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Character Kehl Thraxx

Kehl Thraxx
From Gladiator to Warlord


[ Theme ]


" They will bleed as I have, and pay their debt to me with their lives. "

| Name | Kehl Thraxx
| Aliases | N/A
| Titles | The Betrayer
| Allegiance | The Open Hand, Independent Warlord
| Age | 54
| Species | Morseerian
| Homeworld | Morseerian Homeworld
| Base of Operations | Ord Mantell
| Gender | Male
| Vocal Sample | Project Mordekaiser
| Force Sensitivity | Non-Force Sensitive
| Status | Alive and Active


| Hair Color | N/A
| Eye Color | Purple
| Height | 7 Feet
| Weight | 515 Pounds
| Build | Muscular
| Notable Features |
Kehl Thraxx is massive by Morseerian standards, standing at a towering height of seven feet with a well-muscled build. He is distinguished by the specialized environmental suit that he wears, masking his scarred body. Beneath his armor, one will find a darkened brown body, his right upper forearm, and entire lower left arm being replaced by cybernetic limbs as a result of losing them in Sith gladiatorial pits.


| Sexuality | Heterosexual
| Relationship Status | N/A
| Personality |

Cunning | Ruthless | Deceptive | Vengeful | Resilient
Kehl Thraxx has lived a bloodied and hard life. From a young age, he learned that he could trust no one, and rely on no one if he were to survive in the world and life that he was forced into. He developed a keen sense of perception to take note of weaknesses that he could exploit, lure his foes into a false sense of hope and security and then strike them when they were most vulnerable. He is brutally efficient in his methods and execution, something to be admired and feared at the same time. He is also one to hold grudges for a long time, and certainly will never forget a face once an individual has earned his ire.


Kehl Thraxx's greatest strength lies in his years of experience as a pit fighter in the gladiatorial arenas of the Sith Empire. His combat prowess and quick thinking are what have saved his skin countless times in life-or-death situations. He is adept with the use of blasters, with his cybernetics allowing him to wield and utilize larger weaponry. His greatest skill however is in both hand-to-hand combat and using blades where precision and finesse are his greatest asset. When a more decisive touch is necessary to take opponents by surprise, Kehl Thraxx has an arsenal of hidden armaments at his disposal as well.


| Gladiatoral Champion |
Kehl Thraxx is a former champion within Sith gladiatorial pits, having spent most of his adolescent and adult life fighting for Sith sport and entertainment as a slave. It was in the bloodied pits where he honed his skill and prowess in combat, spending every day in situations where it was kill or be killed, predator or prey. He is no stranger to combat, and certainly a monster in his own right to be feared when pushed to a similar life-or-death scenario.
| Old Scars Don't Fade |
Kehl Thraxx over his years has attained numerous scars and injuries, mostly during his time as a gladiatorial slave. As such, much of his body has been replaced by cybernetics making him susceptible to ionic effects that may hinder or disable the functionality of his cybernetics or suit systems.
| Bloodied Warlord |
When the war between the Sith Empire and New Imperial Order broke out, Kehl Thraxx and his fellow slaves seized the opportunity within the chaos to rebel, breaking free of their shackles to take up arms against their captors and tormentors, fighting for their freedom. It was Thraxx's leadership during the revolt and seniority that earned him his respect amongst his peers, many of whom not knowing a life beyond bloodshed and death, chose to follow him. Since then he has coordinated a faction of marauders to strike and pillage resources in the old Imperial and Sith sectors.
| Old Dog |
Kehl Thraxx is still a force to be reckoned with, but he is well past his prime. He does not struggle in a fight, but he does not have the stamina that he once had to completely outlast an opponent, which is why he will prefer to take short skirmishes or end a fight as soon as possible to conserve his energy.

  • Specialized Environmental Suit
  • Personal Blaster
  • Assortment of blades
  • Various supplemental equipment and weapons
  • TBA

Hex Color - #6940ff

Back in my day...

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  • Birth and Childhood
    • Sold into slavery to the Sith Empire
  • Adolescent and Young Adult Life
    • Became and fought as a pit fighter
    • Resentment to Sith
    • Slave uprising during NIO/TSE War
  • Adult Life to Present
    • Became a warlord
    • Joined Open Hand to eradicate Force Users.

[Div Header]

[ Theme ]

K e h l _ T h r a x x
| Location | TBA
| Objective | TBA
| Focus | TBA


  • | Intent | To submit Kehl Thraxx's personal suit of armor/environmental suit.
  • | Image Source | Source
  • | Canon Link | N/A
  • | Permissions | N/A
  • | Primary Source | N/A


  • | Classification | Multipurpose Armor
  • | Weight | Heavy
  • | Resistances |
    • | Energy | Very High
    • | Kinetic | High
    • | Lightsabers | Very High
    • | Other | How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage? (Examples: Sonic, EMP/ION, Elemental. You must disclose each specific type that applies to this submission with its own rating.)



  • | Gladiator Multi-Tool | Kehl Thraxx's suit reflects his experience as a gladiator, housing a number of tools and weapons across the entirety of his body, each suitable for handling different situations and a plethora of enemies. It provides excellent offensive and defensive capabilities, designed to take a beating while taking enemies down by surprise.
  • | Cybernetic Integration | Kehl Thraxx's suit seamlessly integrates with his own personal cybernetics, providing additional control and functionality to what his body has been augmented by through technology. This allows Kehl Thraxx's cybernetics to function as additional armaments with great effectiveness, providing him more versatility in combat.
  • TBA

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