Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lamenting The Fallen

She had felt it from across the aether. So loud were her cries that Ariel had been forced to cease his flight, and Groom had simply joined in. Neither had left her side since.

It wasn't that she was a stranger to loss, far from it. Some of her earliest memories pertained to exactly that, and she had not done a very good job of keeping hold of friends and family that had come into her life since. Perhaps she was too wild, unruly.

This one was out of her control though.

Mythos had taken her in without a moments hesitation. He had cleaned her up, helped her to walk, to talk, to learn... Much in the way that Jax had before him, and her beloved Thurion.

But Jax was gone, and Thurion had grown where she had remained as young as the day they had met.

Now she was alone in the Galaxy oncemore. While she had called Midvinter home for some years now, and never once had she grown, and only on the odd occasion had she seen him or his kin', it did not mean the loss did not hurt. Just as it had when they were forced to leave Atrisia. And then Felucia.

Every time she seemed to settle. Every time she adjusted.

Today Kida prowled. After what felt like weeks of mourning, after Groom and Ariel took turns bringing home their feasts so that she did not wither away, it was finally time for her to do something. Anything.

The tuk'ata was a painful reminder of her Papa, for Groom had originally been his. A gift to the Wild Princess whom had found herself inseparable from the creature. Whenever she turned back into her natural form she clung to his furs for comfort, all the more so now.

Today though she was not her child self. Her shoulders rolled back with each step she took, paws almost as large as her true-born face. Overhead Ariel screeched, and her eyes narrowed into the snowy brush.

Daux were not native to Midvinter. The world had its own felines, such as the Frir, and her orange and tan fur was a stark contrast to the surroundings. Yet somehow she made it work, after so many years hunting here she had learned the very best ways to use it to her advantage.

Her avian friend circled overhead, providing a simple indication of where their quarry lay. Just beyond the trees.

Lowering herself to the ground in preparation, Kida took just one minute more... And then she pounced.

How had she denied herself this rush of adrenaline for so long?

[member='Zaz Tal'Verda']
I am a son of the Mountain.
Zaz had been known to frequent Midvinter from time to time. Often his entire clan would take trips to the planet, in search of a worthy enemy or even a potential ally. Though Zaz had overstayed his welcome. With the turning of the galaxy he was advised never to stay on one planet for too long, and he had been here for nearly four days.

It wasn't like he was one to follow the advice of others anyway.

Rather than return to his ship like he should Zaz moved away from his encampment and into a nearby forest. His eyes danced over the scenery before him. Trees covered in a blanket of frost, killed by the planet's harsh winter. Animals swarmed through the forest though most seemed hostile even in sight.

The Mandalorian moved through the forest, his hand resting on his blaster pistol as he did, This was a harsh enviornment, one that would kill a man if he allowed it.

As he continued through the woods his eyes fell upon a feline, immersed in the hunt. His first instinct was to draw his own weapon, curious as to if the creature would be hostile or not. It appeared to be paying it no mind so he simply watched it, placing his weapon back where it belonged.

She landed upon the back of the Alk, a large creature hunted by both man and beast for sustenance, and in an instance the thing had buckled under her weight and the momentum of her pounce.

Right on cue, her Tuk'ata brother leapt from the trees, snagging the animal by the throat, and together it took just a matter of moments for the cries of pain to cease and the beast to lay on the ground immobile.

Stepping back, Kida - known simply as Daux when in her feral state - licked at her paws. It was good to know that a few weeks away had not altered her ability to hunt, to fend for herself. From above Ariel began to plummet, until he settled upon the mound of matted fur and began to dig his curved beak.

First taste went to the scout. That was their rule of thumb, and one which suited them well. Ariel needed far less meat than the other two, after all. It was best to let him have his fill.

Groom soon tucked in, too, but something had caught Kida's attention and she snapped her gaze to peer through the wooded area. The stench of the metal beasts hung heavy... Manflesh.

While she did not hunt man, having a natural affinity toward them, she could not help but remain skeptical. Few came this far out, it was wilderness and held for the most part little they could need.

Her shoulders rolled again, as she took one measured step toward the smell. And then she saw him.

