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Work In Progress Kitter Bitters Garage - DIV Work



Katarine Ryiah

Full NameKatarine Alysabeth Ryiah
PronunciationKat-Ah-Ren | |R-Eye-Ah
AgeYoung Adult
RankJedi Master
  • New Jedi Order
  • Jakku Jedi Enclave
Force SensitiveYes
Height5' 2"
Hair ColorBrown & White
Eye ColorRose Pink
Skin ColorPale
Distinctive featuresDarkside Kryptonite
PlaybyCommissioned Art
  • Previous: TddmRqj.png
  • Current: TddmRqj.png


Katarine Ryiah is a Jedi Master from the Clone Wars era who has joined this timeline to fight for the New Jedi Order. She is a Jedi Sentinel who specializes in investigation and undercover work for The Galactic Alliance.


Katarine Alysabeth Ryiah is a Force-sensitive female human who served during the Clone Wars. A descendent from the ancient house of Petro, her grandmother renounced the family name after an altercation within the family. Katarine was born to two loving parents who had a troubled connection with a dark Jedi cult called The Followers of Gemini. Lady Sinistra, leader of the cult, believed that Katarine and her twin brother Daxium were fulfilments of an ancient prophecy that would allow the cult to rise to power in the galaxy. To harness this prophecy, Lady Sinistra abducted the children and raised them as her own, teaching them the darkside of the Force.

Life among the Followers of Gemini was brutal as the twins were trained in combat and Force techniques. Katarine and her twin trained night and day to please the Lady Sinistra, believing her to be their own mother. When Katarine was a young girl she had a Force vision of her real grandmother. The vision told her that the ancient prophecy would end with one sacrifice killing the other to bring the cult power. When the little girl confronted Lady Sinistra and her twin Daxium with this information, she was shocked to discover its truth and that Daxium had known all along. Hurt by this betrayal Katarine fled the cult in search of the Jedi and a better life.

Upon arriving at a small Jedi enclave Katarine became the padawan of Jessari Tanelorn. The Jedi Council remained concerned with Kat's previous training in the darkside but they could sense that her heart was pure and she was willing to learn. Jessari helped Katarine reach the trials of knighthood and Master Spark Vallen administered them.

As a young Jedi Knight Katarine served the New Republic. When the Clone Wars broke out she fought alongside some of the greatest Jedi in the galaxy, leading troops against the Separatist's army. During this time Katarine would go on to knight many padawans, including
Mist Mayweather, Phylis Alince, Aden Lothiar, Zara Manto, and many others. Her dedication to teaching earned her the rank of Jedi Master.

When Order 66 was issued Katarine was abducted once more by The Followers of Gemini. They locked Katarine in an alternate dimension and created a Force Doppelganger of herself. In this crystal dimension time moved differently and Katarine remained trapped for over a century until Jedi Master Valery Noble helped to free her.

Strengths & Weaknesses


Force Sensitivity - Katarine is a gifted Force user and very capable at altering her environment.

Lightsaber Combat - Katarine is gifted with a lightsaber and always training to better her combat skills.

Investigation & Stealth - As a Jedi Investigator Katarine specializes in undercover work.


Darkside Kryptonite - As a metahuman Katarine has a mutation in her blood that causes her to be weak against the darkside. When in the presence of a darksider she feels dizzy and lightheaded, very much like Superman does in the presences of Kryptonite. This effect is multiplied if the darksider makes physical contact with her.

Piloting - Katarine is a subpar pilot and prefers not to fly if she can help it.

Kindess - Kat wears her heart on her sleeve, which can be very dangerous for a Jedi.




During her padawan training Katarine went to Ilum to find the crystals contained in her lightsabers. She selected two sets of crystals that were bled by Sith in order to make strong dark weapons however because Katarine is weakened by the darkside (Darkside Kryptonite) she needed to purify the crystals before she could use them. She was able to purify one crystal set completely but the second crystal still contains some darkside energy, meaning she can only use it for a short period of time before it weakens her.Katarine specializes in wielding two blades, each contained two crystals. Each weapon has a dual-phase mechanism, w
hich allows her to switch from one crystal to the other with a turn of the hilt, thus lengthening the blade. When the blades are in their standard form they are white, average length and utilizing the purified crystal, but when the hilt is rotated the blades lengthen and utilize the crystal that still has some residual dark energy This dark energy turns the blade pink and can only be used for a short time before Kat must switch her weapon back to it's original form.

