Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Liberation of O'reen


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
Liberation of O'reen
Where It All Began

The flames of rebellion burn on the fringe of space. On the fortified planet of O'reen, the civilian population grows restless as they push for change under the militaristic dictatorship that forces them to be cut off from the rest of the galaxy.
After their leader, The Magnus, raided vagrant Tarro colonist and began to use their lives to keep the O'reenian Resistance at bay, their agents had no choice but to send a distress signal to The Jedi Order.
The Jedi remnant dispatched those they could across the galaxy to aid the rebellion, and liberate the people from the clutches of its government.

"We will fight to be free!"
Not too long after the Battle of Ruusan, the Jedi Order received a distress call from the Unknown Regions. In a plight for survival O'reenian Resistance leader, Lorsha Onders , reached out for aid in a civil war that had been raging on the planet for months. The Magnus, which was the title bestowed upon the elected leader, had been oppressing the civilians and waging a xenophobic war against the other species located on the far flung world.
Despite dwindling numbers, and a slight period of war the Jedi Order dispatched a small task force led by Grand Master Shmi Labooda who were already away from Exis Temple Station due to the battle on Ruusan. Aided by the Jedi, the resistance were able to properly organize and initially make significant gains in the war effort; They captured Epsilon Garrision. However, much of O'reenian society was thoroughly militarized and with all of their resources put into the military, they were able to gain the upper hand on overextended rebels.
Establishing the stronghold in the city, Epsilon Garrison, the resistance planned to cut the food supply to the O'reenian military, starving out the Magnus so that he could be captured. With the food supply cut, the resistance created a task for to launch an attack on the enemies defensive positions hoping to pick them off one by one. The O'reenian military took advantage of that, with the resistance force split, they attacked the city and routed the task force, inflicting heavy casualties including the other two Jedi generals.
Amid the atrocious weather conditions, were constant storms and heavy rain. The resistance, aided by Jedi Master Shmi, were able to regroup and in a valiant last stand prevent total rout by holding out against the O'reenian military for several days before reinforcements could arrive.
(OOC NOTE: If your apart of the Jedi Order, or are associated with it, your free to participate.)
Objective 1: Storm Fort Maximus and capture the Magnus, he's the person we want, and the person that will end the entire engagment. Free the Tarro slaves and help evacuate them.

Objective 2: Capture the Analysis Center O'reenian scientist are some of the best, we got reports that their working some type of bio-weapon to end the entire thing.

Objective 3: Do your own thing, and see where it goes :)
Objective 1

Quenladose remained quiet and focused while she waited for it. Focusing on the force energies while she was letting herself slip through the shadows with the light bent around her body providing a number of small variables. It wasn't the white current, it wasn't the mentalism abilities it was the powers of the Disciples as the ancient jedi knight roamed around. Letting her eyes flick back and forth across the ship she was standing in. They were storming a fort and that could be good but you needed to play it the right way and running up to it at the wall.... wasn't going to work well as she was going to use the force to sneak in or around to open up a pathway they could use to get in safely. The crackling of her comlink came while she focused the force energies to hide herself in the force and she was just a wandering whisp of air.


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
Epsilon Garrison

A thump could be heard as a heavy body fell the ground just in front of her. Through the thickness of the rain, only a portion of her face lit a emerald green as she held her lightsaber out in front of her. Her body expanded and tightened up quickly, as she tried to regain her breath. Her hair had become a solid black with a glisten from being exposed to the harsh weather, it stuck to the features of her face which dripped with rain water. Her head titled back, and her stomach sucked in and within seconds she let it all go, releasing her breath. For that moment, and only for the moment had she become deafened to the blaster rounds going off around her.

She slowly tilted her head up, and become immediately aware of the plasma beams filling the areas in shades of blue and red. None hit her, she jolted her head to the right, desperately looking trying to pierce the depressing grey of the battlefield. She was looking for her apprentice, [member="Rancarr Parad"]. She felt his presence so she knew he hadn't perished, she twisted her head to look to her left but her face and eyes instantly lit ablaze with shades of orange, yellow, and red. Her tattered sleeve clung to her face when she swung her arm around as a shield. She planted her feet and stiffened her legs so that she wasn't swept up in the wind generated from the explosion. Smelling the ozone and burning flesh, the presence of her apprentice grew as the fire died down. She sprinted towards him, cutting through the air.

"Stay close!"