The way that his body was held within a metal shell reminded her of HK. That funny droid who had first found her all those years ago, yet chose to keep her from the Galaxy's wars. She missed the metal creature dearly, and a low cry escaped her at the thought. HK, Jax, Furry, now Mythos.

She was cursed where man was concerned.

Her head tilted to one side as she stood in place, frozen mid prowl, regarding the stranger solemnly. While her body was that of a beast, there was something in her eyes that spoke otherwise if he chose to acknowledge it. An intense understanding, a humanity.

But she would not let her guard down. She would not show her true self. For all she knew this man was a hunter, come to take down her kin' the way so many had tried to do.

Her clan, as mismatched as it was, came above all else.

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
Never considering himself much of an animal person Zaz didn't really know much about the beasts in front of him, nor did he pretend to. Most animals served two purposes, hunt for food or hunt for sport, anything outside of that was generally lost to the man. Not to say he did not enjoy animals but he had merely never sectioned off any time for them. One of the beasts, the Daux he had been eyeing but a moment ago, seemed to take notice of him. He took a moment to feel the breeze of the winds and realized she was downwind to him.

Must of caught my scent. He mused, not taking his eyes off of the animal. Rather than draw his weapon once more he slowly began to crouch down, keeping one hand on his blaster but remaining at ease.

With a few rapid clicks of his tongue he held his hand out to the Daux. "Come here boy." He said, ignorantly, unaware of it being a male or female.

Again he let out a few of the clicks before an idea formed in his mind. "Oh wait." He stated, his free hand going into a pouch on his waist. The man produced a small piece of jerky from the pouch, holding it out to the Daux. "Here you go, you hungry?" He asked, curious if he could get the Daux closer.

Another sniff.

The metal creature did not seem hostile. He kept one hand on his side, but the other was outstretched in her direction. She did not approach him right away, instead throwing her head over her shoulder to watch as Groom and Ariel ate their fill. Neither were inherently greedy creatures, and they held her safety and wellbeing above all else. She would not go hungry if she lingered away from kill.

Groom lifted his head in her direction, apparently also finding no ill intent from the upright as he just as quickly returned to the feast.

A good sign.

The only one she needed.

Pacing forward ever so slightly, she fixed her gaze back upon the stranger. Still keeping her distance, but curious enough to risk the space between them. Yet another sniff, sensing for any change in behaviour.

He pulled his hand back after a few moments, only to make it magically reappear with what smelled like food. Not the same sort that most presented her with, then again to them she had been viewed as child not beast.

She crept closer, as though trying to make her movements unseen. Ludicrous really given the size of her. While she was hungry, there was perfectly good meat just behind her. What made his offering any better?

Nothing. It was pure curiosity that brought her painstaking to his feet. Until nary an inch lay between them. And there she sniffed his boots, his metal fur, and finally his hand and what lay within.

Her eyes lifted, meeting his solemnly. A slight tilt to the left as she regarded him the way no animal had right to. Just what manner of creature was this upright?

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
As the Daux continued to sniff his palm Zaz could not help but let out a small chuckle. "You're a sweet one." He commented, setting the small piece of jerky on the ground before her. However, before she could partake, if she chose, the Mandalorian's hands gripped the sides of his buy'ce. Tapping a button on the helmet's exterior he could hear the soft hiss it gave off as the seals were released. He set the helmet on the ground beside him, returning his attention to the animal in front of him.

"Havn't seen many of you running around here...." He muttered, scanning the area as he outstretched his hand once more. He would attempt to give her a soft scratch behind the ear if she allowed it.

"Good boy..." He soothed, happy that even if she did become angered his beskar would pretty much keep him safe from any backlash.

She sniffed him again, and caught scent of something she hadn't expected. A scent which had her howling mournfully the way she had spent the past few weeks doing. Whatever it was, it felt as though Animus was here among her though she knew that could not be the case. Tiny little howls, ones which posed no threat, before she turned her maw against his hand and nuzzled where he chose to pet.

