Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Just Stay Off It For A Week- Wait Do I Know You?


<Probably an army medic. People.. Really get hurt in these battles. .. I want to help them.> Any kind of doctor was fine, but, well. Iris had no intention of stepping away from her duties as a Jedi. They seemed to be the two paths that met the best. Combat medic and Jedi. Though the story on the holotv had her frowning. She curled up a bit, wiggling her way under the blanket to get comfortable.

<Did that really happen? Order 66?>

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<Are you gonna run around on the battlefield tending to the wounded right where they've fallen?> Kai asked, his eyes gleaming with delight at the image that idea had produced in his mind.

She asked about the show. <Yeah, it happened a really long time ago. Almost nine hundred years ago. The clones in the army of the Republic killed all the Jedi, because they had a chip in their heads that controlled them and it activated when Chancellor Palpatine - who was really a Sith Lord - said 'Execute Order 66'...>

He trailed off, not wanting to give too much away or commentate on things. Condal Dunstrum had grown up to inherit his family's fortune. He used their wealth to create a suit of armor, gear, and other gadgets, and became the Bright Knight, a crime-fighting vigilante. He had to keep his identity secret to avoid being pursued by the Empire, but he was a devoted force for good, determined not to give up. Eventually he'd join the Rebellion, reconnect with his Jedi roots, and duel against Darth Vader... but that wasn't until later seasons. In the beginning, he was just a guy trying to do the right thing.

<Didn't you want to talk to me about something?> Kai asked as the credits rolled at the end of the first episode.



<If I can, I'd like to do that, yeah. A lot of people die on the battlefield because there was no one around to help them.> Well, there was. But not enough. And certainly not enough that could actively heal through the Force. It seemed like a cheat, but it could really help a lot of people. Her frown worsened at the thought of mind control chips and clone armies though. Was that really their history? It seemed unbelievable.

Then again, from what she was learning, there was a lot people could do with science.

<Kinda, I guess. Just wanted to know what happened, why you're.. This. How you're human, I guess.>

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<Well, I made a deal with a witch to have my essence transferred out of my Sithspawn body and into a new one. Unfortunately she tricked me and ripped my essence out before I could find anything to put it into, and then just left me to die. But it's okay, because I managed to find a new body—this one—and possessed it. He died of a drug overdose.>

The fact that his new body clearly belonged to a teenager made that news rather harrowing, but it wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence in the darker depths of Coruscant.

Pointing to himself, he continued, <I came back to find the witch, but she had disappeared, taking my old body with her. I should probably track her down and give her a piece of my mind, but I've been so busy lately I haven't had the time. And... that's pretty much it.>



Iris blinked. Stared blankly. At him, directly. At first she said nothing, just stared as if trying to figure out what it was she wanted to say. Nothing came to mind. Her gaze drifted back to the show as she hid more under the blanket. Covering more of the bottom of her face to hide the frown that had formed.

"I'm glad you're okay, at least.."
<I'm fine,> he said cheerfully. <Even if I'm not able to do as much as I used to, I like it a lot better this way.>

As Iris sank deeper under the covers, Kai began to suspect he had run into another blunder. His lack of understanding when it came to human social cues tended to lend itself to some pretty awkward moments. He had learned how to carry on a conversation by now, but sometimes things just got... weird.

Something told him that this time, it had less to do with him saying the wrong thing, and more to do with Iris holding back.

<Tell me what's on your mind, Iris?> he said. It was phrased like a command, but posed like a request.



He seemed happy. That was good. All the pain Kai had been through after being born from what she'd learned was beyond what someone should ever have to deal with. Especially considering how actually young he was. She closed her eyes, more willing herself to sleep to avoid the feelings she had. At least until he spoke in her head again. She frowned more, back turned to him.