She urged him, and turned her awareness back to the battle. They had been fighting for days straight non stop...she was the only high ranking Jedi left, the others perished. Epsilon Garrison had been ambushed and all they could do was hold out with hopes that reinforcements would make it in time, if they were even coming. She only hoped [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] had gotten her message before communications had failed. Most of her unit perished, and she felt terrible for bringing her apprentice into the fold. He should be back at the temple, this was no place for him, every moment she worried about his life. She heard the blaster fire increase just south of her which their defense was falling short in some areas.

She turned her head, and started sprinting in that direction. Her robe dragged through the mud, and water was kicked up with every step she took. She quickly approached the point of interest with her blade ignited. Moving past what few men they had, she sprang into the open becoming the lead target. She began to draw fire and bat it away just as it came. Her weapon moved in an blur, leaving emerald after images as the plasma bolts splattered back at her attackers.

"Stand Firm!"

​She could feel the morale feigning, she was attuned to everyone around her. The storm was only growing thicker...
Rancarr was crouched behind a wall with a small group of resistance fighters, his hood pulled up in an attempt to keep himself dry. They'd been stuck behind this wall for almost an hour now; a seemingly endless hail of blaster fire from some kind of fortified position the enemy had quickly set up prevented them from leaving their position safely. What they really needed was a distraction...

Just as that thought found its way into his head for the fourth time since we he managed to get stuck behind that wall Rancarr saw his master sprinting towards him and telling him to stay close before taking action to draw the enemy's fire. Rancarr, knowing he now had the distraction he was waiting for, turned to the resistance fighters crouched behind him.

"Okay, here's the plan. While my master has them distracted we are going to move up to that position and clear it out. From there we might be able to do some real damage provided we get close before they see us. Just keep low and follow my lead. We've got this." He said, gesturing at the position that had been suppressing them until just a few seconds ago. The resistance fighters nodded in agreement but they clearly a little reluctant to be doing this. Nonetheless, when Rancarr moved out from behind the wall they followed close behind him, keeping low to the ground and moving quickly so the enemy would have less time to see them. Rancarr made sure he took a route that meant his master could see him as he moved up just in case they found themselves in a tight spot but fortunately for them they reached their destination with relative ease, hiding behind some rubble that proved to be an ideal flanking position. There were four soldiers firing from behind a makeshift barricade, they were still distracted by Shmi's attempt to draw their fire. Rancarr whispered to the small group of fighters with him so as not to attract unwanted attention, "Each of you pick a target and take your time aiming. I need this to be quick so the others attacking the garrison don't notice. I'll handle anyone left over." The resistance fighters raised their blasters, spending a few seconds aiming before each taking a couple of precision shots at their chosen targets, taking down all but one of them in a single one of them in one devastating surprise attack. The sole survivor turned to run and alert the rest of the attacking force but Rancarr reached out & Force pushed him into a wall, knocking him unconscious before he could raise the alarm.

Having successfully taken this fortified position Rancarr and the fighters took cover behind the barricade and prepared to pick their next target. Their element of surprise still very much intact.
Pelagon ~

It had been two days since Grace arrived, and in that time she had gained but little further information on her Aunts family. The official records lead her to a house in the residential area where they once lived, little sign of that existence remained, even those families that had lived here after the Vhalorious had gone and now the home stood vacated. From the official records however, she had discovered names. Sarah’s husband, one Thrand Dawnbringer, and two sons, Thyrian and Thurion Vhalorious, at least this was something. Yet, there was nothing to be found on what had happened to them after Sarah’s death. All three just seemed to have vanished.

Meditation is a place of solace for Grace, it is here in the quiet of her mind she finds direction of purpose and guidance through the force. Although her main goal is to locate her family, the force was guiding her to O’reen.

This perplexed her greatly, there was nothing there for her nor any indication that the family Vhalorious had or would deem to head in that direction, but life in the galaxy is never obvious never rational and more oft then not a quest will take tangents before returning to the main course of direction. She did not question this, but rather believed the force was telling her true. From Pelagon to O’reen is her new destination to find what draws her there.


“Lightbane” ~

The ship pierced the atmosphere of O’reen. It had been difficult to gain clearance to land, and after much persuasion from Grace the authorities had given permission but with her movements to be restricted to Fort Maximus. Once her ship had landed, it was searched before she was given authority to enter the capital city. But not before she was to explain her reasons for coming to O’reen. She did not have to search through the force to feel the tension in the air, nor the furtive nature of the officers, and it was clear that the city was under alert but for what reasons she was not privy to. Her reasons for coming where her own, however she gained permission soon enough with a gentle wave of the hand and mind manipulation.

