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Approved Species Kraujas Yirmiti - Blood Condors


  • Name: Kraujas Yirmiti - High Sith for Blood Condors
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Amaltanna
  • Average Lifespan: 30 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: With a savage feminine appearance, Kraujas Yirmiti are a fearsome mixture of woman and a bird of prey. Crimson plumage and sharp and powerful claws, with scaly bits, the creatures are sadistic guardians of the Kraujas Arana that they had either hoped to become through their ritual or had been rejected from the ritual.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale to gray, with scaly bits of blueish gray on their arms and legs
  • Hair color: Crimson (both hair and feathers of their wings)
  • Distinctions: The most distinctive physical traits of the creatures are their large crimson colored wings and their wicked talons that adorn both their feet and the hands that are attached to their wings. Every single member of the species is feminine in appearance due to their origins as failed subjects of the Kraujas Arana ritual.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Due to their wings, they are able to sustain flight for long periods of time and can travel great distances in the northern Amaltanna mountains they inhabit. they are also surprisingly fast and agile while in the air.
  • Their physical appearances bely their strength, as while they are failed subjects of the Kraujas Arana and don't completely share their martial strength, they still have enough strength to lift fully heavy armored humanoids into the air and carry them off.
  • Their talons and their fangs have been enhanced, even through the failed ritual, to be perpetually razor sharp and can easily slice through all light armors and medium armors and some heavy armor.
  • Their songs are not as developed as the Kraujas Arana, but the bird songs they can sing are quite alluring and beguiling. Any prey that hear it that has a weakened willpower find themselves losing any hostility towards the Yimirti and will draw closer to them, charmed until the creature swoops in to kill them.
  • If their wings are damaged, they cannot fly until the damage is healed. Until then, they will merely hop about and will generally be in a much fouler mood.
  • Opponents that have a strong will can resist the effects of their song, if anything, they gain some inspiration from resisting the effect and find their wills bolstered during a confrontation.
  • They don't have any special protection from attacks, so attacks from small arms and melee weapons can injure them just as easily as any other being and heavy weapons can just tear right through them.
  • While the original subject of the ritual had to be sentient Force Sensitive female, the failure of the ritual has stripped them of their access to the Force and their sentience, reducing them to the current bestial state that they are.
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: Screeches and shrieks, can understand commands given in the Sith language.
  • Technology level: No technology level, although some Yirmiti that have been wrangled by a Arana clan have been fitted with some basic armor.
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion or belief system
  • General behavior:
    • Yirmiti are pack hunters, with the creatures generally grouping into flocks of between six and ten individuals, although much larger flocks can be found within the territory of Kraujas Arana clans that now serve what they would have become. The flocks are communal with no designated leader, with the creatures having an instinctive awareness of how to divide up prey they have killed or enticed.
    • Each individual within a flock will create nest for itself, although each nest is close enough that they are all within range of their voices. It is typical for the creatures to practice their songs, and they very much prefer to nest in regions that allow their songs to echo in valleys to draw in unfortunate prey into their hunting ranges.
    • Yirmiti are able to spontaneously lay a clutch of about three to five eggs, from which small Yirmiti will hatch, due to some random mutation caused by the failed ritual that allows their cells to alter themselves under certain circumstances. Spaarti Creation scientists and Order of Arcane Syn alchemists have theorized it is in a similar manner to how some reptiles and amphibians can change sex for the purposes of reproduction, but they are not entirely sure how that occurred and more research from specimens would be required.

While a many captured Force Sensitive females of the Kraujas Arana Matriarchs are able to become more of the corrupted angelic beings, even their skill in the ritual to create more of them is not perfect. Sometimes it is a new Matriarch's first attempts to perform the ritual and they haven't had time to study all the runes and sigils needed to keep a stable blood chrysalis. Other times it can be as simple as a particular victim not being compatible with the ritual and their genetics mutate in an unexpected way that causes a cascade of changes. Whatever the reason might be, when the altered creature breaks free of its cocoon, there are many times when what emerges is not a full Kraujas Arana, but what the Matriarchs have taken to calling Kraujas Yirmiti or Blood Condors in High Sith.

The Matriarchs of some clans decided to cast out these rejects into the northern mountains of Amaltanna that various clans of Kraujas Arana had claimed as their territory, with the now masterless Yirmiti, little more than bestial hunters, forming into their own flocks and claiming certain peaks and valleys as hunting ranges. Others were instead kept by their clan to be both guardians of the clan, and to be a force they can command in combat against others as the Yirmiti are agile fliers and still have power in their sharp talons and muscles.

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