Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kor's Workshop


  • Intent: To submit a small number of replica droids that serve as both a personal bodyguard and are derived from Kor Vexen's memories.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: PROXY | The Simulacrum
  • Manufacturer: The Sith Empire | Kor Vexen
  • Model: Mk1 - KVX 'Shade' Holodroid

  • Production: Semi-Unique [ Only Seven Total Produced ]
  • Affiliation: Kor Vexen
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Material:
    Phrik | Small quantities of Phrik are incorporated into the droid's design, a majority of it to create protective armor pieces to protect limbs and other vital areas. These include the upperarm, forearms, thighs, calves, chest, abdomen and head. They play a role in protecting limbs from lightsaber damage, but the joints are completely unprotected by Phrik.
  • Durasteel | A majority of the droid's design is constructed from Durasteel, including its innerframe and other areas that are not covered by protective Phrik plates.
  • Droid Components | As it is a droid, it is comprised of a number of circuits and boards that allow for it to function as a droid.
  • Ysalamir Nutrient Frame | A crucial component to the Shade Holodroid, the presence of a Ysalamir encased within a Nutrient Frame allows for the droid to mitigate Force Powers of those in range, thus protecting it from simply being thrown around or crushed via the Force.
  • Repulsors/Tractor Beams | Miniaturized variants of these devices have been installed on the Shade Holodroid, allowing it to imitate or mimic particular Force abilities that utilize telekinesis. Since the droids lack any real connection to the Force since they are not Shards, they are still able to utilize these skills and to greater effect since it is more difficult to avoid being caught by such effects created by the machine and are not hindered whatsoever by the Ysalamir also equipped to their chassis.

  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 81 kilograms
  • Height: 1.8 meters [Variable]
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: Variable, it is dependent on what it is given, though it is likely a weapon associated to the figure that the droid is replicating.
  • Misc. Equipment: (Sensors, scanners, shields, etc.)
  • [ Memory Modules ] | Each droid can be equipped and programmed with a specialized memory module that gives complete access to the skills of the individual that the program is based on. Since these modules are derived from the Simulacrum and specifically of the individuals that have been consumed by Vexen, they give an identical set of skills and abilities outside that of basic telekinetic Force Powers for the droid to utilize from combat styles to a way of thinking. Since they are specialized, there are no other modules installed into each droid to maintain the purity and identity of each one.
  • [ Ysalamir Bubble ] | Each of the Shade droids are equipped with a Ysalamir contained in a nutri-frame, giving them an innate resistance to Force powers that would otherwise allow a force user to dispatch of the droids with ease like any other droid. This gives them the ability to fight in their respective fields of expertise, usually revolving around the use of melee combat.
  • [ Heuristic Learning ] | The Shade droids without a memory module are incapable of learning for themselves, but once an appropriate module has been implanted, the identity that they take on is able to actively learn in order for them to better combat modern day weapons and scenarios that might not have been present during the time in which the individual they replicate after existed.
  • Protected against EMP and Ion attacks. These droids are designed to be exceptional adversaries, and as such EMP or Ion attacks will likely not work as intended against standard droids. Though it may cause them to function at a less effective rate and meddle with their holographic features, they will not be completely immobilized by them.
  • While they may be droids, the memory modules installed on them may give them a sense of independence and free thought. As a result, they may not follow their creator and can possibly turn against them.
(Include some strengths and weaknesses here. Describe some of the history behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.) All droid characters must be approved through the Factory if their droid models are not canon.
[ Blade of Sacrifice ]​

  • Manufacturer: Former Jedi Master
  • Model: Blade of Sacrifice
  • Affiliation: Jedi Master Appolodorus Slane | Kor Vexen
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Songsteel, lightsaber components
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Green Kyber crystal
  • Ornate Hilt
  • Songsteel Blade
The Blade of Sacrifice is a lighsaber crafted out of Songsteel that also possesses a lightsaber blade in addition to its metal edge. It was the personal lightsaber to a former Jedi Master who lived centuries ago who has since been killed and consumed by the Sith Knight Kor Vexen. All that remains of the Jedi is the lightsaber he left behind, both a trophy and a memento to the once great Jedi that Vexen saw as his equal. The Blade of Sacrifice can easily be mistaken for a shortsword when un-ignited, some might even mistake it for a dagger due to the songsteel blade that extends from the handle. Its hilt possesses an ornate design with a knuckle guard and a wing extending from the opposite end. When ignited, the blade produces a green glow.

