Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kill the person above you

Leon Politiker

Ambassador of Corporate Security Alliance
Mauled by a Stal creature- possibly a Quin. A large, furry, black animal with sharp claws and teeth. Nearly three hundred powers.

And if I get anything other than alcohol poisoning, I will kill someone.
Well-Known Member
Traveled back in time to stomp on your face as a baby. You lived and no paradox's were formed, but when I got back your face was deformed and it still had my boot print on it. Thus I laughed at you so much you commited suicide.
Well-Known Member
I painted you green, traveled into the past, brought you're past self to the future and told him the green dude was a shapeshifting alien who killed 90% of the entire galaxy including his entire family, thus you killed yourself. Believing you saved the day I sent you back in time to be killed later by your past self, in the future.
Dred would flay and gut her with his own knife. Cut her up into bits and cook her into stew and serve the girl to family and friends at her wake.
Statement: Strap the meatbag to a table. Flay the flesh from his body and feed it to him piece by piece. Gorge on his loved ones while he watches helplessly. Feed them to him as well. Laugh maniacally. Then I eat his face. Yum.

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