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Lighsabers Combat - Making You Roleplay More Representitive Of the Cannon

So, I was looking too see what Lighsaber style would fit my character. I found the Ludosport site, looked through the styles and wookie searched the one that fit (form V). Blady blady bla wookiepedia info. But barley any description of the attacks used. So I searched youtube for videos on the style. That's when I found this:
Nice website, I know. So here I will write my first guide on lightsabers, this one not having the information within it, but rather how too use the web too learn the different attacks in a style.

​Part 1 - Choosing a style using Ludosport website:

​​​ ​Ludosport is awesome. I will say that now. They are trying (and succeeding!) too make a proper duelling community. But back too the point. On there site they have a section discussing the 7 forms/styles. Here is includes a chart with statistics. These are: Power, defence, unpredictability, speed and physical effort. Think about your character. Are they strong? Defensive? Do they wear easily? Are they like an assassin, fast but fragile? Or do they want too be unpredictable? Use this too decide the best style for them. Also think how skilled they are with a lighsaber. Most lesser taught characters will only know Shi-cho. However, if they were skilled in combat, they may use other forms. Satra for instance is of a species that is naturally skilled in duellist combat, so I went for Djem-so. This also plays too her species, aggressive. Not defensive, only blocking too counter attack. Your decision may come easily, or you may need more time. Remember, most skilled Sith and Jedi know more than one style and may even use more than one.


​Part 2 - Learning the moves through Terra Prime Lightsaber Academy:

​Now, young padawan, you must look through the moves. DO NOT look at the styles through the link scene in the academy. You will miss multiple things. Instead search the style up in the search bar at the top of the page. Here you can find pages that are not complete. ​You will find videos on each of the styles. Keep in mind that the only styles with a reasonable amount written on them here are 1-5.

Look at the link at the top!

​​Part 3 - Practice & adaption:

Many Duellists adapted there styles for personal use. I recommend that you write down a description of every move that you use somewhere like your character sheet. Also, practice using these moves in roleplay. Many people do not know the names of the moves, so make sure you describe them in the fullest detail. Also try too put names on the moves, even the adapted ones. This will help people learn the cannon combat styles and also evolve combat for chaos.​

​Thank you for reading. I hope this helped you improve your roleplay. If people like this I may make more lightsaber guides in the future!
If you are physically large, Djem So/Mideval longsword is indeed great. If you're smaller, it's better to remain on offensive as to avoid needing to waste valuable energy dodging and evading, so I suppose Ataru. If you do have to defend, Soresu has that Judo idea of bend and not break for a smaller person. Djem So means you meet stuff head on etc.

I personally love Shii-Cho which gets an unnecessarily bad rap. It's not the style, it's the individual using it and the circumstances. Lucien Draay was a total powerhouse as was Kit Fisto. The difference being Kit was an open conflict guy and Lucien was a Sith hunter. I just love the clean, uncomplicated nature and the versatility.

I've always read how Makashi is the best elsewhere and really it isn't. It's very specialised and limited and you have no powerful offense to speak of nor a dedicated enough defense. Dooku allegedly just had Makashi but he was very good at blast deflection so that's an inconsistency that bugged me. It isn't supposed to deal with guns but he did it effectively enough to suggest regular practice.
Djem-So is offensive though. And you do not need too dodge, as you cannot dodge easily whilst using it. Hence why it favours larger people. My race is based on low defence high offence. Hence why I chose Djem-So.
Like my Djem So!

#Soresu Still the most op'd of the traditional saber styles :D

Vaapad is a second favorite for powerful force users, more than just saber users.

But give [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] a bolter and none of that matters.

An easier and powerful style for forums is Sokan or some such, which a lot of people use without realising.

Looking through not seen these before:
So tandem fighting, not sure if a poster would get away with writing two half powered force users at once, or if I could pull it off coherently, but cool for a small sub sect of force users to learn.
[member="Satra Woodle"] Remember when you told me you were interested in playing the force ghost that would train me? We can include this in our roleplay. The styles best suited to Crat would be Makashi, Niman or Soresu, given his precise nature and the fact he isn't very strong physically.
[member="Crat Moln"]
You realise the ghost can't just teach you. You could learn some stuff from holocrons, yes. But the ghost will not be teaching you.
After a decade of actually using a sword, I'm just going to reiterate that this is all in a galaxy far, far away a long, long time ago with magical space wizards. Body mechanics, if we are accepting them, would invalidate pretty much all the forms. So would physics, tactics, and more.

Have fun, go nuts, pick a style and use it.

That said, I prefer Juyo blended with a bit of Makashi... Makes fun writing.
Factory Judge
[member="Vrag"], Talk about shameless advertisement. lol

[member="Satra Woodle"], I use Shi-Cho and Soresu Mix. One, because my father Xander Carrick trained specifically in Soresu, and because Shi-Cho is said to be more closely related to swordplay in the wiki forum. Considering I want to make this character have a mix of very good swordplay and lightsaber duelist, Thats probably going to be the best combination I can come up with.

And I don't want to be mainstream Djem-so because Skywalker used it, or Vaapad because a lot of people uses that.


The Second Seal, broken.
To be perfectly pedantic, I don't think you could 'power through' anything at all with a lightsaber. Objects made of cuttable stuff, sure.
Lightsabers cut (almost) anything, presumably with very little or even no resistance, because they're so freaking hot.

But when you encounter an object that isn't cut by your strike, you have a problem. The blade has zero mass, or negligibly close to zero, and so the point all force of the strike is applied to is... your wrist.
Trying to power through anything that offers resistance, with a blade like that, is a spectacularly bad idea. Unless you're superhuman, your wrists are gonna go snap at one point. Even if you are, it's going to hurt like a schutta and slow you down.

TL;DR you can't transfer the physical strength of a blow through a weightless blade.

From that follows that any styles famous for 'strength of blows' and 'physical might' – chiefly Djem So – are kind of silly in design.
What you preferably do is act like your weapon actually has no weight in the blade, and the style closest to that is *drumroll* ...


Granted, you could go even further and just base most moves off of rapier, because it's the weapon that comes closest to being as handle-heavy as a lightsaber.
Mix in the cuts of the sabre – because unlike a rapier, a lightsaber cuts well – and you've got yourself a sensible style with oodles of reach and maneuverability.
Plus a free hand, to use for grappling/Force/punching/gunslinging.
[member="Vrag"], right you are, technically. Makashi and Shii-Cho basically address everything a Sith or Jedi would need to fight. Except they decided to throw in real metal sword styles for visual effect. So a lightsaber is a metal sword for physics purposes but it isn't? *shrug*

I suppose Ataru was made because it's visually spectacular because you can still speed-blitz an opponent with a real life rapier, saber or small sword. Except you don't throw in the real neat-o flips and spins.

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