The beast had removed its head piece by now, revealing very short black fur over pale skin. The young girl, turned cat, rubbed up against the armor, before turning to yap at it when a piece of her fur snagged on a joint. That hurt.

A long sigh left her, and she lay down at his feet and sniffed at the jerky he had dropped with mild interest. Why was this beast here? And how did he know the perfect spot to scratch, just as her silver-furred friend of old had? The funny metal creature that had fed her chocolate and brought her a crown of leaves.

Another low howl, so much she had lost... She would not allow it to happen again.

[member='Zaz Tal'Verda']
I am a son of the Mountain.
Once the Daux had nestled into his hand he could not help but pet her affectionately. He lowered himself onto the ground, sitting down while speaking to the animal once more. "I don't come to this planet that often but I don't think I've seen one of you before."

His eyes shot to the animal when she gave off a rather shallow yap. He glanced down to the bridge in his armor where some of her fur had gotten caught. Pulling the fur from the crevice he continued to pet her once again. "Sorry about that, too cold to take it off right now." The Daux was friendly enough, and it seemed to be a good way for Zaz to occupy his time until he was ready to leave.

"My name is Zaz, you know on my homeworld the animals aren't nearly as nice as you. Hell, they're more likely to take my hand than to let me pet them." He stated, chuckling a bit as he continued to rub over her neck.

This being seemed... Kind. He hadn't reached for his weapon since their initial encounter, and now he was set upon the ground and seemed more than happy to yap away in the language of the uprights, all while giving her plenty of fussing. Part of her wished that she could see him through the child's eyes, but she did not know how that would end up. Most did not take too kindly to seeing a shapeshifter in their midst. Besides, it was frightfully cold... And while her furs were not too far away they certainly were not on hand. And she wasn't about to stop Groom's feast to have him find it.

Perhaps he didn't need to know that she was more than just an animal. He seemed as content as she to be sat in present company, a nice escape from what was usually happening around them. His presence provided momentary relief from all that she had experienced of late, from the loss of Animus specifically.

So she curled up, remaining as a lumbering yet affectionate cat. She did recognize some of his words, from a time long gone. Name, that was one Jax had used a lot. My name is Jax. Your name is Kida. Where was the blue-furred friend, with the funny pink skin? Would she ever see him again?

Her little howls ceased. No more lamenting, she was tired of doing so. She was a survivalist, she would find a way out of this rut one way or another. She had kept herself alive this long, moving from thing to thing. She could continue to do so again.

Peering up at him, she tilted her head to the left, then to the right. Zaz. That wasn't a word she knew. But it had come after name. Was that this creatures name? A light rumble left her, but her throat did not work the same way as it did when she was a child so the name did not come out at all. Zaz. She would remember that, if she could.

What she would give to remember how to talk. She had for a while, in Animus' care. And in [member='Thurion Heavenshield']'s she could walk. Sort of. But so very long had passed since she had seen either... And nature had reclaimed her the way it might an abandoned village. Vines wrapping around every man-made structure. The same, it seemed, had happened to her.

Without any input from her, Groom seemed to step closer. The tuk'ata had a set of warm furs in his maw, and as he neared Kida and the man he set it down over her body, each step he took having been slow so as not to scare away the man or provoke him. With the furs over her, the warmth engulfing her form and covering her, Kida felt at ease. As though her beloved guardian and friend knew that it was time to release herself of the feral state she had been provoked into with Animus' passing.

Slowly and surely the bones began to crack, not particularly loud but audible all the same, and her form shrunk in on itself. It was a painful process, not at all instant, but one she had grown used to. Soon all that remained was a small child bundled in the furs, curled against the ground. Thankfully no snow touched her, even after so long on this world she had not adjusted to its frightfully cold touch.

For a moment she panted. It was a draining process, one she rarely did anymore. It was safer in her Daux form, warmer, it made more sense. But it was taxing. The longer she spent in that form, the less human she became. Right now she could not afford to lose what remained, lest she be stuck as beast forever.

"Zaaaz" she finally said, without peeking out from under the furs. "Keeedaa." Just as [member='Jaxton Ravos'] had taught her.

[member='Zaz Tal'Verda']

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