Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let me know!

Since I long to be apart of the cool kids club, I figured I would get one of these started.

Feel free to offer feedback, criticism, heck even through some praise in there ( I would love you forever ;) )

Hehe, much appreciated

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Sochi Ru"]

I love your descriptions and use of dialogue in your stories. I have read some very nice plots involving Sochi and usually read threads when I see her (unless I am lazy). All in all I like her and will continue to read her stuff when I catch it.
[member="Sochi Ru"]

I've only written a few times with your character so offer this:

- Write more so I can get more ideas to write WITH you with my characters because you have so much knowledge about the world and environment you write it, it makes for great reading and you certainly give us lots to work on. She is one of the more realistic and grounded characters to write with who really comes over with an air of thought in all you do for her. Keep it up.

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