This is a military city, and each street on which she walked was testament to that, although the local population seemed to be given the freedom of the streets, there were armed soldiers in no less than two or three on each corner keeping vigilance. Something is wrong in Fort Maximus, she could sense it. There is fear in the people and not because of any external threat, but from within.

[member="Rancarr Parad"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Quenladose"]
Somewhere amid this bloody storm

The rain impacted against her orange goggles as Songbird leaned her head over the rock outcropping, seeing the flashes of red and blue in the far distance. The vigilante had set her sights on O'reen for awhile, now, but decided it needed intervention only when even the Jedi couldn't fix it on their own. She had no delusions of turning the tide of battle by herself, but she figured the stranded Jedi at Epsilon Garrison could use a little assistance.
She was on the outskirts of the battle, her intention clear: relieve the Jedi, or at least make sure some make it out alive. Whether the Talravinian would succeed in that would remain to be seen.

Taking a deep breath, Songbird spotted a small patrol of royalists making their way towards the garrison, looking to reinforce their comrades. Well, that sure as hell wasn't going to happen on her watch. She crept forward, keeping a hand near the grip of one of her stun blasters. She never carried lethal weaponry.
As she followed the patrol through the rain, Songbird activated her comm, pinging her astromech back at her interceptor, parked out of the way.

"R6, see if you can hail Epsilon, and tell 'em Songbird is here, would you, love?"
The astromech squealed an affirmative, and Songbird grinned. This was about to get interesting, for sure.
Now just a few meters away from the patrol, Songbird made her move.

The patrol leader cursed as more rain soaked his clothing. He was being charged with reinforcing a squad depleted by the Jedi, and was trying to lead his men through the intense rainstorm. One disadvantage of O'reen was the damned weather.
He heard some commotion behind him, but ignored it in favor of ensuring he was leading his men the right way through the rain. Though, that commotion sounded an awful lot like heavy humanoids hitting the ground-
His thoughts were interrupted as the barrel of a blaster poked the back of his head. The patrol leader stopped dead in his tracks, as a feminine voice spoke up next to his ear.
"Do me a big favor, love. Drop the rifle, and tell me where you're going."

Songbird stepped over the patrol leader's unconscious body, her other stun blaster now in her free hand. She could see the battle raging just a few meters in front of her. Of course, in a storm like this, a few meters might as well be a few kilometers. Songbird hadn't heard from R6, so she sighed. Oh, well.
With a breath of determination, Songbird entered the fray from the side, her stun blasters discharging cyan bolts of non-lethal energy as fast as she could spot targets. She had the element of surprise for about thirty seconds before she was dodging a hailstorm of blaster bolts.
"Well, not my smartest plan ever." She muttered to herself as she stayed mobile, her shots now a bit more conservative.
She was on a mission, now: find the Jedi, and pitch in.
[member="Shmi Labooda"], [member="Rancarr Parad"]
The time for talk was over... Now it was time for action.

Josh had spent many a day out in the Outer Regions, liberating slaves. But this was something different entirely. This was more akin to his old work. His old work with the Republic. But this time... This was different. They were not fighting a war. They were not serving a political agenda. This was for the people. And for the people... They would fight. For the first time in years, Josh would fight in a large scale battle, instead of in private and under a much smaller scale. The Jedi as a whole had not seen the Jedi Master actually partake in battle since he had been the Grandmaster of the Republic's Jedi. And there was plenty of reason for that. But now... The warrior was back to fight.

And he fought for the people.

[member="Shmi Labooda"] would be greeted with a blaster pointed at the back of her head while she had been distracted dealing with the Magnus soldiers on her front that had been overwhelming their forces, as a man under a half-helmet would sneer, that vicious grin visible. "Seems I've just killed off the leader of this pack of rats..." The man would remark snidely as he pulled the trigger. "Say goodbye..."