  • Can cut through many materials with relative ease.
  • Songsteel blade allows for the user to combat lightsabers even with the lightsaber component activated. It also allows the user to continue to fight even if the lightsaber becomes shorted out by Cortosis.
  • Cortosis will short the lightsaber blade if it comes into contact.
  • Single-handed grip makes it difficult to defend with against physically stronger opponents.
The Personal Armaments to The Five will be posted here​

  • Intent: To supplement TSE ground/naval forces with an effective counter to explosive ordinance directed at them.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Ion Pulse Missile

  • Manufacturer: The Sith Empire
  • Model: XV-100 'Sidewinder'
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market | The Sith Empire
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Ion Pulse Generator, Faraday Cage, Tracking computers, Thrusters
  • Onboard Tracking Computer
    The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile features an onboard tracking system that traces exhaust trails back to the source while in flight. This information directs the missile to follow the path back to its source like any other tracking missile. This onboard computer is protected by a Faraday cage to protect it from the effects of the payload carried by the missile. Information processed by the computer can be relayed back to the launcher, projecting its given location of where it is heading, serving to also highlight any enemy launcher's position.

[*]Additional Thrusters
  • The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile is designed to be a rapid response counter to incoming munitions coming in at high velocities. As a result, the Sidewinder features a number of auxiliary thrusters to let it fly faster than most explosive rockets or missiles to intercept them before they are able to fully reach their intended and original targets. The Sidewinder features a backup thruster that is activated after the initial ion pulse wave to carry the missile to its final target.

[*]Ion Pulse Generator
  • The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile payload is the Ion Pulse Generator mounted on it. The Ion Pulse Generator features a double triggered system; the first releases an initial pulse that fries guidance/tracking/flight systems and disables explosive payloads when it comes within 20m of any electronics while airborne. The second releases a continuous series of pulses for over a minute or until it is disabled after it has impacted the ground. The Ion pulses released by the generator span a 40m radius and come in intervals rather than a steady generation.


+Ion Pulse Generator+
The XV-100 'Sidewinder' is an excellent counter to neutralizing its more explosive and lethal cousins that take on the form of rockets or missiles carrying explosive payloads. Once they are airborne and detect anything within a 20m radius of them, the onboard ion field generators will activate, sending out a 40m radius ion pulse that can disable payloads, tracking systems, engines. Anything that is not protected by a Faraday cage or possess some form of EMP resistance will be affected by it.

The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile's numerous auxiliary thrusters allow it to fly through the air or space much more quickly than the opposition's missiles and rockets are meant to fly at. The Sidewinder has additional thrusters protected in a Farady cage after the initial ones are burned out by the Ion Pulse Generator, thus leaving the Sidewinder to continue flying, albeit much slower to its final target.

+No Swarms on my Watch+
The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile is extremely effective in countering large missile/rocket swarms as the initial pulse is capable of neutralizing the warheads and essentially turning most missiles and rockets that don't have their payloads protected from ion pulses into useless rocks sailing through the air.

+Say Goodnight+
The Ion Pulse that comes from the Sidewinder has just as much of an impact on vehicles and starfighters that get caught in its effective radius, inflicting the typical effects of ion weaponry on them as well.


The XV-100 'Sidewinder' is a purely defensive missile designed to shut down enemy munitions and vehicles. It possesses no explosive payload in which to destroy or inflict any sort of harm upon the enemy unless it lands directly on top of them, in which case they will suffer from being crushed under it.

-Please Don't Shoot me Down-
The XV-100 'Sidewinder' lacks any sort of defensive system against anything other than an ion or EMP based defense measure. As a result, it can be shot down before it reaches its final target or point of impact.

-Dropped Bombs? Damn-
The XV-100 'Sidewinder' is specifically meant to counter any missile or rocket-based projectile. It is significantly less effective against munitions that come from mortars or are dropped as bombs because they are not as easily interceptable as the former variations of explosives.

-Not All At Once-
The XV-100 'Sidewinder' is susceptible to disabling any other Sidewinder in the air that is too close to it when the initial pulse is activated. As a result, Sidewinder missiles have to be fired at intervals that would put them outside of the previously launched Sidewinder's effective radius otherwise the inital thrusters used to propel the missile will be disabled and force the Sidewinder to fly on its singular backup thruster.

