Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Going to Cash This [PM for Invite]

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The cyborg's last arm was sliced at the wirst as the Sith struggled to contain the Baradium explosion. But, sadly, he got away with just being flung through a window... The Cyborg had no limbs, no weapons, and no more bombs. ... Things were not going well. Nontheless, the shrill eerie laughter that radiated from his mouth was a constant. The sound of it bounces off teh sandstone dwellings around him, echoing even in the open air. "Bye bye Siiiiiithyyyy!" His ship was still hovering overhead- kept aloft by his autopilot- but he had no need to leave the game just yet! The cyborg used his last handless limb to drag himself frowards across the sand, towards the building the Sith had flown into. "Heeeere sithy sithy siiithyyyyy!"

[member="Darth Acarus"]
Malphas was getting to his feet when the droid started to come for him. He had no way to stop it, except the Force.

Slowly rising to his feet and clenching his fists, he got to his feet and when he looked out the window [member="The Cyborg"] was coming for him. How was he supposed to stop this thing? It was like a robot that was sent from the future was meant to end his existence...

Sounded like a good holofilm.

He moved slowly to the window, letting the Force work on fixing his body up, and he leaned over the window sill and gathered the Force to him as he tried to crush the head of the droid, hopefully putting it out of commission for the rest of this battle.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg was on his last limb. Well, actually, all his limbs were cut off. So, of course, he was basically defenceless when the force wrapped around his metlalic skull, pressing it inwards from all angles. However, reinforced durasteel coupled with internal reinforcements is not easy to destroy. Then again... this was a Sith knight. The Cyborg's shrill laughter only got louder and louder as dents started to appear on his head int he shape of fingerprints. In an instant, the skull caved in partially, both of his optical sensors exploding in dramatic flurries of sparks. And the laughing stopped. The remains of the body fell limp on the ground...

Literally a second after the movement stopped, The Cyborg's ship that still sat on autopilot stopped recieving signals from the cyborg's body. Well, rather, the droids inside did. One of the multiple droids inside quickly took over piloting, causing the ship to land not far away from where the fight had ended. As the damaged ramp lowered itself completely, extremely high pitched robotic voices sounded out.

And a troop of bright pink astrodroids equiped with robotic manipulator arms holding cream pies began to roll out. towards [member="Darth Acarus"].

(Don't worry. No tricks up their sleeves. They're just there to retrieve The Cyborg. Lmao. *Thumbs up for the terminator reference btw, made me laugh*)
[member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Darth Acarus"] [member="The Cyborg"] [member="Darth Nexus"]

It had been Xander idea to come to the sand, like that of a fool with very much heated argument she came with her own ship. Leaving her sleeping on the ship. Telling her she need her rest, for pete sack it wasn't like she was made out of glass could be broken. It wasn't like she was carrying their child. Knowing this was going to be the longest 8 months if he was going to be this protect. Opening her eyes fully, as she looked around calling out for Xander. "Oh that fool, he didn't ...." , feeling the force coming from him from their bond.

Looking over her shoulder in the mirror but to check on all the armor pieces as she took her healer leather skin bad. Full of not only herbs and other seeds liquids in tubs. Also putting in her hair the hidden light saber that look like a long hari claw chip. Then hang was her other lightsaber with the black blade.

Getting on the bike speeder taking off fast after putting up the hood cloak. Taking off as she had her google over her eyes. As open up fully in the force as she gathered the force up from all around her. After all she been on this planet for a while now this hadn't been her own visit. Her smuggling years she made this many time as a stop over or to pick up a job or two get by on. It wasn't like most planet that was teaming with life but there was still life around her just had to know how to tap into its environment.

Reaching into out into the force into Xander mind. <<I"m on the way lover, don't tell me nOOO. >>
Nexus was much faster than this [member="Xander Carrick"] had clearly suspected, catching the man's fist in his own. The massive man's hand was almost three times the size of the Jedi's. Then, Nexus clenched. A bone crushing grip that would surely cause much pain if not avoided, but this action was in merely moments. Not even 3 seconds had passed and Nexus pulled the boy into his left fist which was aiming over his right arm which was holding the fist, ready to punch Carrick right in the nose. It wouldn't take at all much effort, but the impact would nearly rip the Carrick boy's head off. That was if, he had normal skin, bone and flesh.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The pink astrodroids wasted no time splitting in to two groups; three of them began dragging The Cyborg away, while the other seven swarmed around [member="Darth Acarus"] and started pelting him with cream pies. Not explosive cream pies. Not poisonous cream pies. Just regular, random, cream pies. Because why the hell not. Meanwhile, while he was most likely distracted, The Cyborg was dragged off into his half-ruined ship, and autopilot slowly rose it into the sky, closing it's ramp as The Cyborg lay on it's floor. Well, that was fun.
A voice entered my head that Maya was coming. I couldn't even respond to her as the man tried to crush down on my hand. However, he had not noticed the force barrier I had formed around my hand. I could feel power drain from me a little as he crushed down on my hand. While the punch was headed straight for me, There was no real way to block or avoid the punch, but what I could do was drop. I bend at the knees and leaned back just enough to let the punch slide over my helmet. Scraping the black finish off of the front. Even while he still had a hold of my hand, I might as well use it to my advantage. he was larger than me, but even at my size, I pushed off with my feet and the force to send myself soaring just over him at both of our arm lengths away from each other.

Because I was prepared for this, I caused no injury to my arm, as well that my hand was not really being grabbed, so my hand could twist and move within the shield around my arm and hand. While the man would need to turn in some shape or form to avoid me tearing a few ligaments in his shoulder. Landing on the ground behind him, While he was strong, he looked top heavy with the armor, so it didn't hurt to use Telekinesis to rip his legs out from under him to his right. Finally I got back to speak at Maya, "Just don't overexert yourself." While I had talked to her, I pushed my mind to hers, that way we could communicate through images and use our power together as one person to aid eachother. Hopefully this would work the way I intended for it to.

[member="The Cyborg"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Darth Acarus"],
Pushing his mind into hers more he became that beacon need to know where would be flying so fast. That she did so opening herself more to the force to gathering as she thought what need to. you worry to much Knowing he only did this for her state but still it wasn't the matter of that she was till born into a tribe of warrior on Huran Kal. Flowing over her was more then that it was what could feel from the planet there was always life some where.

As she did so gathering up to start to get a vision from Xander own eyes to know what could face as she found the path given to her to be with his side. Finding the closer she got the more could feel the others around she would have to keep watch and gather information before knowing what she would face head on. The same when she was a padawn but now she had the skills of the higher rank knight.

[member="Darth Nexus"] [member="The Cyborg"] [member="Darth Acarus"]

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