Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let Slip the Dogs of War [Protectorate Invasion of Druckenwell]

Whilst [member="HK-36"] played the iron angel of mercy, the Confederate fleet surged toward salvation. Many did not make it, the guns of the Emperor's Shield and [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]'s fleet tearing numerous lesser vessels apart with their self-righteous fury. Yet even as they died, those vessels served a purpose; nudges of the living force sent their shattered hulks drifting across the flanks of the fleet, forming shields of the dead and dying for the core of the Confederate fleet. Starfighters, those equipped with hyperdrives and those close enough to the retreating fleet to return to the sheltering embrace of their hangers, broke off from their engagements and joined the break for freedom, whilst those droid starfighters without hyperdrives began to attack with renewed frenzy, resorting the kamikaze runs as their missiles ran dry.

Nothing would be left behind for the Protectorate. Nothing.

The first ships to reach the edge of Druckenwell's gravity well jumped out toward seemingly random vectors. They'd revert to realspace shortly afterward and take another seemingly random vector, and another shortly after that, to ensure they weren't pursued toward the rendezvous point. Others followed quickly, their departures marked by a ripple of cyan starbursts across the edge of the system. More and more departed, the impotent turbolaser fire of the fleet chasing them like kath hounds after a speed, and soon the Xenophon swept across that invisible marker and the ibhibitors on its hyperdrive released.

A moment later, it was gone.
Objective: Evacuate
Allies: [member="Morna Imura"].

"Morna the fleets has..." Kentarch could not find the words. "...the situation has has deteriorated beyond our control." He said finally.

In the chaos of orbital strikes, collapsing stations, and pitched battle, most died as the sky literally fell to the earth. On a speeder bike The Sith Lord race to the sapce port hoping his ship was still intact. "I hope you have an evacuation plan Master Imura. The planet is doomed, good luck." He finally said. After several minutes he came to the space port his ship was docked at, although the place looked half destroyed. Quickly he found his ship and ducked inside and dashed to the cockpit.

"Get us out here, now." He barked at the droid pilot. Quickly the ship lifted off the surface of the planet and rushed off into the atmosphere.
Ayden fell to one knee and gave a shuddering gasp. The deaths of a few were inconsequential to the Force, save for those who had close ties to them. But this? Hundreds of millions of souls were crying out in terror, their light snuffed out from the ravages of war. 'No... Not war. Murder.' If there was any doubt to the validity of his claims when he had assembled the council and made for a declaration of war, it died with the people of Druckenwell. Across the Protectorate, dozens of worlds watched in horror at the devastation that the Confederacy wrought upon its own world. It was no record; it was live feed from the Protectorate fleet interspliced with vids from terrified civilians and troops on the surface. This was a day that would go down in infamy.

There was no effort to follow the Confederacy. Even as they abandoned their own people to die, the Protectorate fought to save as many as it could. Stories would break soon about Protectorate soldiers giving up their place on dropships bound to leave the planet. Ships were pushed to the redline as they fought and struggled against the titanic mass of the shipyards. Most of the falling shipyards had been neutralized, at least on the side of the planet that the Protectorate occupied, but there was still more than three-quarters worth of orbit that did not have ships to blast the largest pieces. Vain effort was expended to try and reach those places, but there were only so many ships and they could only travel so fast.

On the Leviathan, Ayden stumbled his way back up and looked out darkly to the stars where the Confederacy had fled in cowardice. There would be no forgiveness for this. If the Confederacy wanted to act like animals, then they would be put down like animals. What had started as the folly of one man had become the folly of an entire state. But that would have to wait. Already search and rescue craft began deploying while medical cruisers jumped into the system. Relief funds were being created and an outpouring of aid was being sent to Druckenwell. The battle was over, but the war had only begun.
[member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Marek Starchaser"]
Alli began coordinating aid with Mr. Starchaser. Every Baktoid factory was made open and supplies would be made available to the public as she watched the vid feeds in horror. So many people were going to die. She had tried to break up the ring but nothing seemed to do much good as she watched it continue to fall. While the CIS military forces might of left, the Techno Union stayed working with the protectorate to aid all the people of DruckenWell. The OP couldn't say they didn't care. She knew the military had to leave, it was no longer an confederate world but the Techno Union was made up of companies that did not only supply the Confederacy and thus felt safe to stay. " I do hope we can save as many lives as possible, this got far uglier than I ever feared. Let me know of anything you need Mr. Starchaser" It was horrible, to see this side of war first hand. She opened a fund for the effort, putting a large sum of credits into it. This was going to hurt finacially but it was the least she could do. She had been building new shipyards so this wasn't as much as a setback as it could of been.


Vorhi screamed as he awoke. To pull off his last stunt, he drew power from many, opening his heart to their own. And now...they were all....dying....

" again, notagain notagain notagain.....whywhwywhywhy!?!?"
He looked up seeing the ship. A small voice of reason, fo wisdom, told him to go in.