But the blaster never fired. Instead, Shmi would see a lightsaber whiz just past her head. It was a bright blue, and she would hear the man's groan before he fell to the ground. Walking to her side was the Jedi Master, Josh DragonsFlame, who had seemed to have gotten her message before communications had gone down. His expression was stern, serious and all-business. He didn't look at her at first as he walked past her, a hand held out that had been controlling the lightsaber that had taken the brute down. Josh would clench his fist before swinging his arm to the left, the lightsaber suddenly changing it's course and taking a handful of Magnus soldiers by surprise and cutting them down before the blue blade returned to the Jedi's hand. He didn't waste any movement, every motion had been with intent to strike the enemy down. It was too much like the Josh that cut soldiers down without thinking about it back in the Republic, a bit more then he'd have liked. It was something he'd regretted later and it was a factor in his leaving the Order originally. But these men... They weren't brainwashed soldiers with families, like the Sith, the Fringe or the Mandalorians... These were more akin to the slavers that Josh took down in the Outer Regions. They were monsters. Monsters that needed to be taken out, or they would hurt innocents. Everything from mercenaries to bounty hunters to even Sith were up to debate and judgement calls. Here, it was clear black and white. Which suited Josh just fine.

He would look over at Shmi finally, his brimming brown eyes looking her up and down for a moment, as if making sure she was alright. And then finally, his lips twitched into that cheeky, loving smile that Shmi knew him for, and he would quickly lean in to place a quick peck on his lover's lips before turning his attention back to the situation at hand. His expression had changed, just like that, from soft and cheeky to serious once again. It was time to get to business.

"Need a hand drawing their fire then?" He would inquire toward Shmi as he raised his blade to prepare to block the oncoming volley heading their way. Morale was falling quickly, and they were outnumbered... But the least he could do was make sure Shmi didn't fall in battle from trying to draw fire. Nobody should have to take that task alone...


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
The green flash of her lightsaber flashed, moving at a speed that was hardly trackable. Her bladework was more refined than that, though she had been fighting non stop for days straight. Survival kicked it, while technique had left a long time ago. Every few volleys of fire forced her feet to slide through the mud on impact, and after she would have to plant herself and regain her footing. Her wrist had grown tired, but her resolve fiercer for that fact that she couldn't just lay down her arms. While she stood...there was hope; she believed that. Amongst the splashes of plasma that protruded from the impact the blaster rounds made against her lightsaber, she noticed blurry masses moving in the corner of her eye. Pushing her upper body back a tad, she was able to turn her head slightly to get a better look. In the second she had to avert her attention she was able to cut through the rain and the hair covering her face. She noticed [member="Rancarr Parad"] moving around the situation, obviously to take the opposition from the back.

She twisted her head back around and then suddenly felt a cool object press up against the scalp of her head. Her eyes quickly reverted to their peripheral vision and she saw the black uniform of the man that held her at gun point. Standing there she could feel the water become absorbed into her outer robes; it was cool to the touch. She squirmed around for a moment, lowered her weapon, and finally turned her body over to see a man standing over her, and his finger slowly pulling back on the trigger. However before she could even wrap her mind around it she saw the blue trail whirl past her head. The magnus solider fell just in front of her, and she looked up to see [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Everything happened to quick for eyes to fully capture, but she heard it...and could smell searing flesh and ozone. However, she did catch Josh's serious as she had ever seen him, and she was waiting for him to turn and look at her; but it seemed like that took forever. However they did make eye contact...and no words were said, the tense moment ended when he let go a cheeky grin. She fell forward and planted her head into his chest. This was more because she was exhausted...and to see him meant the lives here had a fighting chance, but also because it was possible she could have perished...she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it; she felt maybe she wouldn't get to see him again.

She released herself from the embrace and stood next to him, regaining her mindset before she was taken by surprise. "You got my message, I'm happy your here." For the split second she clung to his back and stood behind him so she could think.

"We need to regroup, both sides are fighting against time. My Padawan and I have managed to help hold the fort but with you here we can turn the tides, and capture the Magnus."

However, the chances of that were slim...if they had someone on the inside it would run smoother.

[member="Songbird"] | [member="Quenladose"] | [member="Grace Vhalorious"]
She could feel the others were out there while she walked carefully and quietly through the force before she looked around. Allowing the force energies to wrap around herself when she found a small entrance and slipped into it. Turning over with some of the attention as the jedi knight went through some fo the bar and then into the pipe as her smaller frame was allowing her to push through them into the fort. It was giving her a few looks when she came into a large box and was gone from it as she dropped the cloaking reaching out with her senses. There was no one around the hatch leading up as she activated her blades and went at the locks climbing out. Glad to well be able to alter her senses so she didn't have to breath in the cent while moving towards some of the decontamination showers to clean quickly dousing herself in cleansing powder then getting in with the multicolored hair. Quickly finishing as she was back and cloaked creeping through
Rancarr would spend a few moments planning his next move. He could see his ship from this position but it had a couple of soldiers standing before the open front ramp. Between him and them was the rest of the battle, far too many troops for him and his group to get past undetected. In the end he decided that if he was going to get there, he would have to go alone and leave the resistance fighters to lay down suppressing fire as a distraction.