The XV-100 'Sidewinder' has just as much of a chance to disable any friendly vehicles or fighters while in the air or by the ground where they land as it does the enemy. As a result, those who fire the Sidewinder must exercise caution in where it is aimed at.

The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile is a variant of an Ion Pulse Missile, upgraded and designed to better counteract any rocket or missile threats directed at ground/space targets. The Sidewinder was designed and manufactured on a mass scale after an engagement between The Sith Empire and The Silver Jedi Order on Kashyyyk in which The Sith Empire faced a heavy amount of missile fire from the opposition that slowed their attack down considerably. The Sidewinder's production is to ensure future campaigns against those who utilize large swarms of missiles or rockets on either ground or space targets will have to heavily reconsider their options and methods of attack.

The XV-100 'Sidewinder' missile in every aspect of its design is meant to disable/disrupt its intended targets. The initial wave that comes from its ion pulse effectively turns any missile or rocket into a harmless albeit gravity and inertia propelled rock. Once the Sidewinder traces a rocket or missile's source it will set a guided flight path towards it before ultimately impacting either the ground or its target, and disable the launcher and any electronics around it further for over a minute.
  • Intent: To submit a mobile rocket platform for offensive/defensive uses.
  • Image Source: Scifica
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions:
  • Primary Source:
  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Affiliation:
  • Modularity:
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel
  • Classification: Artillery
  • Role: Medium Artillery
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Optimal Crew: 2 (1 pilot, 1 gunner)
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift
  • Speed: Slow
  • Maneuverability: Low
  • Armament: High
  • Defenses: Low
  • Squadron Count: Average
  • Passenger Capacity: 0
  • Cargo Capacity: Large
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
Synthia Ren

' Evil is a word used by the ignorant and weak. The Dark Side is about survival. It's about unleashing your inner power. It glorifies the strength of the individual '
General Information


Alternate Combat Mode

Name | Synthia Ren
Aliases | N/A
Age | 94
Species | Bakuran
Gender | Female

Faction | Knights of Ren
Homeworld | Bakura
Occupation | Knight of Ren
Former Occupation | N/A
Force Sensitive | Yes - Dark Side

Physical Information

Height | 5'11"
Weight | 145 lbs
Build | Slim / Athletic

Eye Color | Amber
Hair Color | Dark Red
Skin Color | Tanned

Notable Features |

Synthia at a glance may appear to be normal when wearing full garb, but upon closer inspection will realize that most of her body is mechanized. Many mistake her to be a Gank or even a cyborg because of the startling amount of cybernetics, but the truth is that she has simply replaced a majority of her body in favor of cybernetics to extend her life as was typical of most Bakurans. Her cybernetics are of elegant design and appears to conceal much beneath its surface.

Psychological Information

Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |

Intelligent | Quiet | Focused | Cold | Determined

Synthia is an intelligent and competent individual, with much of her thought process and actions being dictated by the most logical conclusion she can reach. That is not to say that what remains of her 'emotions' doesn't sometimes sway her decisions at times, but these are likely influences/signs of the Dark Side influence over her. Most first impressions of Synthia is that she is much like a droid, not only in the sense of physically, but personality/behavior wise as well. She comes off as cold with a disregard for any life other than her own, whether its mechanical or organic in nature. That being said, she will pursue whatever goals she has before her with ruthless efficiency, and is determined to do so in any capacity, even if she has to cut through countless bodies to reach it.
Strengths and Weaknesses

+Melee Specialist+
Synthia is a master when it comes to melee combat, but has a special preference to weapons that typically require two hands to wield such as axes, spears or scythes. Her skill with midrange combat weapon gives her a great advantage when handling close quarter combat fighters or saber uses, as her skill with her specialized weapon makes her particularly gifted in both offensive and defensive aspects. This extends to armed and unarmed combat as she is also a practitioner of several martial arts - including Teras Kasi.

-Force Sensitivity-
Synthia is naturally gifted in the Force and would have been an exceptionally skilled user of the Force had she not replaced a majority of her body with cybernetics. Much of her connection to the Force has been reduced, thus limiting her control over it and what abilities she can utilize.

