Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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(Keldabe) Ni cuyir yaim! (Open)

Location: Keldabe
Timestamp: Before the funeral and after the attack on mandalore.
OOC: Open to all that would be around especially to those that are starting to arrive from abroad for Strider's funeral.

The man stepped off the loading ramp of the commercial transport. His sullen dark blue eyes took in the view of the hundred meter tall tower that stood colossus to most if not all the buildings of keldabe and easily seen from the space port. He took long refreshing breath deep into his lungs, enjoying the almost forgotton taste and smell of home, the Kilita river and the forests beyond. It has been a long time since Drake had set foot upon home soil and it had grieved him that it was tragic circumstances that had brought him back.

Warrior presence was high, even amongst a warrior race there was extra wolves about which held true to the reports and news he had received that gave truth to the treachery of Death Watch. Maybe he should of come home earlier, he could of been here to defend his home..... defend his father. He shook his head and continued moving on. He picked up his bag from the luggage cart and decided to take travel by foot towards the Oyu'baat. He was home now, and while he was here he wanted to enjoy it all.

Drake wore simple garb, nothing but black comfy trousers with combat boots and a old grey shirt. He had a open black bomber jacket that trailed and flapped in the wind as he bustled through the busy capitol. At first glance he would look like a foreigner, a aruettii. Those that watched the holos and were avid shockboxer fans would recognize him as Drake "ironhide" Garon, three time title holder of the outer rims. Those that new Strider and had kept up with the army of bastards would know him as one of his offspring. Though he doubted that any of the vode would recognize him. He was not a professional soldier and warrior like his father who had fought and lead countless wars. He actually only had been in one minor dust up in his life time and knowing that if he was going to step out form his father's shadow and legend he would need to seek glory and fame by other means. He took his skills to the rings and carved out earnest living as a athlete, using violence to entertain the populace while filling his pockets with the winnings. He was a pro boxer and a champion at that. And yet he still felt over shadowed by his old man's accomplishments. As if there was a competition to be had there.

Drake kept walking tell his feet finally brought him to the infamous hot spot known as the 'Oyu'baat'. Was also the very place his father had been murdered. He stood there looking at the entrance as if those very doors be breached by him then it would be final, the story would be true and the great Strider Garon would be dead. He took a deep breath "He is dead!' he reminded himself, it was silly and foolish to think that there was a fantasy chance that the old hound was still alive. Still chasing skirts, hell he even imagined that if he walked through those doors he would find his father a few pay cheques deep into the pleasures of multiple whores.

Drake braved the door and with one hand and pushed it open......................
[member="Drake Garon"]

Sabine knew strider garon, he was a legend and not just for his combat skills. He probably had more children than [member="Darth Vornskr"], and treated them better too. He was old charmer, and one hard son of gun. She was sat down having a drink, when she saw someone who looked similar to him. He was dressed casually in in some boots, combat trouser and old grey shirt. She was dressed in pink dress, the colour of respecting someone.

She was also drinking alone at the moment, she had not made many contacts with the mandalorians yet. She was open to teaching people the way of the force, and what ever else she could do to integrate herself into warrior caste. Though for know she was paying her respects, to a fallen hero.
The old man was dead.


Arla had never really known someone as well as she had Strider and had them die. Others had died that she vaguely knew, but not like this. Arla walked along in her armor, her face hidden as she contemplated and thought through what she knew. So...

Now what?

She just couldn't put her head around it, who do you pay respects to? One of the many children he had, should she talk to [member="Garrus Garon"] and there was another brother, but...Arla stopped and leaned against the building. She felt sadness but could not cry, was she suppose to? She regrouped and walked slowly towards the familiar watering hole

A drink perhaps...maybe...[member="Drake Garon"] [member="Sabine Kurtass"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had gotten the invite as she did hire Strider and one of his crews for a time. They were very good in their fields, if not a little unorthodox. But after seeing Strider in a white dancing outfit and singing at his birthday party, well, it didn't come at a huge surprise that his work ethic was a little strange. Regardless, him and his crew got the jobs done and that was all that mattered.

And now he was gone. The Galaxy felt a little...well more ordinary without him.

A dark blue headscarf covered her head and hid most of her face and she wore a simple dark blue dress to match. Having an invitation helped her get in and she didn't want to miss out on paying her respects. Mrs. Nesbitt, her K1 series droid rolled dutily behind her, it's beeps and whistles carrying an almost somber tone. Yes the little droid was picking up on how Kay felt as it had been programmed to do.

The two of them entered that infamous hotspot and of course didn't recognize anyone. [member="Drake Garon"] looked a tad familiar, but some people just had one of those kinds of faces. She headed over to the bar and asked the tender for a shot of brandy. Normally she doesn't drink, but she had planned on giving a quite toast to Strider and she couldn't very well do that with tea.

Once she paid for her shot, she moved over to a table and sat down, giving room for Mrs. Nesbitt to be beside her. Now to think of what she would say for her toast....

