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Artist Kiwi V's place to break stuff



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Credit: Scarlet (Aka Kyra Perl)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras volutpat laoreet dignissim. Quisque tincidunt scelerisque sem sed imperdiet. Ut placerat ligula eu auctor aliquet. Proin ut tellus bibendum, dapibus lorem non, sagittis risus. Curabitur ut mauris et leo tristique tincidunt congue quis nulla. Etiam in consectetur enim. Morbi augue magna, vestibulum pulvinar tristique sit amet, egestas eu orci. Nam venenatis quam non mauris pretium cursus eget in elit. Aenean faucibus urna auctor, congue quam quis, porttitor tellus. Vivamus gravida ante velit, quis tempor odio semper eu.

Curabitur placerat feugiat mi, a suscipit dolor eleifend id. Curabitur rhoncus nisi lorem, eu facilisis ex imperdiet eget. Donec sit amet velit vel quam ullamcorper malesuada id eu leo. Proin laoreet facilisis orci. Nullam fringilla, urna sed fringilla efficitur, urna orci hendrerit lectus, eu placerat turpis felis vitae orci. Nulla sed semper nulla, ut rutrum risus. Suspendisse nec justo tortor. Proin eget nisl enim. Vivamus eu lobortis eros. Integer congue purus eget ullamcorper ultrices. Donec ac ornare nibh, sed dictum magna. Pellentesque aliquam laoreet augue, vel feugiat massa aliquam eleifend. Aenean mattis libero a aliquet maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi efficitur elit id malesuada sagittis.

Proin nulla sem, vulputate in sapien id, fermentum tristique dolor. Suspendisse pulvinar ultricies nibh a pellentesque. Pellentesque sodales erat vel pulvinar vehicula. Proin hendrerit in enim non maximus. Morbi et aliquam odio. Pellentesque ipsum ligula, malesuada in neque non, tincidunt eleifend mauris. Praesent ac risus faucibus, iaculis sem in, mattis justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean orci enim, rutrum ut fermentum facilisis, blandit quis leo. Phasellus elit orci, tincidunt imperdiet arcu venenatis, placerat dictum ante. Sed scelerisque sit amet lectus non vehicula. Aenean congue sodales vestibulum. Curabitur egestas ligula et velit vulputate condimentum. Duis eros augue, dapibus non eros id, tempor molestie risus. Phasellus in fringilla justo. Integer molestie, elit et bibendum dapibus, tellus lacus pellentesque enim, auctor elementum quam libero semper mauris.

Quisque vitae odio ligula. Maecenas viverra ullamcorper lobortis. Etiam eros arcu, maximus id euismod sit amet, fermentum sagittis mauris. Morbi nec odio eros. Nam egestas leo vel mi lobortis, non cursus sapien fermentum. Proin leo ipsum, pretium vitae orci eu, elementum tristique nulla. Aenean volutpat ante nec ultricies sodales. Integer et turpis id eros commodo accumsan. Curabitur iaculis ut tortor ut facilisis. Vivamus varius, nulla vel consectetur pellentesque, risus elit eleifend leo, at feugiat augue neque sit amet urna. Sed rutrum felis sit amet eleifend dictum. In tincidunt fermentum lacus, ac finibus est. Donec ut lorem leo. Ut volutpat ac augue at laoreet.

Credit: Scarlet (Aka Kyra Perl)
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Age GroupAdult
RankJedi Knight
FactionSilver Jedi
SpeciesCommenori Human
Force SensitiveYes
Height1.8 M
Weight90 Kg
Hair ColorSandy Brown
Eye ColorBlue
Skin ColorCaucasian
Distinctive featuresN/A
Image sourcePhotoshopped by Ella

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Juyo lightsaber combat
Athletic and acrobatic mix of combat and telekinesis
Force Stasis
Force Barrier

Born on the world of Commenor, fathered to [member=Veiere Arenais] and Mothered to [member=Kay Arenais], Brother to [member=Loreena Arenais]; Caedyn Arenais' future is bright with the loving family that he has around him. His Home upon the Eldritch Mountains overlooking Chasin City is a limitless beauty, one that a child such as he could find endless fun exploring the forest mountainside.