As Rancarr slipped away to get to his ship the resistance fighters opened fire on the nearest group of soldiers, drawing their attention away from the rest of the battle and allowing Rancarr to slip past them. Once again Rancarr kept low to the ground so as not to be spotted and moved as quickly as possible, ducking into the shadows and behind cover and dodging the occasional stray blaster bolt. Rancarr was just about to reach his ship when he noticed [member="Songbird"] run around the battlefield and taking shots at the soldiers engaging her. He glanced back at his ship and sighed.
"Air superiority will have to wait." He mumbled to himself before moving in her direction, sneaking up behind a pair of soldiers near Songbird.

When he was just a couple of metres away Rancarr struck out; activating his lightsaber pike and swinging it in their direction, the streak of orange energy cutting through its targets with ease, bisecting one at the waist and taking other's arm off. They both immediately dropped to the ground, lifeless and in pieces as Rancarr stood up and readied himself for the coming fight. "That's definitely got their attention..."
For the slight moment that he was being cheeky, he would peer down at the either knocked out or killed body of the man he'd taken down - to be honest he didn't care which, and muttered "I don't know, she looks pretty alive to me" at him during the embrace with Shmi before it was back to business as usual. Of course, despite his jokes, and then afterword his business-like demeanor, below the surface he was worried sick about Shmi. What if he hadn't gotten to her in time? If he was a second later, her brains would have been splattered across the surface of the planet and corpses don't make very good lovers. What if he'd never seen her again? These thoughts were coursing through his mind and they motivated him. They'd just finally begun to understand one another, he refused to let these soldiers take her. Not today, not ever.

He would peer back at Shmi when she clung to his back and spoke, nodding his head in turn. "If you think we're armed well enough now to storm them and turn the tide of this fight, then we'll do it. Your judgement hasn't led us astray just yet, love" He spoke calmly.

"What's our next move?"

[member="Shmi Labooda"] - [member="Rancarr Parad"] - [member="Quenladose"] - [member="Songbird"]


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
Josh's last few words echoed through her head, and the world began to move slow around her while she began to ponder the situation. One of her strengths was her ability to analyze and think logically under stress. However, her mind happened to be exhausted...If they sat here...both sides would just go back and forth...and the magnus soldiers would win the long battle. She bit down on her bottom lip, while Joshua squirmed around under her hand while he shielded them both.

"While we have the momentum we need to press the offensive, they're clumsy and just as exhausted as we are."

O'reen had a very unique set up, each plateau was connected through long bridges that housed each fortress. They had enough men to form a strike force that could possibly storm the fort; they only had one chance. She stepped from behind Josh with her blade emitted and began to join him in drawing fire.

"Whatever reinforcements you brought, don't have them come here. Tell them to head to the Fort Maximus...we'll need that extra power." Their group was likely to make it their first, but there weren't enough of them to take the fort themselves. Whomever they had on reserve would be needed to back them up.

She trusted the Force on this one. Something told her it would work out...maybe they did have someone on the inside. She blocked the last of the plasma bolts, and ran off towards a few stragglers looking to retreat.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | [member="Rancarr Parad"] | [member="Quenladose"] | [member="Songbird"] | [member="Grace Vhalorious"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Kyber Salurra"]
If that was what she felt needed to be done, then so be it. If she felt that with the momentum they had now, they could strike and turn the tide of the battle, then that was what they would do.

"I've brought in reinforcements" He would respond when she mentioned them. "Several of my Padawans will also be arriving soon, each from different locations, and in turn, each with a group of reinforcements of their own. While I'm not big on putting them in the line of fire like this, they've been trained by me personally, and I wouldn't send them out if they weren't ready for a mission. The reinforcements that each will be bringing will also be a help" Josh would add as he would continue to draw fire and deflect it with his lightsaber.