+Mechu Deru+
With what connections to the Force Synthia does have, most of it revolves around the use of Mechu Deru. While she mostly utilizes it to enhance her own cybernetic body's already tuned abilities, she on occasion will utilize Mechu Deru to sabotage any technological assets her opponents may use; whether it be their own combat suits, droids or weapons.

As one might come to expect, Synthia is particularly susceptible to ion/EMP weaponry. While her body is mostly designed to resist and still function while under the effects of ionic or electromagnetic weapons, much of her improved traits such as speed, strength, and reflex times is reduced to much less threatening and lethal levels. It should be noted that such effects will not kill her either.

+Flesh is Weak+
Synthia has nearly entirely surrendered the original form she was born with in favor of cybernetic. While this heavily impacts her ability to use the Force like most, she still is relatively strong in the Force with what organic bits remain, and whatever was replaced by cybernetics simply improves her efficiency and enhance every other aspect of her compared to a standard being. Speed, strength, reflex time are all significantly improved as a result to the point where she can compete with and flourish against Force Sensitive individuals.


[ Ren Helmet ] - [ Source ] - [ Factory Submission TBA ]

[ Signature Weapon ] - [ Source ] - [ Factory Submission TBA ]

[ Cybernetic Body ] - [ Factory Submission TBA ]


[ Birth - Early Life ]
[ Teenage Years ]
[ Attuning to the Force ]
[ Conflict and Loss ]
[ Cyberization ]
[ The Knights of Ren ]
[ Current Story ]
[ Theme ]
Fidavar Norn
Fidavar Norn, at your service-
General Information


Name | Fidavar Norn [Fee-duh-var Nohr-n]
Aliases | N/A
Age | 42
Species | Human
Gender | Male

Faction | Independent
Homeworld | Corellia
Occupation | CEO of ApexTech Industries
Former Occupation | Experimental Research and Engineering
Force Sensitive | N/A

Physical Information

Height | 6'2"
Weight | 175 lbs
Build | Athletic

Eye Color | Amber
Hair Color | Red Violet
Skin Color | Tanned

Psychological Information

Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |

Calculating | Arrogant | Lax | Deplorable | Silvertongued

Fidavar is an individual who places a lot of value and worth based off of the intellect of those he is with. He generally has an arrogant and smug aura about him while around those he considers as unintelligent while respecting those who has an intellect that comes close or even above his own. Other than that, Fidavar typically has a laidback personality and is usually rather casual. He has a tendency to speak freely and in such a manner that suits him, but still commands a rather charismatic presence with his silver tongue. He enjoys teasing and goading people simply for his own amusement even if it might be to his detriment.
Strengths and Weaknesses

+Highly Intelligent+
Fidavar was a former member of the Sith Empire's Research and Development branch and once a highly regarded individual for his intellectual contributions to the design and realization of a number of different projects that were made to improve the Sith Empire's military strength. His skills, while no longer under the direct usage of the Sith Empire, still are well spent on other scientific and engineering ventures under his own company, ApexTech Industries.

-Direct Combat-
While formally trained in the military prior to his joining of the Sith Empire's R&D branch, Fidavar was of low rank within the military and is unable to compete and fight with combatants with superior training than him. He relies on deceit and manipulation to come out on top.

Fidavar is a cautious individual, and usually comes prepared for any situation that may come up. With what he lacks, he more than makes up for with tech and/or bodyguards. With the proper planning, any situation Fidavar finds himself in typically will result in his favor.

There are a number of people who do not take kindly to Fidavar's arrogance and often mocking behavior. While he does tend to defuse situations with his silver tongue, there are often times conflict that come up as a result of his personality - and head on conflicts are typically the kind he would rather avoid if at all possible.




[ Theme ]
  • Intent: To create a medical substance that improves body reaction times.
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Restricted Missions: (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in the submission.)
  • Name: Synchrozine
  • Manufacturer: Trini-Tech
  • Homeworld: N/A

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Modularity: No
  • Legal Status: Legal
  • Ingredients: (Can be specific as the type of plant to as vague as water. Please avoid use of real world items where possible. Restricted Materials development still apply. )
  • Classification: Stimulant
  • Method of Consumption: One Time Injection
  • Average Life: Maximum efficiency for thirty minutes and decays fully after an hour since injection.
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: (Does this consumable have any nutritional value? Are there any known allergies or potential for side effects)
  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. )
  • Provides a significant boost to the reaction times of body,
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
LN - Firestorm [On Hold]

