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Approved Tech Kyber's droid body

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Intent: To provide Kyber with a droid body
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: CIS
Affiliation: Kyber
Model: HK-56
Production: Unique
Modularity: N/A
Material: Durasteel, droid components, personal cloaking device, Reflec


Classification: Fourth DegreeWeight: 70kg
Height: 1.8m
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: Lightsabers
Misc Equipment: N/A


Able to cloak
Hidden compartments for three lightsabers

Able to cloak and sneak past hostiles
Reflec keeps the droid off most radars and basic scanners

Lower durability compared to most other droid models
Ion/ emp weapons can easily disable the droid

When Kyber was hired by the CIS to join its Exterminatus team, the shard needed a more appropriate droid model than the one he was using so he requested the CIS to construct a droid body based on the HK look that was built for Stealth and one that would cause his targets to fear him. After a few months the HK-56 droid body was created for Kyber.
It was in the shu-toran war arc in the vader comics
I forgot my marvel comic account login so i can only provide the screenshots i can find with a quick google search


Once i remember my login i can send you the image where triple zero suggests the blood power thing which vader denies his suggestion (which from the above screenshots you can see triple zero didnt obey)
[member="Zef Halo"]

Sadly to my dismay no wookiepieda articles have been made on this presumably due to it being done as more a joke to show the cruelness of triple zero
[member="Kyber"] - Appreciate the effort but reading the panels it more seems like the droid was deceiving the enemy to break their morale and end the fight so I am not sure this blood-powered droid thing is true. You will have to figure out something else or remove it.
[member="Zef Halo"] while I would have to disagree with your statement due to the fact it was more done as a little joke and i doubt the blood thing will ever be referenced again in starwars I rather not waste factories time trying to get my sub approved and if it ever does get mentioned in starwars with more information on how it works i can always make a new sub

So all refrence to the blood thing has been removed
[member="Kyber"] - If it ever becomes more than a little joke, you can simply request a modification of this current sub rather than going through the hassle of making a new sub. Although the choice completely remains yours, of course.
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