The Force is strong in his family, and as such he had inherited this connection to a wealth of possibilities. His future exploration of such a path however is not yet determined despite Veiere's duty and dedication to the Jedi Order; inherently lightsided, Caedyn is simply too young to understand and too focused on having fun to put any real thought to it. With the Jedi come a wealth of stress, a life brought up within the confines of Temples and Enclaves where as his will be spent upon Commenor, raised in a life or normality or as close as you might get to such; agreed upon by both of his parents that he might not see the true dangers of the galaxy nor carry the weight of any such thing a child ought not to.

Fourteen years into Caedyn Arenais' life and it was decided that the boy would be placed into the care of [member=Asha Hex], a trusted associate of his fathers though curiously not a great deal older than Caedyn himself, Veiere had met her upon the world of Svivren and through her learned of the surviving Je'daii Order for which neglected and steered well clear from the corruption and argument of the Jedi, nor the grievances of the Sith. During a time of great self doubt and peril for the Galaxy, against his prior agreement with his wife, Veiere placed his trust in Asha and her Order for which would become Caedyn's future and his salvation from the darkness and torment that would later change the course of his family.

Through years of vigorous study and training under the Je’daii Steward, Caedyn’s mentor and best friend, Asha Hex would help the young boy to discover a vast new potential in the ability to wield and live alongside the power of the Force, choosing to focus on the two paths of Qigong Kesh and Stav Kesh above all seven other subjects and teachings of the great Tho Yor, Caedyn’s primary focus became a journey of self discovery of mind, body, soul and self-discipline in the physical and spiritual arts of Je’daiism. From martial arts to melee weapons and fire-arms, from healing abilities to some more advanced; With Time came strength of will and of ability, maturity and even greater potential than he had imagined.

Under the Guidance of Asha Hex, Caedyn reached the level and position of a Journeyer within the Je'daii Order before his Master's sudden and devastating disappearance upon the world of Nar Shaddaa. Their arrival to the world had gone seemingly without a hitch though unknown as to why they had traveled there, Caedyn was soon asked to remain with The Prophet whilst Asha moved off to deal with personal business of her own. This would unfortunately be the last they would see of one another, and as the days passed him by, Caedyn's concern became so great that he ventured out into the criminal world in an attempt to find her once more.

His efforts however didn't prove to be enough, his Master's whereabouts unknown and upon a world such as Nar Shaddaa, anything could happen to someone not looking over their shoulder. By the time a week had passed and all adventures out into the hive of scum and villainy hadn't turned up any sign of his Master, Caedyn returned to Je'daii space with her ship hoping that somehow she might have reached Svivren and be waiting for him there.

To this day there has been no sign of her and though there are Je'daii out there searching, Caedyn was otherwise forced to return home as tensions were brewing between the Sith Empire and the Systems Alliance. His family becoming endangered ever more and with Master mysteriously vanishing, the lad did the only thing he could do in such a situation. Sticking to what he knew to be familiar and hoping that their paths would cross again in the near future.

Whilst his life within the Je’daii Order had come to a shocking and abrupt end, and many of those whom had remained, had instead chosen to venture into the unknown regions aboard a great praxeum vessel, Caedyn Arenais could not pull himself away from the present state of Galactic Society. Back upon the World of Commenor, the royal House Arenais was coming under repeated attack from a variety of political foes. Three times had there been attempts on his mother's life, several successful abductions that had cost the world millions of credits and upset the balance of government and reputable expense towards other larger military powers.

The Sith Empire would inevitably return their attention upon the King and Queen of Commenor, Kay and Veiere Arenais whom had a rich history already against the dark and oppressive followers of the Sith Emperor. Beforelong the Sith Armada moved to blockade the world of Commenor, cutting them off from allies and in the desolation of Munto City, the loss of eight million innocent lives forced Kay Arenais to submit to the Emperor.

Alongside his father, Veiere Arenais as well as his Sister, Loreena Arenais, the three of them fell into hiding and once safely off world, spent the following year building up a strong resistance force against the Sith Occupancy. With help from the Silver Jedi Order and the New Republic, another full scale battle took to the skies over Commenor, succeeding to retake the formerly neutral world, now forced to take a side in the ever constant war between the Light and the Darkside of the Force.