"Don't do such dangerous things on your own.. There are people who will help you, no matter what it might be."
<And you're telling me this now because I'm not as durable as I used to be, right?> Kai's smile was thinner this time. <Not able to leap off of tall buildings, swing around, change shape, heal any wound in a matter of minutes or hours... I can't beat somebody up with superhuman strength, move with superhuman speed, or reach inside people's minds and rip knowledge from them...>

He met Iris' gaze. <I can't tell yet if it's brave or stupid of me to do this. All I know is that I'm going to have to start over. Learn everything over again. It's going to be hard, so... Are you offering your help?>



<What? No! You literally had your soul ripped out of you. It didn't matter that you were pseudo immortal or something with that Sithspawn body.> She turned back to face Kai then, genuine worry in her eyes. <I.. spoke too quickly before. You're like him.> She vaguely motioned to the television, letting her eyes close. Think. Then blinked again. Confusion filled her face as she looked back to her friend.

"I.. Huh? You want my help..?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<Iris…> His tone was coaxing, not reproachful. <Don't be coy with me. What do you really mean?>

His cheeks burned with flattery at the comparison between him and the Bright Knight, but he still didn't understand what she meant by it. How was he like a fictional superhero?

<Yeah. I figure I'm going to need all the help I can get.> He shrugged. <Do I have your aid and support?>



Iris blinked. She seemed far more confused than anything. That, and Bright Knight might as well have been something that actually happened in her mind. Superhero or not. <I- There's nothing to be coy about? He's like you. Everything is new, everything went wrong, and the first thing you do is find a place to help people as soon as you can. You didn't even take any time to learn your new body before you came to Tython, right?>

Kai also wasn't an idiot. At least in her mind. But she nodded.

"I'll help where I can. I guess if you keep getting hurt I can just heal you, right?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<I- There's nothing to be coy about? He's like you. Everything is new, everything went wrong, and the first thing you do is find a place to help people as soon as you can. You didn't even take any time to learn your new body before you came to Tython, right?>

<There wasn't any time.> Which was true. He'd gotten back to the Reef, found Erictho gone, and within hours the news had broken that Tython was under attack. But more than that...

<I'm not going to slow down. Not even for this.> He gestured to his scrawny body. <You should know me well enough by now to realize that.>

Yet he didn't stop there. She said she would "just heal him" if he kept getting hurt. As if it wasn't a given that he would always be getting hurt. He'd wind up like Dagon Kaze, with a body full of scars and regular visits to physical therapy and a chiropractor to deal with the pain of a thousand injuries a permanent part of his schedule.

He'd always wanted to be like Dag, hadn't he?

<It's okay to admit it, Iris. You think I made a mistake. That I should've stayed a Sithspawn, kept wrestling with my Dark Side, and put all that pseudo-immortality to good use. Because you're afraid I'll get killed now that I'm not the beautiful monster you know and love.>

Okay, so she hadn't been the one to call him that. Those were Jin X Jin X 's words, not Iris'. But he knew she felt the same. Everyone who had been his friend when he was a Doppelganger had to have felt that way, or else they wouldn't have tolerated his existence. Plenty of other people didn't.

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Iris stared. Really stared this time. She genuinely didn't understand what he was saying. Why was he getting so upset? Why did the colors show he was angry? Oh. Wait. Iris stared for a moment longer. Then laughed. Not a spiteful laugh, but a genuine one. <I've never cared about that. Did you really think I did? I'm just worried about you.> Her laughter faded into a sadder sort of smile as she lifted a hand. Looking over the scars that marred it, like so much of her.

<We're Jedi. We're always going to get hurt. But maybe I can lessen that for you so you don't end up like me."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Kai didn't believe her. Not really. But she had succeeded in making him feel guilty.

<Hey, no...> He clasped her damaged hand in his. <Don't talk like that. You don't have a choice.>

Brown eyes searched hers for a few moments, then he started to lean toward her. The impulse was quickly stopped, however, and Kai settled back again, his face reddening as he awkwardly pretended he was just trying to fluff up his pillow.



Without the ring, Kai was actually easier for Iris to understand. The change in his colors from anger to guilt. Her smile turned to a frown as she looked over at him again. <I just meant maybe I can protect yo-> She blinked. A different color caught her attention. For a moment she was just unmoving, watching Kai lean over.

