Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Justice Lesan and the Copyright Infringement

Attire: xXx
Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Valery Noble Valery Noble

A crystal skull. The mission seemed simple, and the research was pretty solid, but something about it bothered the young Lesan. Justice sat the data pad down on the desk in his quarters. A recent upgrade had allowed him a small side room he had converted into a study for research purposes. In his attempts to train with the force and get "better" the padawan had developed a fascination for history, lore, and specifically, archeology.

Finding clues to the location of the skull excited him.

It was a dangerous piece in the wrong hands, at least if the rumors were true. Little was actually known about the capabilities of the skull, but the lore suggested it was likely a gateway to other dimensions. Whether Justice believed it or not was another matter. The issue which seemed to be pressing was the need to keep it away from those who may want to use the artifact for ill intent. That was IF the rumors were fact.

Just looked at the attire he had laid out for the trip which was mostly standard issue. A pair dark khaki canvas pants were already on, as was the long sleeved navy blue cotton work shirt. Justice had the sleeves pushed up just above his elbow. A leather glove and gauntlet covered the metal of his cybernetic arm which had yet to be covered in synthflesh. Maybe the glove would draw more attention to it, but the young man did not want Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren to see such an obvious reminder of their last off-planet adventure.

He took in a deep breath as he surveyed the leather vest he had crafted for himself. The front was simple, containing a couple of straps for various attachments. The back of the piece was designed to carry a canteen or other container, and three pouches for various tools and items he may need. A grin pulled at his lips as the thought occurred to him that he was actually going to be going on a real archeological survey.

Justice rushed to the ship, frantically texting messages to Briana about their impending departure. He almost ran over a few younglings as he could not seem to pay attention enough. A few sorries and excuse mes left is his mouth as he tried to apologize for the near miss without losing time.

Naturally he arrived first.

That only caused the young man to send even more texts.

Where r u?

Ur going to make us late…

Val was coming too, yeah?


Just plopped his go bag on one of the beds in the crew quarters before finding a seat. His feet were kicked up on the holochess table as he leaned back, keeping a watchful eye on the boarding ramp.

"C'mon Bri, the skull won't discover itself…"

Unless it did… which would only make the mission way more complicated and dangerous than it needed to be.
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