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Approved NPC Ki Loqual

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Name: Acolyte Ki Loqual
Loyalties: Ballen-Ist
Role: An Acolyte that follows Ballen-Ist around, and fulfills his biding. A long time enemy of Oka Osaa, who will be used to get Oka familiar with dueling on the forum.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 25
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Yes


Description: Ki can be seen and identified as a tall human male, standing around 6'1''. He roughly weighs two hundred pounds, and is always seen in dark clothing. His long black sleeves are armored with durasteel plating, along with his legs and feet. The man's pale skin and yellow eyes are a clear giveaway of the dark alignment that he abides by, for it has altered his physical appearance.
Personality: Ki was born as the eldest child of his family, thus giving him a natural sense of superiority. He always competed with his younger brother Oka, even during the most trivial things. His confidence is something that he prides himself on, for Ki believes that he is a powerful Sith. Given the fact that he is only an Acolyte, his arrogance will surely lead to his downfall.
Mannerisms: Ki does not speak a lot, though when he does his sentences are short and to the point. The man does not like conversing with others, usually preferring to get right down to business. Usually Ki will act as if anyone that talks to him doesn't deserve a response, seeing as they are insolent to him.
Weapon of Choice: One red lightsaber
Wealth: Moderate
Combat Function: This NPC will be mostly used to familiarize Oka Osaa in learning the basics of PVP.
  • Telekinesis
  • Force Speed
  • Force Jump
  • Force Rage
  • Force Scream
  • Ataru
Notable Possessions: Durasteel plated armor, which covers his legs and arms only.
Other Notes: Ki has been taught much by Ballen-Ist. The plated armor he wears offers protection for his limbs against blaster bolts, though also restricts his full unhampered speed.

Back story: At the age of seventeen, Ki had already discovered his latent force abilities. Having no formal training available to him, the young man would often leave his home in secrecy, to train and hone the strange abilities he found himself able to perform. The boy liked to walk the streets and test his powers, only starting out with telekinesis. The teen was easily able to lift crates and the like, causing them to move around in front of people who stood in disbelief. It was always entertaining for Ki, for he enjoyed showing off his superiority. As time passed, the boy's antics would take a step up from simple telekinesis, his now honed force abilities allowing him to crush insignicant objects that were not too sturdy in material.

Ki's ability to control and harness his techniques with ease intrigued Ballen-Ist, who approached the teenager after a year of observation. The pureblood would confront Ki, who then attempted to manipulate the force around Ballen-Ist's leg and crush it. This would not go as planned, seeing as the Sith was easily able to redirect the telekinetic attack, causing Ki's own hand to be crushed instantly. After such a display, Ki begged to be sparred and taught in the ways of the dark side, having finally found a way to increase his strength through his negative feelings. Keeping all of this a secret from the rest of his family, Ki would continue to live at his home, until his mother was struck down and killed one fateful night. With the pain and anger that filled Ki's heart, his fall to the dark side was completely, causing him to vanish and never be seen again by his family.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Please write out the description for appearance as sometimes the images break and will no longer show.

Please edit the force powers as an acolyte knowing techniques like juyo is not going to be very strong or practical as it is one of the saber forms a handful are really good with

Force illusions specifically doppleganger are high knight or master level techniques, even a Fallanassi needs to be up there in skill and illusions are their bread and butter.

For an acolyte rage is fine but controlling it fully for use is questionable

Please add more to personality and include mannerisms
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