Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lack of consequences

I've been recently discussing with another member of Chaos that there seems to be some lack of reactions/consequences to certain action.

I'm speaking about events such as the glassing of Eriadu (I think?), the sinking of Manaan, the obliteration of Dromund Kaas, Brokellia and etc.

There's many, rather world-shattering events, other than the staff events. So why not introduce this to our timeline ?

Cira has started with the submissions of Brokellia, Tatooine and Tython which is pretty cool. I'm not suggesting doing that (although it's welcome) but at least, perhaps, a pinned thread that summarizes various major changes to a planet/system.

Why ?

Because I feel it would enrich our writing experience and the fact that your actions are actually more than just dust in the wind.
Well-Known Member
It's been thought of a lot, and no one's has come to a good solution. There's been the "Lore section" of the Codex, two iterations of it actually if I'm not mistaken, there is Cira's projects and other such things... but really when it comes down to it, what happens to planets is only recorded in hearsay, loud voices who carry it down a grape vine. Which honestly, on its own is fairly good system, considering that if a lot of people talk about it, it must be important. However, that sort of infamy and relevance dies off quickly.

I think it would be interesting however, if Staff could support a user-made list of notable planets with notations indicating any catastrophic changes that have been made to them since the boards start. Members could nominate planets and support the nomination with a thread link (or perhaps multiple to better solidify its reputation as having changed and actually impacted role playing there), and then staff could add them to the list with a little notation detailing the major changes, and perhaps the IC year it happened if it can be found.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
And then there was the Nuking of Keldabe when Sith sieged Mandalore few years ago.

Although that's nothing compared to the recent Fething of Mandalore, otherwise known as Taking A Chit On Mandalore
[member="Vitor Avendahl"]
If you want to start canvassing events, gathering links etc feel free! Gather a team, go it alone, whatever works for you.

It is something we want to do in some form, so whatever you gather will be put to use eventually.


Disney's Princess
[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Here are some obstacles I've encountered personally,

1. Record keeping is time consuming and inconvenient on a board-wide, or faction-wide, or even just character profile level scale. Think about it. How often do you update your character profile? Your faction's history? Your Factory and Codex subs? ...Yep. Exactly.

2. People don't want to remember other folks glory days. They want you to remember theirs. As such, public records are often recorded with a strong bias. Wither that bias be towards their character's achievements, their faction's agenda, or just their own preference for pictures, unicorn references, and pink-colored text. Like the old saying goes: the winner gets to write history books.

3. What is important or 'enriching' is a subject of debate amongst the community. What is an important event to Bob is just more mundane fluff to Susie. Apply that to record keeping and boom, enough said.

4. New members don't deal well with history. They write their first biography and create their first new characters using general terms, general technologies, on popular planets, according to movie or video game terminologies, and desire to join factions they already recognize. New members enjoy learning as little history as possible. It is usually a barrier to entry.

Now. That said. I do highly suggest that every player keep an updated character profile with links to their RPs. I suggest every faction keep their own IC history with their own political bias intact. And, if the admins keep recording the events in the timeline too? I think we'll be in a very balanced place at the end of the day. :p
Vitor Avendahl said:
sinking of Manaan
How does one sink an ocean planet? Isn't that like drowning a fish?

I think a comprehensive listing of notable events, such as Brokellia, would be an amazing tool to have on hand, just like the new and AWESOME Map Index Directory.

For instance, if a person wants to make a Corellian, they can do so without being left out of the loop of what happened to Corellia in this timeline.

Jay Scott Clark said:
How often do you update your character profile?

Are you kidding? My bio's like a scrapbook, yo.

Jay Scott Clark said:
People don't want to remember other folks glory days.

Ehhh. I can see what you mean. Personally, I loved reading the interesting board canon events, but it WAS confusing for me if I needed to incorporate them with my character or if I shouldn't worry about it (When I first started).

Jay Scott Clark said:
What is important or 'enriching' is a subject of debate amongst the community.

Yes, I agree. However, I feel as though something as big and impactful on the universe as Brokellia should be made known to new people on the board who may not know otherwise. They may think it's cool, but definitely not unless given the chance to find out.

Jay Scott Clark said:
New members don't deal well with history.

Yeah, you got us. An endeavor like this would most likely be meant more for us older members to enjoy.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison said:
Is the Bombing of Korriban up there? That seemed to turn many Factions and characters head-over-arse and into scary territory that still rages now.

I'd almost forgot! Oh, wow, that was a an amazing salt rage fest. Entertaining to read, infuriating to be a part of.

The McYoda Incident.​

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