He looked at Aaralynn. [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]. "Focus, we have to leave, now!" He said boarding the ship. Any port in a storm. More death, more of this, and he'd lose his mind. He looked at the robot tellign them to get on board. "She needs a Bacta hit, yesterday. She was shot, not sure by whom," he said walking onto the ship, and collapsing on the floor. "Time to fly. Fly away, fly away...."

And thus ends the tale of Vorhi Alestrani, Hardened fist among the obsidian knights.
Onboard The Divine | Divinus, In Orbit Within a Piece of the Shipyard Docking Bay
CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle
Personal Starship of General Jy’Vun
Mission: Eradicate.
Allies: The Confederacy
Enemies: Omega Protectorate

Before the Burn

Cloaking device enabled.

The shuttle had drifted through space undetected for what seemed like a very long time. Time opened windows, offered things that many things could not. The cloaking device and the chunk of Docking Bay she and her crew was in offered somewhat of a haven. From what she had gathered from vast projections within Druckenwell and surrounding it, from the time it began, to now... Anesia left it open. Pushing her own power to compliment the forces of the Confederacy, it aided in that much more devastation. That many more cries.

To be fair, she had warned them.

Images came hundreds at a time in constant flow. The task she had given herself was to sort them. Seeing all that need to be seen, the ancient Sith Master smiled knowingly.

The point of battle meditation was to influence all and bring that of one's ideals into fruition. It had only started with a thought until it unfolded suddenly and without warning to each. By doing anything necessary, even if that meant letting another finish what she had started or letting the blame fall on another's shoulders. The Confederation of Independent Systems needed this and all it had really needed was a little... push.

It was not until the moments of eradication... of cleansing, that the General punched the accelerator and drove the shuttle out of hiding and into safety of space that The Protectorate left... free. The stars stretched now, like bright white thin ribbons of lightening as they jumped into hyperspace.

The Aftermath

It had been a wonderful event.

Isley Verd and The Omega Protectorate were merely pawns in the greater scheme of things and they had proven to play their parts exceptionally well. He gave her the opportunity and she took it without hesitation- they fueled her passion, even gave her cover when they meant to do just the opposite. One day perhaps, she would thank them. For now, though, the General of what was left of The Confederacy peered over the ship's screen and then out unto the stars.

This was what they would use to build a new foundation for a brand new Confederacy; all the farce surrounding their presence in the Galaxy would now come raining down from the heavens; all acid now, no water. Like the bright green of her eyes. The monster of madness fell once more into deeper thought, done with battle for now.

The fire does not cease at Druckenwell.

Oh, no.

It is only but the beginning.

Perhaps Sullust, Anesia thought darkly, perhaps Naboo. There was still time to adjust the coordinates. Who knew. Through passion, I gain strength.


The little girl was bid to go to one of the dropships pulling people from the surface, but as the last of the dropships cleared the area and made for orbit, all that was left of Disciple was an empty city bench... and the traumatized mind of a little girl.
This was Bathapoodoo. All the people around here were running. I shook my head as people decided that this was a loss. And even a "friend" turned tail on me. So much for my trying to stop them. Cus it didn't do crap. I shook my head as men rushed by me trying to run. I shook my head. I was ready, I was strong, and yet I stilled failed.

So much for being General. I literally walked back to an R-41 starchaser. A simple, but very small ship. I was pissed. There was so much chaos that I was sure that there was an inside job done here. Flipping switches, I looked out the viewport and lifted off.

Kark this.
Objective: Escape

"Sir, the likely hood of us escaping the debris field, is one-." The droid pilot was cut off by the Sith Lord. "Never tell me the odds!" Kentarch screamed, likely the first time in the man's life. The sith infiltrator slowly ascended from the space port. Around him debris and turbolaser destroyed the land around and beneath him. Just as a piece almost smashed him to dust, the droid pilot swerved the ship out of the way. The small ship veered, dipped, ducked and weaved through the falling space station. Darth Kentarch quickly strapped himself into the copilots chair, and ensured the safety harness was tight.

"ALTITUDE, WE NEED ALTITUDE!" Kentarch shouted as another large hunk of space debris just missed the ship. He could hear the smaller debris begin to bang off and ricochet off the side of the ship. "C'MON!" After a few tense moments the seemed sky seemed to clear up. The Sith Lord sighed, and reached out with force. "We made it my lord, and good thing too the shields just failed." The droid said, and in the moment the stupid bucket of bolts jinxed it. In that same moment a stray turbolaser round struck a glancing blow to the side of the ship. The infiltrator veered wildly into a spin, loosing altitude and plummeting back into the planet below.

Clutching the arms rest of his seat the Sith Lord summoned what defense barriers he could with the force. Around him masters alarms rang and signals blared. The droid was flung from his position and smashed against the ceiling of the ship. Finally after more moment, with a loud crash and kicking up a massive dust cloud, the ship crashed into the ruins of the city below.

Objective Failed.
Status Report: Confederacy Defeat. Kentarch MIA.
“All ships, cease fire. The enemy is gone,” Stahlmann said. He could see the fires from here, high up. “All dropships, prepare for relaunch. Marines, medics, anyone who can assist will go down there and begin rescue procedures. Captain, you have the bridge, I will go and confer with the Lord Protector. Deploy picket ships to ensure no enemy comes to interfere.”