[member="Sabine Kurtass"] [member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Drake Garon"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Sabine saw two other woman come in, she wonder for a moment where they ex-lovers of his. Then she realized if she was in old body, they probably think the same of her. She decide to get up, and see if ether would be drawn into a conversation. She then realized one was a former senator of the republic, she was brave woman coming here, and as such gave her a bow of her head as sign of respect. The other was a mandalorian, she actually recognized her from serenno, she was spying on the mandalorians that day, she also remembered she had slight crush on [member="Captain Larraq"] at the end of it. Though she was planning on killing him of course, and the rest of the mandalorian contingent she was not discriminatory like that. Though that as then and this is know, know the man who came to her home world and threatened her former masters, is dead. Though more she found out about him the more she liked him, and was happy she did not slip into his bed that night and kill him in his sleep. As know she was here to cerebrate his life, and just see what the day brought.
[member="Drake Garon"] Ξ[member="Sabine Kurtass"] Ξ [member="Lady Kay"]

No words could express how she felt today. Tears would role down her cheek often at the thought of the man who raised her in a family so welcoming had gone. In a way she regretted been so absent the past while there was still so much to say that had to be left unsaid. She looked around the place where they where to gather, Cynthia wanted to be alone right now but what she wanted and needed was separate things. She needed a shoulder to cry on but to stubborn to see it. She sniffed and wiped away the tear as she walked up to Drake. No word was able to leave her mouth but a burst of crying. Her eyes looked red and sore but she hadn't lost someone close before where she could apprehend what was going off.

She would fall against Drake wrapping her arms around him as she cryied into his shoulder. "Why? Why him? Why now?" She wasn't directly talking to him but she just wanted an answer any answer even if it wasn't the right one and she wanted to be told it will be okay. Even if everything was not okay. She even felt bad for dressing in normal clothes because normally her armor was her normal clothes to sense. She felt bad she wasn't there for him. She felt bad she didn't have more to do with him. Out of everything she was around to carry his name.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked over to [member="Sabine Kurtass"] as the look of recognition came into the lady's eyes. Sure it was a bit dangerous to come here, but she had an invitation, and she was no longer a part of the Government. Besides, she had no issues with Strider's family. As far as she knew, they had no issues with her either. Most probably didn't know her, just as she didn't know them.

She bowed her head to Sabine in turn. "Afternoon..."
Why... the one word question was certainly one which was on the minds of many. Aden was one not asking the question. He wanted to know how. How had none of the verd in the tap cafe known there was a member of the Death Watch among them? How had they let them get so close to Stri'buir, how had it all happened. Aden had been on his way to meet the man, [member="Mesh'la Dral"] (Detta-Hokan) had been with him as well. The two had been taking care of the farmstead her buire owned when one kiss had led to another, one touch to another, and the two had found themselves taking their relationship to an physically intimate level.

Everything about that morning was a blur. Aden had woken with Mesh'la next to him, both were still unclothed from their first pairing. The attack had woken them from a deep sleep, they dressed for battle quickly, and while they had been on their way to Keldabe the news of Strider's death had made it over the comms. They had to fight, but there had been too many for them to handle safely. That's why Mesh'la suggested they do what the could with [member="Kad Tor"]'s modified thermal detonators, then take the Avril to Enceri.

That's where the Avril was coming from now. When it touched down in the near by field of the Garon Homestead. The aliit still had to lay Strider to rest, and Aden had his part to play. Of course he was so distraught over the loss of a second parent that Aden was not alone. He had brought Mesh'la with him, and the two would join the rest of those gathering together.

"Well here we are. [member="Drake Garon"] should be here, another half brother of mine. [member="Cynthia Garon"] was supposed to be here too. She was adopted by Strider I think. I still don't know all the dynamics and stuff..."

Aden put his forehead to Mesh'la's as they got onto their speeder bikes at the long boarding ramp of the ship. Without a word he just let it set there for a moment before he pulled back and started for Strider's favorite watering hole. She was all he had left anymore. Mesh'la was his world.

There some gathered already when they entered. Aden greeted them with a nod as he passed by to head to his siblings. It was time to figure things out.

"So what's the plan? Did he leave anything behind about what he wanted after..."


This thread takes place prior to Mesh'la making a riduurok with Aden so she will be referred to as Mesh'la Detta-Hokan not Dral.

[member="Aden Dral"] had been devastated by [member="Strider Garon"]'s death. Mesh'la had done what she could to comfort and support her boyfriend, but only knew too well how the death of a parent hurt, not to mention the questions as to the who, why, and how of it lingered and festered for long afterward; the young Detta-Hokan's own father going missing during the Netherworld event and presumed dead now.

The trip down from Enceri on the Avril was a silent one for the most part. Mesh'la was letting Aden guide the day. If he wanted to be withdrawn, then she'd just be there for him. If he needed her to be otherwise, the young medic would do that as well. She too was grieving for Stri'buir as the Hound of Keldabe had been a dear friend to her family especially her mother, [member="Briika Hokan"], but her own sadness was nothing compared to the young merc's.

Mesh'la wore her red beskar'gam with the buy'ce clipped onto her utility belt; golden hair braided nicely into several plaits that hung down over her shoulder plates. As the couple walked into the Oya'baat, Mesh gave Aden's hand a little reassuring squeeze as he was about to meet some more family that were complete strangers to him, and other vode who knew or had the pleasure of working with his buir.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Cynthia Garon"] [member="Sabine Kurtass"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Drake Garon"]
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Drake Garon"]

She looked at the woman, and replied back Afternoon to you too, care for wine, as this is not a time for tea. The woman was famed for her tea, but this was mandalorian funeral and drinking was expected. She waited for a response as she head to the bar to get her glass, though she was thinking of having something stronger after the funeral. Though she still wonder how many of his children would show up, and his ex girlfriends who may just want to make sure he was actually dead, and not just trying to get out of paying the child support checks.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow slightly. Maybe the brandy looked like cold tea? It certainly had the colour of it. She raised the shot glass to show [member="Sabine Kurtass"] it while she spoke, "No thank you. I have some brandy here. I know that Strider wasn't much for tea as not a lot of people are, so I figured brandy would be more fitting. But if you think that wine would be better, then I will accept it."

((ooc: hiding from child support it!

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