The two would take off at a run and Josh would take out his communicator, relying on Shmi for the moment to draw fire and deflect it. "J-Team, do you read me?" He would call into it, which seemed to be the code name for the reinforcements he had brought, likely to tell them apart in communications. "Don't accompany me! I need you at Fort Maximus! Merge with the team there and aid them! I'm relieving you of my command as soon as you get there, I repeat, merge with the team at Fort Maximus and report to whoever is in charge there! Shmi and I are going to take the offensive!" He commanded as he then switched his communicator to another channel. "Starwind, Vahn, Dresari! I want you, along with Team S, Team V and Team D reinforcements to merge with the team at Fort Maximus as well! We need every bit of firepower that we can get to pull this one out!" He added, before switching to a personal communicator and uttering something to a [member="Rylan Thatcher"] as well, something along the lines of "Our Fort Maximus Team isn't doing well, and I suspect Nef is there as well. If you're in the area, we'd appreciate the hand."

If they had someone on the inside, then he sure as hell hoped they would act soon. He would put the communicator away, thanking Shmi for covering for him as he would raise his lightsaber and get right back on the attack.

"If we're to take the offensive, we'd best do it now."

[member="Shmi Labooda"] - [member="Rancarr Parad"] - [member="Quenladose"] - [member="Songbird"] - [member="Grace Vhalorious"] - [member="Nefertari Sovint"] - [member="Douglas Starwind"] - [member="Anora Vahn"] - [member="Dusaro Dresari"]- [member="Rylan Thatcher"]
Objective: 1

Dusaro was not far behind Joshua, following in his YV-929 armed freighter. He picked up the comm as Joshua spoke and called out the name of their grop. "This is J-Group, hearing you loud and clear." He resonded quickly and clearly, listening intently to Joshua's further orders. "Rogher that sir, we will rendevou with the other freindlies and group up ASAP. Closing the comm lines." He said after Joshua finished speaking, turning his comm off for the moment until something else came up. Normally, he would be piloting the ship, however, Dusaro was not a capable combat pilot. Instead, a more well trained man who was with the reinforcements they were bringing was piloting. Though Dusaro was not the only Jedi Padawan in his ship. Douglas and Anora were both inside as well and he was a bit worried for them both. As far as he knew, it was their first time on a battlefield. And assaulting a fortress no less, it made for quite the baptism by fire.

"Alrighty, bring us in as close to our front lines as you can. Enemy air defense is not too heavy yet so lets give our allies a bit of air support on the way in. Blaze the guns hard and get ready to drop open the cargo hatch for us to hit the dirt on my mark. After we are on the ground, pull out and start running air support. Use your own judgement untill we have a link to whoever is command here. Good hunting." He said, patting the pilots shoulder, before adding. "And may the force be with you."

Warning lights were going off in the freighter as the rapidly approached the fort where the bulk of the freindly forces were. Dusaro watched a screen that showed the outside from a hull mounted camera, timing when and where they would jump with it. "Twenty seconds from destination. Hold steady and get ready." A moment later a laser cannon shot hit the shields of the ship, rocking it to the right and tossing the people inside about. "Ten seconds." He said as the ship leveled out, pulling himself back upright with his hand hold. The inside was oddly quite except for the sound of the ships weapon systems, even as he saw a battle rage outside through the screen. It got his blood pumping, and a light burning in his eyes. "Five seconds." He said, exhaling quickly to calm himself as the final seconds approached, lifting up his saber hilt. "Three... Two... One, drop it!"

The ship slowed down as it glided just a few meters above the surface of the earth, the cargo hatch lowering. The supplies they were carring were quickly pushed out and dumped behind freindly lines, and the reinforcements jumped out of the ship after them, Dusaro landed first with his yellow saber ignited in his left hand. He whirled around quickly, finding the location of freindly defenses and the enemies. They had landed not too far behind the front lines, directly infront of the imposing fortress. Not too far away were friendly troops, Dusaro waved them down and advanced up to them quickly as a few blaster shots came his way from the enemy defenders. "I need a comm link to who is in command here! Tell them reinforcements from Master Joshua have arrived, J-Group!" After that, he waited for the commander of the seige to pick up the phone while keeping an eye on the fortress.

Meanwhile, the ship pulled up and away, reporting to any and all resistance members it was ready to give air support.

