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Approved Species Kuvu - Imperial Shore Hound

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  • Intent: More Live animals for specialized cavalry pls
  • Image Credit: The Fantastic Eduardo Groult
  • Canon: No
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: New Junction
  • Name: Kuvu
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Fearie Junction
  • Average Lifespan: 15 Years
  • Estimated Population: Scattered
  • Description: Kuvu were large, powerful predators native to the coastal hills of Fearie Junction. Kuvu sleek bodies made for chasing down prey and long tails for balance barbed with four to six spikes. They were a semi-aquatic species of reptomammal that lived in packs. They spent about thirty percent of their life underwater searching for fish, large crustaceans, reptiles, and other animals to eat. The four fins on their head were extrasensory organs not dissimilar to lekku. They utilized these to sense shifts in water current, vibrations in the air, and pheromones from other members of its species. They also used these to communicate along with their yips and growls and barks. Their four-fingered webbed paws had small claws that could wound or kill but they were their main weapon in combat. That was their aforementioned tail and their powerful jaws. They had an incredibly strong bite force, easily able to crush the armor of stormtroopers between them making them incredibly dangerous to stumble on. They were, however, tameable though full domestication was an impossibility.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.8-2 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 2-2.4 Meters
  • Skin color: Various shades of grey
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions:
    • Spiked Tail
    • Finned Cranium
    • Webbed Feet
    • Strong, Elongated Jaw
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • All-Terrain-Scout-Cavalry: Kuvu were adapted to the mountainous coastline of Fearie Junction allowing them to swim quickly, climb, and run fast. Their strength and size also meant they could carry small loads of goods as well as a trooper in full kit.
  • Spike Tail: Their spiked tails could pierce duraplast.
  • Healing: Unlike Orbaks and other equine mounts, Kuvu could heal from broken bones and be fine with propper medical care. A broken leg was not a death sentence.
  • Nothing Particularly Impressive: Their skin was nothing particularly impressive. A few blaster bolts could put one down and a single bolt from a military-grade weapon could fatally wound it. Except for their rump. The rump is notoriously tough.
  • Extreme Cold: In the winter months of Fearie Junction the Kuvu were known to hibernate in the wild. While they are forced to work in captivity, they are lethargic and more susceptible to colder climates.
  • Extreme Dryness: While the heat doesn't bother Kuvu in the humid climate of the Fearie Jucntion coastal highlands, exceptional dryness can cause Kuvu to dehydrate rapidly. They require a lot of water and a place to swim when held in captivity.
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: Barks, yips, growls, fin twitching/moving
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Kuvu were pack animals and lived in groups as small as four to groups as large as eighteen (the largest recorded Kuvu Pack). They were extremely territorial and would fight other Kuvu packs to expand their hunting space. They bred twice a year in the Spring and in the Summer giving birth to litters of four to six pups. They hibernated in the winter in barrows that are dug underground. While they will eat anything that moves, their preferred snack are the brightly colored fish of Fearie Junction's waterways.
The Kuvu were discovered when Fearie Junction was colonized thousands of years ago. Their use as hunting companions, homestead guardians, and short-distance messenger beats was unmatched until the Orbak was brought to Junction. Hordes of the beasts caused no end of trouble to local fishermen and shepherds who had brought their bantha and nerf with them to graze on the plentiful hillsides of Junction's seaside prairies and wetlands. At some point, they were brought into the way of life of the countryside Junctionite and local policing and defense forces as mounts.

When the Empire came to Fearie Junction they were quickly adopted to the Shore Trooper's repetiteur of gear and quickly became known as "Shore Hounds". The beasts made their way off-world and began to populate several other semi-aquatic and aquatic worlds with the Empire utilizing them as local patrol beasts for the System Defense Forces and Shore Trooper deployments resulting in a boom in their overall galactic population and spread.

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