Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Killing Me Softly


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
In a not too distant future the Galaxy burns with fires of war and oppression.
It all began with HK breaking his promise to people of Abregado-Rae, keeping the seat of Observer of the planet and sole rule instead of returning it to the planet's citizens. In secret he amassed an army of new weapons, and his own droid copies.

Stricken with madness due to ancient programming, and guided by his personal grudges, the droid Baron was able to sew seeds of dissident among the planets of Protectorate, together with Siobhan Kerrigan and army of allies who owed him a favor, mostly for doing painting of ropos for them, they were able to overthrow the rule of Lady and Lord Protector. However, he would suffer no chance to loose the throne they have broken, in a series of back-stabbing operations and rise of the army of his clones, he has instilled himself as the sole Iron Lord Protector of Organics' Pyre, either silencing or destroying any threat to his regime, whether droid or organic.

In campaign of expansion, he has made himself into an wide-spread Artificial Intelligence, oppressing planet after planet, until it was a common sight for his copies to burn or raze cities, conducting mass arrests, mass executions.

But now it was time for the Free People of Middle Earth Galaxy to strike back.

Alright, first of all, it's not an ego-booster as the intro made it sound, and it's an idea I have entertained in my chats with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] for a while now, but just gotten a better grip on the threads I'm already doing to start planning it out better.

It's a relaxation thread, of sorts, both for the people of the forums in general, myself, and anybody who could have a grunge against me OOCly or HK ICly *Cough* [member="Enigma"], [member="Mikhail Shorn"], @RC 212, [member="Darth Janus"], [member="Darth Vulcanus"], @Overlord Dredge, [member="Cira"] *Cough* We have plenty of rather stressful invasions going on lately, plus OOC and IC dramatics going on here and there, people could use something to take their mind off.

So, the plot is,
HK's evil, there's tons of copies of him now, they're everywhere, something needs to be done.

So what's the solution?
Go out and kill him. Ever wanted to smash HK repeatedly with his own hands? Well you can do it hundred times over now, throw him down the stairs? Go right ahead, throw him into a tank with electric eels even, I would want to see what happens.

Countless HK's pretty much everywhere means countless ways to kill him pretty much in any scenario you could think off, over and over again.

There would be no set story line, I wouldn't be doing any DM'ing besides starting the thread and killing him here and there via environmental factors, so you can just post at any time you want without worry about following in with the story or whether it matters where your character jumps in.

The only "ruleset" I would ask for people to follow is,
Keep in mind HK's pretty darn good in close-combat, usually he has some type of electrical-resistance method on him, he's not just mindless drone, and put effort and thought into your post while making it entertaining for you as well for others to read it.

That's basically the point of this thread, getting read of any frustration while being entertained.

So let me know if it's something people will be interested in and have fun with it!


Professor of Alchemy
HK-36 said:
So what's the solution?
Go out and kill him. Ever wanted to smash HK repeatedly with his own hands? Well you can do it hundred times over now, throw him down the stairs? Go right ahead, throw him into a tank with electric eels even, I would want to see what happens.
I would have gone with Mechu-Deru and a couple very well made viruses, but I suppose that works too.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Maybe if you'll RP her more :p Also, replied to the thread with you and Voroll, sorry it took me a while, I didn't get a notification when Voroll replied :/
I actually didn't get it either. System spazzes with me sometimes. Doesn't like my apostrophe...
But yes! I will get to that shortly. Have to start a thread with a friend who recently returned.
After that... I'll start something up for you and Veron~
Yus, I'm so so gonna join in on this... Oh and it seems pretty good, I have one question though...

Are the participants dueling you? Or are you just watching...
This has been, a non-needed question.


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