[member="Douglas Starwind"] / [member="Anora Vahn"] / [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] / [member="Shmi Labooda"] / [member="Quenladose"]
It had been a long time since Rylan had been on a battlefield of this magnitude. The last time he could remember being in any major battle, he was on Kashyyk, fighting alongside his own padawan. Blades of crimson matched those of blue and green, and there was chaos everywhere. On the ground, he didn't see any Sith yet, but his surroundings still reminded him of that battle. That's when he chided himself. 'Keep your head in the game, Thatcher.' Looking around once more, he wondered where his allies were. In place of hs usual black attire, he now sported a brown leather trenchcoat to show his allegiance with the Jedi who were fighting alongside him. Still, strapped to his back was his black force imbued blade, Alnost, and his pistol hung at his side. Suddenly, a voice scratched through his coat. Picking it up quickly, he caught a few words of the transmission, with a voice that could only be long to Josh. "Fort Maximus; got it. I'll see what I can do about thinning their ranks on the way there." Pulling his sword from its sheath with a long, drawn out metallic scraping, he brandished it in the sunlight, realizing this would be his first actual battle with a sword instead of a saber. There was only one way to find out the results. Smirking like he hadn't in a long time, Rylan reached into the force, giving himself the speed he needed, and took off.

Once he got in range of enemy targets, he slowed down his approach with just enough time to slam the first one in range with his shoulder, then followed with a quick flourishing slice downward, ending the man's life. If there was anything he hated, it was the glorification of taking life. From what he had seen and heard, these Magnus soldiers were just that kind of scum, so he wouldn't have any nightmares about taking some of them down. As he whipped through some enemy fodder, Rylan began scanning his immediate surroundings visually, as well as through the force, looking for any sign of Josh or the padawans. He needed to regroup with them as soon as possible. The more force they had on one point, the better. It wasn't long before he found himself back to back with a face he'd seen before, in training. "Ah Dusaro! There you are! How are you enjoying your first real fight so far?" Activating his commlink, he sent a message to the Jedi Master. "Josh, I've joined with the padawans. We're forming up to take the fort as we speak." As he eyed the fort, he wondered just how he was going to do that.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Dusaro Dresari"] [member="Douglas Starwind"] [member="Anora Vahn"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Doug couldn't believe what he was being pulled into. One minute he had been focusing on some training, the next he was heading into what amounted to a war zone. He had never experienced anything like this before. This was definitely unlike the incident that led to him meeting the man who was now his Jedi Master. This was more than that. His heart was pounding in his chest and he could almost feel it beating in his ears. He should have figured something like this was coming up, but so soon? It caught him a bit off-guard.

He was on a ship with the familiar faces of Dusaro and Anora, two other Padawans his Jedi Master had been training who he had been somewhat acquainted with some time ago. There was someone piloting the ship who Dusaro was giving some pointers towards. Through a communicator, their Master ordered them to go to a place called Fort Maximus to merge with some other forces there. It apparently wasn't just them heading there either. Dusaro had taken to responding to what Josh had asked of them before the communication cut off. Whatever was going on, it probably was dangerous. He had to keep his composure, though. This was serious after all.

It was clear that they were almost there, especially when the shields of their ship were hit by some sort of laser cannon, which caused him to briefly lose his balance from the ruckus it caused. He regained his footing luckily as Dusaro had continued a countdown. He was definitely feeling something as they slowly approached. Soon enough, it was time. He grabbed onto the hilt of his saber and jumped down after him. He had definitely taken charge of the situation here. Doug held the saber-ish weapon in his right hand and activated it as they fell a few meters to the ground.

Doug landed a little bit after Dusaro and followed after him from a distance, keeping a tight grip of his own saber in his right hand. It was probably best to keep near them after all. As Josh had said to them, they had to work together. It was much like the one he had used in that sparring session against Anora and it could actually make for a weapon in these times. Once he had approached, he heard Dusaro call for the commander and also saw another face near him. He was unfamiliar, but he definitely looked like an ally based on the attire and that he seemed to have contact with Josh. Doug looked at Rylan for a moment before glancing towards the fort that was now in more clear view to the group himself. He was still rather quiet, perhaps due to him still trying to deal with his nerves, but they had successfully made it to their location at least.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Dusaro Dresari"] [member="Anora Vahn"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Nef had gotten lost, and thus was unavailable for the battle at the garrison. After running around trying to find her way, the cloak atop her shoulders was shredded and cast off. Finally noticing the group moving out toward what could only be inferred as Fort Maximus, the lady moved to join up with them.

Nearby, she could sense an informant hiding in the shadows. Her pink blade was thrown, boomeranging through them. The hilt missed her hand on the return, clattering to the ground next to [member="Rylan Thatcher"] and extinguishing itself.