With anger and sadness in his heart, the old soldier turned and left the bridge. The glories of war were much less glorious when one saw the aftermath. As a famous soldier in another time and reality had once said; ‘The only thing worse than a battle lost is a battle won’.
Location: Capitol
Objective: Duel
Allies: OP and friends
Enemies: [member="CC-953 Oddball"]

The commando didn't dare to pop his head out to the suppressing fire from Oddball. When he heard the cannon stop firing Canal got up and aimed the rifle at his brother. But he didn't fire cause he had one thing coming at him: a cannon that was about to explode because of the sparks. What the clone did was jump on top of the table he was using as cover and when his feet touched it he jump backwards and did a back flip trying to get away from it. Though, he was safe from getting blown up the cannon did push him back further from the repulsive energy it released. His body hit a wall which hurt even with the armor on.

Recovering from the impact he pulled out his DC-17 pistol and aimed it at Oddball. "You want to know why I defected, brother? Because the lies the CIS told us! This is a corrupt government. They created us just to expand their corruption. What's funny is that you prefer to fight a corrupt government instead of uniting the remaining of the dread guard with us! Explain that to me." Canal said to him wondering if he could counter against his counter argument.

"Besides, you've probably killed on of our own. So I'm gonna give you options, brother. One: lower your pistol, order your men to stop setting the charges and come with me. You won't be out up to trial. You would be fighting alongside your brothers against the Confederacy. Or you can die with honor. Cause I'll give you that you have guts and courage to stand up against me," and ended there. He still had the pistol aimed at Oddball. Whatever option he picked it would either be live or die.

"Sir, I recommend getting out of here now! The whole shipyard is coming down to the planet," Hunter said via comm link. "Then get out of here now! Get to a drop ship and while you're at it get some citizens and soldiers in there, no matter what their affiliation is. And what about the the CIS?" And waited for the response. "They retreated, sir. By what I'm hearing from command and other Protectorate cruisers they were the ones who fired and destroyed the shipyard." Canal then responded, "Well, do what I said and leave me a drop ship with some space in it."

"You see, Oddball? The Confederacy has left without giving a damn about you or its people. They left to save their own skin. And they destroyed the shipyard above this planet. What does that mean? It means they fired on their own people. There were still CIS lives in there and they dies because of the Feds. Now, come with me or you'll die. Also, its insignificant that your squad has planted this bombs. Protectorate forces have retreated because of the falling shipyard coming out of the sky. So, what's your answer?" Still looking at Oddball and aiming his pistol at him. He never kept his guard down. Ever. There was always the possibility that Oddball may attack him.

For now he just waited as the world was pretty much ending.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
Objective: Get Everyone out of there!
Allies: [member="Kix Tal'Verda"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] [member="Jackpot Tal'Verda"]
Enemies: The Shipyard, Gravity.

The Shipyard was coming down, Ori could already feel the deaths from random debris that was falling free of the station, questions of who and why became Irrelevant as soon as they showed themselves. "This is Ori'Alor Tal'Verda to everyone on this band, weather you be my boys, Calico's, or both; Get the Frack out of the Capital and off the planet if you can." Ori said, using the Besuliik to help get all the Civilians she could to safety "Get as many people out of the city as you can, the shipyard is coming down!" Ori kept coming and going from the Capital itself to varios shelters, starports, and dropship sites across the area as the station fell, trying to get as many of civilians, OP Troopers, and her own brothers and sisters out as possible. There was only a short time to impact when Ori finally decided she had done all she could, it didn't take a look up to see what was coming down on top of her. Ori got one more use out of the Besuliik that day, placing it just inside the entrance to a basement in the outskirts of the city. As the station impacted, Ori was knocked into a wall, all she knew was Blackness.


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

Oddball stood there, it was pointless now they had to go now. There was no reason for other people to die here and especially if they were his brothers. While yes the CIS was corrupt under the control of Isley this was a fresh start with them and he wasn't about to throw them aside so he could go and hang out with calico and canal again. They were off on that Mandolorian crap and it was honestly a little too much protein shakes and brotherly love for oddball to handle.

Gritting his teeth he looked to his men it was time to go. " let's go! I'm not joining you canal but we do have to go. Grim! Get Hex's body. No one gets left behind." Picking up his fallen brothers body the team moved to [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] where they would most likely be shuttled off the planet since the invasion was over and the world had fallen
"Good choice," the commando said as he saw Oddball putting away his weapon and ordering his men to stop what they're doing. "Follow me," as he exited out of the building leading his brothers to the evac point. There were debris falling from the sky and they had to hurry cause the evac point was only 25 meters away. Honestly, he wasnt sure if they could make it but it was their only shot at getting out of here.

"I just hope Ori got out of here," as he ran with the others following him. He wasn't sure what would happen to Oddball and the rest. Would they be prisoners of war or what? There was no time to think about the future as they had the whole sky falling towards the ground.

[member="CC-953 Oddball"]

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