Factory Link: Here

Traditionally Katarine wore a black flight jacket, black flight pants, white tank top, and black boots. This outfit served her well while she was doing undercover missions with the Jedi Investigators, and latter helped her hide her identity as a Jedi after Order 66. While she worked with the rebellion she would hide her lightsabers in her jacket or inside her boots to keep from revealing her true identity. After her arrival in the current time period Katarine stood out for wearing clothes that were a century out of fashion. Thanks to her new friends in the New Jedi Order she was gifted with a more updated version of Jedi attire. This new outfit features a black and white jumpsuit with black boots.


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Casaline Ryiah

Full NameCasaline Anavi Ryiah
RankJedi Padawan
FactionNew Jedi Order
SpeciesHuman / Hapan
Force SensitiveYes
Height1.5367 Meters
Hair ColorDark
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorPale
Distinctive featuresTBD
Family Members
  • Father - Daxium Ryiah
  • Mother - Soline Andilet-Ryiah
  • Aunt - Katarine Ryiah
  • Grandmother - Isaline Ryiah
  • New Jedi Order
  • Galactic Alliance
  • Kingdom of Naboo
  • Hapes Consortium
PlaybyCommissioned Art


Casaline Ryiah is a Jedi youngling from the Clone Wars era who was frozen in carbonite deep beneath the waters on the planet Naboo. She spent a century with her family being frozen. The The Cataclysm of Naboo caused her carbonation chamber to be discovered. After her rescue she was taken to a Naboo hospital and treated for hibernation sickness. She recovered quickly but her parents were not so lucky. Both of her parents are currently in the hospital in comas, which placed Casi in the care of her only living relative, her aunt Katarine Ryiah. Casi has been taken to the Jedi to be with her aunt and remains reluctant to fully join.

  • GAPostBreaker.png

    Casi was born before the Clone Wars started into two noble houses. Her father was a noble of Naboo and her mother was the Duch'a of Sivoria. Growing up Casi enjoyed the wealth of these titles and was afforded the best education. Her parents knew she was Force sensitive but did not want the Jedi to take her away. When the Jedi called to collect Casi her parents refused to let her go. Instead Casi was trained in politics and decorum and planned to attend college when she got older. All of that changed when she was 10 years old. A dark Jedi cult targeted her dad and forced the family into carbonation freezing. When Casi was rescued a century had gone by. Her parents were unfit to take her so she was forced to go with the only remaining family she had, who happened to be a Jedi.

    For the past three years Casi has been a Jedi youngling but she is nearing the age where she can be taken on as a padawan.

  • Strengths:
    • Force sensitive
    • Naturally gifted with water based Force techniques

    • Due to hibernation sickness Casi's body temperature is permanently lower than it should be. She is always cold and does not perform well in cold environments
    • Limited Jedi training since she started so late in life

  • GAPostBreaker.png

    Jedi Youngling
    Coming Soon!








  • GAPostBreaker.png


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The holoscreens flicker to life across the galaxy, casting a blue-tinted light in homes, cantinas, and spaceports. The familiar face of Holly Starstorm, a respected investigative reporter from Holonet News, fills the screen. Her expression is a blend of solemnity and determination as she delivers the latest update on one of the most high-profile trials in recent history.

"Good evening, citizens of the galaxy. This is Holly Starstorm, reporting live from Coruscant on the ongoing and highly controversial trial of Jedi Master Romi Jade. The courtroom drama has been fraught with twists and turns, but today, a new development has surfaced that could turn the entire case on its head.

As many of you know, Master Jade was extradited to face charges of war crimes linked to the Sith Empire's invasion of Pantora and the subsequent skirmishes on Rhen Var. While the prosecution has sought to portray her as a fugitive who avoided accountability, new evidence has emerged that casts significant doubt on these accusations.

Let's summarize the incredible journey of this trial and the latest revelations."

Holly shuffled some papers importantly as the screen over her shoulder flashes with small images to match easy summary she was giving.

"Throughout the trial the prosecution has maintained that Romi Jade's actions directly contributed to the Sith Empire's aggression and the atrocities committed on Pantora. They pointed to her supposed evasion of justice as an indication of guilt. However, throughout the proceedings, the defense has consistently highlighted her extensive contributions to the Jedi Order and the Galactic community.

Coren Starchaser, another key figure in the trial and a long-time ally of Romi Jade. Starchaser, who had already given his testimony, presented new evidence (Here) to the defense and the court and the findings are nothing short of astounding. Through meticulous investigation irrefutable evidence was discovered that Romi Jade was not responsible for the crimes she is accused of. Investigators revealed that a doppelganger had in fact impersonated Jade, committing acts that deceived even those closest to her. This imposter acted in full view of several witnesses, while the real Romi Jade was aboard a corvette in orbit, entirely uninvolved in the ground conflict.

Upon gathering this crucial evidence, these findings were sent to Coren Starchaser and the defense, documents detailing the doppelganger’s actions and clarifying that Romi Jade's involvement in the Sith campaigns was limited and largely supportive rather than aggressive.