...Still haven't gotten the hang of saber throwing.

Immediately she resumed her movement to join up with the group assembling. She'd meet them in a few minutes.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Shmi Labooda"], [member="Douglas Starwind"], [member="Anora Vahn"]​
This was not at all what Anora had planned today when she woke up this morning. Some routine exercises, training, so on and so forth, sure. But to be loaded up and informed that she was going to be participating in some serious battle going on? Not at all what she had expected her day to turn in to. Which was probably why her stomach was tied into several uncomfortable knots while she stood by during the flight. Its not that she had any doubts; she, Douglas, and Dusaro wouldn’t be here right now if their Master didn’t think they could handle themselves after all. But this was her first real taste of anything real-battle oriented, and she would be lying if she said some part of her wasn’t nervous.

And those nerves only seemed to increase when the ship rocked and jerked her from whatever reverie she had successfully put herself in up until that point. Anora had been quick to grab onto the nearest body to keep herself from falling over, and then righted herself with a quickly muttered apology. Her focus then shifted to the countdown for their exit, and she placed a hand against her belly and closed her eyes in an attempt to quell the roil of nerves until it was time to jump.

It took only a moment to steel herself, and then she gripped her own weapon tightly in her hand and jumped down after Dusaro and Doug. She took only a quick glance around before she was moving after the boys, and despite her nerves managed to keep up without tipping over her own feet – or anyone else’s for that matter. The flood of butterflies was slowly turning to adrenaline however, which made her only slightly antsy when they finally stopped and Dusaro set about trying to communicate with the commander.

She heard Rylan before she saw him, and when he activated his comm to speak with their Master about the fort, her body shifted to get a look at the place herself. A deep sort of steadying breath was taken in, and her cheeks puffed out a bit when she released it. For once, she had no banter or commentary – at least not yet – and instead stood by with the other two Padawans to await further orders.

Only to jerk slightly and take a step back when a saber hit the ground near Rylan. And now her nerves had spiked again and her eyes were wide. But at least they were all still in one piece, right?

[member="Dusaro Dresari"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Shmi Labooda"], [member="Douglas Starwind"], [member="Rylan Thatcher"], [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
She could feel it, her focus on the area around herself as the jedi knight was looking at the people she could sense with a bow of her head stopping when she was near a room. Her attention on the details while some of the men inside were running away from her and the room. There were more people doing things all around until she slipped into the room wrapping her small arms around one of the men that was left in the room and she was squeezing to make him pass out while she declaked herself to look around and started working on some of the things. her small equipment pack was there as she worked with it to get out her proper robes that had been augmented with the superior and worked on mesh working to construct within her own robes. Synthweaving them into a stronger type of equipment thanks to the jedi masters like Matsu ike and her division. her sabers in her hands when she touched the robes being ready to move out and defend with the others.
"This ain't no fight. Seiging the sith fortress on Aten II was a fight. Maybe i can tell you about it some time." Dusaro quickly said with a snarky tone, before getting serious again. "Im just glad they don't seem to have any artillery. Or if they do, they are not using it. What is taking so long to get in touch with command? Is the line down?" After a moment, the resistance soldier nodded. "Aye sir. We can't seem to reach them right now. The last fresh news we got was of a Jedi advancing and taking an enemy postion. The last news we heard at the front was that it was at a near stand still." Dusaro nodded. That wasn't good. An attacking force at a place like this needed to be able to take things swiftly. Getting stopped meant getting ground down, and starting after stopping wasn't easy. Atleast that was his experince with such things.

Dusaro flinched as he heard the lightsaber land nearby, though realizing what it was only took a moment. He popped his head up and saw the other Jedi headed to them, presumably the person who had lost her lightsaber. He gave her a wave before looking back to Rylan. "So, seems we will have to go to the front ourselves and figure out how best to win the day. I say we get a bit of covering fire and go running to the front lines and play it by ear from there. Unless you know more about the situation up there?" Informed or not, they were not going to be of any help to anyone sitting around here and the only way to advance was forward. Which made things nice and simple, for the moment. Advance and join up with main assaulting force. Those were Dusaro's thoughts that made him propose the idea to Rylan.

[member="Anora Vahn"] / [member="Nefertari Sovint"] / [member="Douglas Starwind"] \ [member="Rylan Thatcher"] \ [member="Shmi Labooda"]

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