  • Intent: Create a personal starfighter for Lera Nobliss.
  • Image Source: Stellar Legends
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Shadow Droid
  • Manufacturer: Lera Nobliss
  • Model: LN - Firestorm
  • Affiliation: Independent
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel Hull, Transparisteel
  • Classification: Fighter
  • Length: 11 m
  • Width: 4.5 m
  • Height: 2.75 m
  • Armament: Very High
4 Heavy Laser Cannons (2x on each wing)
4 Light Ion cannons (2x forward wing tips)
4 Homing Concussion Missile launchers (2x under each wing)
1 Twin Barreled Rear Turret
  • Defenses: Moderate
  • Squadron Count: N/A
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive Class: 2
  • Hyperdrive Engine
  • Inertial Dampeners
  • Multi-Directional Thrusters
  • Bio-Lock
  • Ion Shielding
  • VTOL System
  • Standard Starfighter Deflector Shields

  • [Three Times Faster] | Inertial Dampeners built into the Firestorm can handle speeds much higher than the average starfighter in atmosphere, orbit and space with little harm to the pilot. Variable speeds are achievable, but in terms of crossing a linear distance without hyperdrive, the Firestorm is second to no starfighter.
  • [Missed Me] | The Firestorm has additional directional thrusters that give it the ability to utilize short bursts that move/rotate it left and right, up and down to compensate for lack of turning ability while at max speed. This allows it to dodge along a linear path with great efficiency.
  • [Catch Me If You Can] | The speed of the Firestorm combined with the rear turret make it extremely difficult to tail the Firestorm, being able to outrun most starfighters with the exception of top of the line interceptors and blast any physical based ordinance out of the air before it hits the Firestorm.
  • [One With the Ship] | Due to the integration of the pilot and Firestorm, the two are essentially intertwined as one entity. All battle data gathered by the ship is relayed directly to the pilot and the pilot is able to react as fast as they are able to think.
  • [Data Overload] | The Firestorm features a unique system that interfaces with the pilot via cybernetic jacks that lock with the pilot. This allows for the transfer of battle data to the pilot to allow for use without an astromech co-pilot. However the system is suspect to overloading the pilot's senses if they are not equipped with the appropriate modifications to handle such data and can create a feedback loop that overwhelms the pilot.
  • [No U-Turns] | When moving with thrusters at full, it is nearly impossible for the Firestorm to make any sort of sharp turns or anything similar without cutting out its engines entirely. Though it is able to fly incredibly fast in space, such actions while in an atmosphere would likely tear the ship apart from windshear.
  • [High Ground] | The Firestorm lacks the ability to handle any flyers that are engaging it from above and below as it is only able to maneuver along a fairly straight linear path in full speed.
  • [Ion] | Though shielded to protect against ion weaponry, the obvious effects of what an ion weapon would have on both the Firestorm and pilot is fairly obvious should an ion charge penetrate its shields. If the pilot is in full lock with the Firestorm, that ion charge can be transferred directly to their nervous system.

The LN-Firestorm is the personal starfighter to Lera Nobliss and is designed and built by her, loosely based off the designs of the UT-60D U-Wing Starfighter/Support Craft. The Firestorm first and foremost as a unique craft is only able to be piloted by its creator, having a unique activation system that requires an override that is integrated into the pilot suit. Any attempts to try and fly the ship without the proper cybernetic modifications will result in a very nasty shock to the person's nervous system that would leave them a drooling vegetable.

The Firestorm's systems are designed to work in tandem with the pilot's nervous system, relaying their thoughts into an action that can be processed in microseconds. This allows for reaction times that are far superior to the average human and on par with that of force sensitives. Bursts thrusting can allow for uncanny maneuvering along a linear path. The ability to process a large amount of battle data and operate based off it allows for the pilot to function similarly to that of a droid fighter. It is based similar to that of a nearly forgotten design of an old line of droid fighters utilized by the old Galactic Empire following the Clone Wars.

The Firestorm has a fairly well rounded weapons loadout, with the ability to handle smaller attack craft to smaller warships and even play a minor role in attacking capital ships. However, the Firestorm is more known for its unmatched speed, making it particularly effective in outrunning or chasing down targets. Though rear turrets have been typically ineffective against targets trailing the Firestorm, the fire control system working with the pilot allow for swifter target acquisition and greater accuracy.

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