In the aftermath of the battle to liberate Commenor from the clutches of the Sith Empire, the former capital of the Systems Alliance was left broken and pillaged of much of it's financial assets. The following years were spent rebuilding, electing a new hierarchy system within the government called the House of Lords, and seeing new and old alliances alike restrengthened in order to recover. No more would the Monarchy that was House Arenais look to lead other world's but being forced to keep their watch over Commenor, Caedyn's parents suffered a great deal of stress in doing their best to renew the state of their cities and surrounding plains, doing all that they could to enrich the lives of their population once more.

Alas, their run of badluck had not yet ended, but Carla soon disappeared much in the same mysterious way that Caedyn's former Master had, with seemingly no explanation. After some time with the Silver Jedi, Veiere Arenais returned to Commenor and took the lead over the investigations into the Queen's disappearance, rounding up all government personnel and sparing no expense in trying to decipher the fate of his wife, mother to Caedyn and [member=Loreena Arenais].

The truth would be revealed to the Galaxy, though not through any actions of the existing Government of Commenor, nor the Twins efforts but rather a holo-recording of Kay Arenais herself who was being held against her will, accused of corruption and the alleged triple murder of the former Council of Elder's who had helped to advise Kay in her original leadership of their home-world. Admitting to these crimes over the holo-recording, Caedyn's mother also announced her being moved to a Max-Security Prison called Purgatory. Not finished with her claims, Kay also denounced the present Monarchy of Commenor, turning the World over to the People's vote for a new Leader and leaving [member=Veiere Arenais] to fall into damage control, establishing a long-term alliance with the Silver Jedi Order so that Commenor would have some form of protection during this chaotic time.

Despite doing his best to uphold his former training under the ideologies of the Je'daii Order, Caedyn was left to his own means to see his ability in the Force progress while also having to deal with the chaos that had become his life lately. By this point, his growing relationship with Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe had developed into something more than just a youthful affair, the two of them growing in their dedication and loyalty for one another, a blossoming love that over time, also lead to Caedyn Arenais following in his father's footsteps and eventually joining with the Silver Jedi. While his reasons were initially selfish and focused on Asaraa herself, Caedyn soon came to look at the Silver Jedi with a sense of belonging and interest in their training, as well as their firm convictions to protecting others from the more tyrannical movements out there in the Galaxy.

Seeking to discover what the Jedi Path would mean for him, and who Caedyn would come to be while walking with the Silver Jedi, his entrance into the Order would progress slowly as the young man wished not to let go of his previous training under the Je'daii either. Forever keeping his late Mentor Asha Hex close to heart, his future was steadily shaping into something new, a virtuous pursuit to stand between the innocent and those whom would seek to oppress and abuse them.

Following the war between the Order of the Silver Jedi and the United Clans of Mandalor, Caedyn's family suffered at the cost of split allegiances and political views, his Mother siding with the Mandalorian's while he and his Father stood firmly alongside the Silver Jedi; Loreena Arenais choosing to separate herself and get as much distance from the conflict as possible.

Long handled phrik lightsaber
Personal Ship
Armorweave outfit

Credit: Scarlet & Raziel
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Character Backstory:

Kristyl Arenais was born on Naboo within Confederate Space, to her Mother Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe , and her Father Caedyn Arenais . Raised within the security of society under the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Kristyl Arenais has been afforded the blessing of a good education and a peaceful life, keeping her relatively naive to the hardships that many others suffer beyond the Independent Systems.

Raised by her Mother, Kristyl rarely saw her father Caedyn due to his service as a Jedi Knight within the Outer Rim Territories; While Asaraa Vaashe and Caedyn Arenais had remained close, it was their different duties and commitments in life as Force Users and servants of the people which had caused them to separate just prior to the discovery of her Mother's pregnancy, and as the years passed and Kristyl grew, Caedyn Arenais would visit and assist Asaraa in support of their daughter however possible, yet never to the degree of which Kristyl had always wished of her parents. Fortunately, she had known no other life that would have left her feeling at a loss with the absence of her father.

Kristyl's typical day to day life would be spent attending classes while her Mother worked as an Instructor in the Academy of the Knights Obsidian teaching others how to wield the Force for the protection of citizens within the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During her school hours, she would discover a fascination with the global charts of Naboo, and then proceed to learn about other worlds within Confederate Space, thus encouraging something of an explorers heart beating strong within her. Much to the frustration of her lecturers, she would often find herself distracted in classes, as she daydreamed of exploring unknown worlds and meeting all different kinds of people, getting into some kind of trouble like you'd see in the holovids. The typical kid's movies with the big adventures and the treasures protected by traps and massive chasing boulders etc.