This afternoon, the court was presented with this groundbreaking evidence. After careful review, the judges have dismissed several charges against Romi Jade, acknowledging the lack of concrete evidence and the compelling nature of these new findings. The remaining charges are under intense scrutiny, and currently being considered on being thrown out entirely due to the lack of evidence to place blame. However, one thing that is increasingly clear is that Romi Jade has been a scapegoat in this complex and multifaceted conflict.

As the trial continues, it is evident that the case against Romi Jade is unraveling. The revelations have sparked discussions about the broader implications for the Jedi Order and their accountability. What remains is to understand how the impersonator influenced events and what steps will be taken to clear Jade’s name fully."

Holly took a pause as a picture of Romi flashed over her shoulder and some footage of the court proceedings played for the viewing public.

Hollys image then returns and flickers slightly as she pauses, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the moment.

"Citizens, the search for truth and justice is paramount. This trial has reminded us of the complexity of war and the importance of due process. As new developments arise, we will continue to bring you the latest updates. For now, we can only hope that the light of truth will prevail, and that Romi Jade, a dedicated Jedi, will find the justice she deserves. HNN will continue to bring you the updates as the unfold. Stay tuned!"

The broadcast ends, leaving viewers across the galaxy in contemplation of the unfolding drama and the fragile balance between justice and truth.

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Full NameKatarine Alysabeth Ryiah
PronunciationKat-Ah-Ren | |R-Eye-Ah
AgeYoung Adult
RankJedi Master
  • New Jedi Order
  • Jakku Jedi Enclave
Force SensitiveYes
Height5' 2"
Hair ColorBrown & White
Eye ColorChange Colors With
Force Influences & Emotions
Skin ColorPale
Distinctive featuresDarkside Kryptonite
PlaybyCommissioned Art
  • Previous:
  • Current:





Katarine Ryiah is a Jedi Master from the Clone Wars era who was frozen in carbonite deep beneath the waters on the planet Naboo during Order 66. The The Cataclysm of Naboo caused her carbinanation chamber to be discovered. After her rescue she was taken to a Naboo hospital and treated for hybernation sickness. She spent three years battling the illness. Now she has joined the New Jedi Order to help bring peace to a galaxy far far away...

Katarine is a Jedi Sentinel who specializes as a Jedi Investigator. She works undercover to investigate threats to The Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order. She is a kind woman who loves teaching and animals.​




Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.​


Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.​


*Ability Icons can be found here to replace these​



+Force Sensitivity - Katarine is a gifted Force user and very capable at altering her environment.

+Lightsaber Combat- Katarine is gifted with a lightsaber and always training to better her combat skills.

+Investigation & Stealth- As a Jedi Investigator Katarine specializes in undercover work.


-Darkside Kryptonite - As a metahuman Katarine has a mutation in her blood that causes her to be weak against the darkside. When in the presence of a darksider she feels dizzy and lightheaded, very much like Superman does in the presences of Kryptonite. This effect is multiplied if the darksider makes physical contact with her.

-Piloting - Katarine is a subpar pilot and prefers not to fly if she can help it.

-Kindess - Kat wears her heart on her sleeve, which can be very dangerous for a Jedi.






During her padawan training Katarine went to Ilum to find the crystals contained in her lightsabers. She selected two sets of crystals that were bled by Sith in order to make strong dark weapons however because Katarine is weakened by the darkside (Darkside Kryptonite) she needed to purify the crystals before she could use them. She was able to purify one crystal set completely but the second crystal still contains some darkside energy, meaning she can only use it for a short period of time before it weakens her.Katarine specializes in wielding two blades, each contained two crystals. Each weapon has a dual-phase mechanism, which allows her to switch from one crystal to the other with a turn of the hilt, thus lengthening the blade. When the blades are in their standard form they are white, average length and utilizing the purified crystal, but when the hilt is rotated the blades lengthen and utilize the crystal that still has some residual dark energy This dark energy turns the blade pink and can only be used for a short time before Kat must switch her weapon back to it's original form.

Factory Link: Here



Traditionally Katarine wore a black flight jacket, black flight pants, white tank top, and black boots. This outfit served her well while she was doing undercover missions with the Jedi Investigators, and latter helped her hide her identity as a Jedi after Order 66. While she worked with the rebellion she would hide her lightsabers in her jacket or inside her boots to keep from revealing her true identity. After her arrival in the current time period Katarine stood out for wearing clothes that were a century out of fashion. Thanks to her new friends in the New Jedi Order she was gifted with a more updated version of Jedi attire. This new outfit features a black and white jumpsuit with black boots.



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