Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kanni Ugaiya Kilran

"I’ll show YOU a cutie wootie!”

Hi! I'm Kanni. My history is a bit of a mystery given that I don't actually have any. Not really. I mean, I'm aged eighteen, but I'm also, like, a day old as I begin typing this. Or am I thinking it? I dunno! I'm writing. Fingers tapping. Typey-typey!

Where am I? Oh! That's right! I just had breakfast after being quarantined so I'm in my bedroom, I think! Bacon and eggs. Every growing girl's best friend, I reckon! 'Watch your cholesterol' the doctor said. But he ain't here so, meh, what the heck! GIMME THAT SAVORY SWEETNESS

Hummmm what was I saying! Oh, that's right! I am the product of this specimen and that sample and I was forged in a petri dish. I was born in a tank in a lab and the water was warm as far as I can remember but maybe there wasn't any liquid in my chamber I can't actually remember and my tutor taught me that this is a perfect example of a run-on sentence with no commas before the period.

Hi! I'm Kanni. You can call me "Kan" for short if you want to. It's only one syllable less but, eh, I think it's kinda catchy. Yet I digress. A lone clone of Akiya Orime with a purpose, this little miss. Yes, I was bred to achieve victory. To help lead my master's army.

You might see me as a silly little girl too weak to lift a pearl. You'd be wrong. See, I am an assassin, I was ingrained with combat and train to back up my talents. Don't believe me? It's okay, sweetie! Wait and see...cuz I'ma KICK YOUR ASS


“If you’re pouting like a puppy, how about a yummy muffin for your tummy? Woofie-woofie!”
I'm clever and cunning, buddy. It's easy for me to act like a thief as much as an assassin. Oh, was that a hotdog between your teeth? NOW IT'S FOR ME. Teehee! But maybe I'm too much for you. Might be you don't like me on account of my personality. Some see me as a bit of a dweeb, others might call me sweet, even cutesie, given I'm petite and I like to pet teddy bears for a living.

Adorable or adorkable? Maybe neither if you hate me. I'm just as likely to give you an earful of my bubbly attitude and fluffy jumpers that cover my armor as I am to break your heart with a misplaced swing since I was aimin' for your noggin to cleave your forehead apart but, hey, it happens!

I'm a happy person, in all honesty. I like to smile. I also like to grin when it comes to battle. Don't kriff with me, karkhead, or I'll carve your knees and pull your spleen out between your teeth. Also, I really really love lounging around in my bathrobe! THANK YA, MASTA

  • Blaster Rifle
  • Pistol
  • Shuriken [Razor Ring]
  • Kunai
  • Knife
  • Grenades
  • Gauntlet
  • Outfit
  • Outfit
  • Crystal Cross [scout ship]
  1. Genetic Perfection [COMPLETE]
  2. Eggman's Invitational!: Podracing on New Alderaan! [ABANDONED]
  3. Imperial Passport: Centares [ABANDONED]
  4. Attack of the Clones! Dominion on New Alderaan (EOTL) [COMPLETED]
  5. The Emperor Revealed! Moff Council Meeting (Empire of the Lost) [ABANDONED]
  6. Sing A Song for Centares [ACTIVE]
  7. Finders Stealers [INACTIVE]
  8. Clash At Kegan [ACTIVE]

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