a bit closer now, “So, what do you need from me, Val?”


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

"I'll admit, I never saw you as the type to retire this young," Valery said, now able to keep herself composed. She idly tugged her hair behind her ear, smiled freely, and looked like her confident self again. Even the more painful part of her personal life didn't seem to slip through right now.

"Promotion? Well, they're not paying me anything more," she joked, knowing that was usually an important part of it. "But thank you, it has been rewarding." She continued to sip from her tea but her eyes never left him now that she felt more in her element again. That could of course change from one second to another, but she'd enjoy it while it lasted.

"Just like old times..." she echoed, her voice trailing off as he stepped closer while her eyes drew up so they could still stare into his emeralds. "Well, I think you need to get some paperwork signed first, gear up again, and
maybe fix up your hair and beard a little, " she muttered the last bit to tease. "Then...hmm, why don't we pick up an assignment together?"

"The SIA mission board will have plenty of smaller things to handle, and it gives us a chance to get back into the flow... and you an opportunity to work on your aim a little."
Was she really going at him with the teasing right now? Maybe, but she enjoyed it too much to stop.



Aldric Laurent

Aldric shrugged amusedly. Apparently he thought things had been quiet enough to slip enough from SIA work. Apparently he was wrong. It was a good few years while it lasted, though.

He laughed, “That’s where you Jedi got it wrong. Shoulda stuck to Shadow business, Val. ‘Least with the SIA you’re salaried.” If you’re good at something, never do it for free, as they say. But of course, the Jedi were never really about that anyway. Which was precisely why he respected them. “Well earned. No doubt about that.”

He looked down at her now, studying those burning eyes more deeply. The dancing embers had kindled into a flame. That was the Valery he knew. Aldric’s smile widened, then retreated once again as he realized he’d been staring too long. He chuckled, and stroked his chin, “Right...You don’t think they’ll make me shave it all, do you?” It was a joke, but there was actually a hint of real concern hidden underneath. He was suddenly feeling much more confident in his scruff after their conversation.

“My aim, huh? Okay.” Aldric nodded, going along with the teasing, “Only one way to find out, I guess. You sure sitting in your comfy council chair hasn’t stiffened those legs at all?” His eyes traced down, again looking just a little too long before his gaze settled back on her.

“Let’s not waste time, then.”


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

She chuckled and shook her head a little, "I had a good time as a Shadow, but this is where I'm needed most, and I'd like to think I'm pretty okay at what I do as well," she said with a friendly smile, trying to be a little humble. But her exterior shifted rather quickly again when he looked deeply into her eyes, further igniting them just by doing that alone.

Few things could shake her confidence and push her to look away, but he was getting awfully close. Ultimately, she broke eye contact around the same time he did, and drew in a sharp breath before she looked back to answer his question, "They're not that strict about it for agents." Soldiers were a whole different story though. "I also like the stubble look on you..." she then admitted, but the heat she felt rising stopped her from actually explaining that line of thought further.

Like the stubble? Seriously?

"Stiff legs? You've seen how flexible I am in the field, and how hard I can kick~" she said with a more sing-song voice. But this time, she watched his eyes drop, making her believe he looked at her legs, and subconsciously she bit her lower lip as a result. Only when he looked back up to meet her gaze, did she quickly let go and pursed her lips forward a second to hide it. "Right... yeah, let's go." She cleared her throat and set the empty cup away before rising up to her feet. Again, she searched for his eyes and struggled to find something more to say, which only added to her nervousness around him.

"Do you uh, have anything you want to bring with you? Or something you need to take care of first?" she asked politely. "Oh, and you have a ship, right?" Not that she'd complain if he had to join her in her one-seater. Empty mind, Val.



Aldric Laurent

"And I've always respected that." Aldric said. He only ever did this job because he saw it as a necessity. A way that he could do good. Get his hands dirty so everyone else's stay clean. Val was one of the good ones. Her Jedi roots made it all the more believable to him. And for that she always had an edge over the rest when it came to earning his respect.

They both looked away, and the jade of Aldric's eyes dulled. But her answer brought a new relief, "I didn't think so. But good to know. I'd hate for that to be the dealbreaker," He began to chuckle, which quickly trailed off at the compliment. A beat passed before he composed himself, "Well… then I hope you're ready to pull rank if they get finicky about it."