Then the pillow. She let out her held breath. Relief washed over her. Though now she was.. Confused.

<.. Are you um.. Have you had any emotions you haven't before?>
<You don't need to protect me. Just help me out, if you can. That's all I ask.> He didn't want to be coddled or shielded, he wanted to learn how to take care of himself again.

Though he hadn't actually been angry before, more aggravated that no one seemed willing to actually voice dissent with his decision, he seemed quite a bit more subdued now. Her next question, about whether he'd experienced any new emotions, got him scratching his nose to hide the fact that he was afraid to look at her.

<I'm more emotional in general. This body has different hormones and chemicals. It all works differently, too. I've basically become a human, so I have more human feelings now, I guess.> He pretended to be engrossed in the Bright Knight's adventures. <Why do you ask?>

If she thought that meant he was going to suddenly get all lovey-dovey on her, well, she was wrong. That stuff was gross. Really, really... yucky. Yeah.



Iris tilted her head. Confusion filled her eyes all over again.

<We're Jedi, though. We protect everyone. We can just protect each other, right?>

Then she let out another breath. Turning her own gaze to the show as if to distract herself from her own thoughts. Well, no, it's not like she had any thoughts on this. If anything, had he actually tried to kiss her she would've socked him right in the nose. After everything that happened, the thought that just a body change would suddenly change his feelings for her actually annoyed the hell out of her.

<We start there. Emotions. Jedi are supposed to be able to act without letting their emotions influence things, right? .. If you're still planning to be a Jedi, anyway.>

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
<We're Jedi, though. We protect everyone. We can just protect each other, right?>

<That's not—> Was it? Wasn't it true? <Okay, sure. But I can't just be dependent on other people, is all I'm trying to say. People are imperfect, and everyone will leave me eventually. That's just the way it is.>

Gerda. Dag. Aeris. Damsy. Hell, even Yenna had ditched him. He wasn't sure if he was leaving somebody out, so many people had abandoned him over the years. Dying, disappearing, getting too busy to spare any of their time on him. Or going off on some soul-searching quest throughout the galaxy, without bothering to even ask him if he'd like to come with.

Professor Nimdok. Him, too. Kai rubbed his eyes to hide a sudden onrush of tears prickling threateningly at his lids. There was no reason to cry over Nimdok, of all people. He was just one more name on the list.

<We start there. Emotions. Jedi are supposed to be able to act without letting their emotions influence things, right? .. If you're still planning to be a Jedi, anyway.>

<Definitely.> He lowered his hand and sniffed through a smile. <Nothing's there to stop me anymore. Can't say I'm not qualified because I'm a Sithspawn.> His expression sobered. <Wait, how are you going to help me with my emotions?>

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Iris watched the show for a little while longer. Or at least tried to pretend to. It was hard to, given the sudden shade of blue coming from Kai. Ah, was it because of his new form or was it really just because of what he could hide with his ring that she wasn't sure how to react. She reached out, almost like she was going to hug him. Then seemed to think better of it. Focus instead on what he was saying.

<Oh. I have no idea. I'm still trying to figure out emotions myself. Guess we can figure it out together, huh?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
She’d started out with telepathy, then finished up with spoken words. He'd planned to crack a joke about girls and emotions (which probably would've gotten him slugged on the arm) but her answer threw him off.

<Okay,> he replied. Not okay good, okay fine, but at least he could work with it. <Do we meditate? Throw ourselves into high stress situations to test how much we can take before we crack? How do people normally learn control?>

She'd already said she didn't know, so he was just throwing out suggestions at this point. With a sigh, he turned back to the holoscreen and fell silent. The Bright Knight seemed to deal with the storm of his emotions by keeping a tight lid on them. But every now and then, it came bursting out. Especially when someone he cared about was in danger. Then his self-control broke down, and the fury of Condal Dunstrum, a boy who had watched his friends and master die, was unleashed...


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