Despite being easily distracted however, Kristyl proved to be a hard worker in schools and committed herself to her studies in no small thanks to her Mother having to remind her of her homework each night; Asaraa's frustrations eventually paying off as her daughter, Kristyl, would excel in her grades and go on to become quite adept in the area of information technology. Thus producing a side hobby of taking products around the house apart in order to see how they work, and trying to put them back together, not all the time with the same success as she had prying the pieces from one another.

Malel Mal'gurith


Appearance Description

There will be rare occasions in which Malel Mal'gurith will shed his armor and be exposed to the sight of mortals, they who will look upon a man whose flesh is as pale as death, eyes a burning amber crimson blaze against the dark of night and hair as black as the abyss itself. His facial structure is gaunt, as though muscle weakened the likes of a corpse' own, and scars litter his form, the only visible one crossing his face from the right brow to his left cheekbone.

Donning his armor however, the Virmse ra Dvasia truly strikes fear into the hearts of the cowardice. The Helm shaped and formed of a horned skull, breast plate-like metal blades as though portraying a skeletal rib cage protecting the vitals. Where the glimmer of an alloy is not dominant, the cloth and undergarments are fashioned in shades of black and red, typical of the Sith Empire.

Malel is a titan among many, towering over the average human and standing at roughly seven feet tall. His shoulders are brawn, torso masculine, only to be further complimented by the heavy armor carried into battle. He is a figure who carries great strength both in presence and physical prowess alike, a staunch warrior who's aura resembles that of death and decay.

The Virmse ra Dvasia is not beholden to the physical realm alone however, and can step beyond the veil to take on a ghastly figure, the decayed image of his past life's rotting corpse shrouded in black smoke and build decrepit and broken. This form is the likes of legends, a ghostly apparition corrupted in Darkness and the truly unnatural malevolence heavily exaggerated through the practice of Sith Sorcery and Dark Side magicks.

Background Story

Jeremy Harlocke was previously a soldier of the Varanin Legion whom served under the command of House Zambrano's Legionnaires of the Sith Empire. The man was a figure of no significant rank or importance, a mere private and an undiscovered latent Force Sensitive born to a wealthy Imperial family of military background under the previous Galactic Empire, however fell during the war against the Order of the Silver Jedi, slain by the overwhelming power they carried which dwarfed most common troopers.

It was in the weeks following his death, that his soul was reborn by the will of the Valkyries; A sisterhood within the Sith Empire, connected through aligned motivations and journeyers for the deceased. Driven by a dark duty to their purpose, upon the resurrection of a spirit meant to pass on, the Valkyrie responsible forfeits it's connection to the living plain, giving it's life that the dead may return.

Pulled from the abyss, the cold and nothingness of what would have been eternal slumber, the soldier's soul was brought back into a foreign body, a larger corpse of a fallen Sith Warrior. Returned to the realm of the living, the body of the fallen was taken and subjected to heavy experimentation and violent practices of Sith Sorcery under the instruction of Darth Prazutis who sought to wield yet another vassal of destruction under his influence.

The Lord of Lies wished to create a sentient monstrosity combining Sith Spawn, the essence of a fallen rival from the Jedi Order with the decrepit soul of the Virmse ra Dvasia. The result of which bore to the Galaxy the embodiment of living undeath, the figure of the former man consumed in darkness, and to forever walk the veil between realms.

Denied the void that was Death, this maiden of flesh reforged and name bestowed to represent the new life created through the convoluted magicks of Sith Sorcery; Malel Mal'gurith and henceforth suffered of memory retention and struggling to remain connected to his past life.

Malel Mal'gurith's rise through the ranks of The Sith Empire was a violent and bloody path seeing out countless wars and even turning upon those who would seek to discourage his success and climb to power.

Upon being recognized as a Sith Lord, Malel took on the title of Darth Cessair (Kah-Seer) and would finally shed himself of his lowly past, no longer beholden to the command of others but standing as a beacon of power and darkness, a devout warrior of the Sith ways and loyal to the Empire.

Malel Mal'gurith

TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
Sense/Alter/ControlForce Power Name▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-Link
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
TypeSkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
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