He certainly had seen those legs in action before. And he was excited to see it again, "Only one way to find out, right?" Aldric repeated. He felt the heat rise, and turned away to go do a nebulous something in the kitchen as an attempt to hide it. Eventually he spun around, and patted the pistol at his side, "Just this. And, yeah. I've got a ship. Everything else we can worry about later."

As… interesting as doubling up on the X-Wing might be, he wasn't going to test waters that deep just yet. Nothing wrong with a slow burn. "I'll… get it started up. And follow your lead."

Last edited by a moderator:

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

"And I've always respected that."

That probably meant more to her than he realized — feeling respected. Even with teasing, flirty comments, and messing around, that was something that really made a big difference to her. It's what she liked about Kahlil and hated about a relationship before Kahlil that never worked out. She wanted to feel respected for who she really was, a warrior but with a kind heart.

"I'd happily pull rank for you... for that," she said after a moment, as her eyes shifted to the stubble, the jawline, and- she caught herself again and looked back up into his eyes with what she hoped would be an innocent smile curling up the corners of her lips. But she wasn't really going to fool anybody.

"Only one way," she felt her toes curling up in her shoes and tried to ignore the pounding heart in her chest. She wasn't sure why it was hitting her so hard right now, but luckily he stepped away for a moment. Some precious time she used to run her hands up to her face and through her hair. She then caught her breath again and looked perfectly fine... until he entered the room.

"Alright sounds good, try to keep up," she said with a far more nervous smirk before she turned and walked towards her X-wing a little too fast. As if she was really trying to escape embarrassing herself more. She had never climbed the ladder of her fighter this fast either and closed the canopy almost instantly after getting seated. Once inside, she quite literally banged her head against the panel in front of her and sat still for a few seconds.


<C> "Checking comms, do you copy?" she asked after firing up her engines and most of her systems. <C> "We'll head to Coruscant and get everything sorted out in terms of paperwork and gear."

"Then for our mission wecanmaybetalkbusinessoverlunch?"
she asked, stringing the last part of her sentence together real fast before she let go of the transmitter and just listened with a beating heart. Finally, she brought the fighter off and waited for him to get ready before blasting off to the Capital of the Alliance.



Aldric Laurent

Aldric had nothing else he could say in response. Putting on the charismatic face in the field, or undercover, was easy. For some reason, the real deal was much more of a challenge. He used the distance he created to let the tension simmer down. Something they both needed, it seemed. He gave himself a half-assed once-over in the reflection of the sink, running a hand through his hair, before he followed her back outside.

Unlike Valery, Aldric moved a bit slower, stewing in the myriad thoughts flying through his head. He had a dumb smirk on his face that he was having trouble wiping off. He climbed into the cockpit of his ship, flaring its engines to warm the old bird up. It had been some time since it had been used. Not long after, her voice crackled through the radio. Somehow just the sound made his cheeks flush a bit brighter. He was silently grateful she couldn't see it from here.

"Copy loud and clear, Val. We're good to go."

"Then for our mission wecanmaybetalkbusinessoverlunch?"

Aldric pursed his lips. The faint static of his comms still being activated didn't even register at first, but after realizing it he quickly scrambled to respond, "...Yeah… Yeah I'd like that."

"..Uh- Let's head out."
He turned of his comms shortly after, finally letting his dumb smile broaden. He chuckled and spoke to himself, "Alright buddy. Take it easy." His ship rose into the air, and sailed off for the stars. For Coruscant.

Felt good to be back.


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Azbrian
Tag | Aldric Laurent

Valery was quiet and even fiddling with her ponytail while she waited for a response to her question. It only took a few seconds, but it was enough to get her palms a little sweaty, and her heart to pound. It's not like she was asking him on a date, was it? Just lunch... as colleagues and old friends. Yep, that's all.

"...Yeah… Yeah I'd like that."

"Yes!" she quietly muttered in victory with a small fist pump, but that's when she noticed the Comms were still open.

"I mean, great! I'll uh, see you there... after we, you know, get the gear and stuff." She closed the comms, banged her forehead against the panel again, and just decided it was best to jump to hyperspace. It didn't even occur to her at all that he might feel just the slightest bit nervous as well — he had always been very cool and calm under pressure. A little bit of a tough guy with a stoic personality.

But she liked that.

<C> "I've received clearance to land near the SIA headquarters. I don't have any official rank there, but they'll let me in. The Director likes me," she joked with a grin, but she did actually save M's life once, so it wasn't even a lie. Valery then brought her fighter down after exiting hyperspace and hopped out to wait for his arrival. It gave her some more precious seconds to just relax and not worry about anything.



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