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Approved Tech JST-01a "Deliverance" Shatter Pistol

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Good Men Don't Need Rules

  • Classification: Slugthrower
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Caseless .558 Slugs
  • Ammunition Capacity:
    • 9 Rounds + 1 In the chamber
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Very Low
  • Holding the weapon in hand, provides added benefit of enhancing one's ability of Danger Sense, or precognition. It is heavily reliant upon the user. If one is not well versed in the ability it will enhance it only slightly, where as someone who is more trained will get a bigger benefit from this.
  • Rounds that are fired from the weapon are affected by Ballistakinesis. As a mash up between a Railgun/Verpine Shatter Gun, the weapon already fires the slugs at a high speed, but when under the effect of Ballistakinesis, the rounds travel exponentially faster. Making it harder for other Force User individuals to block or redirect the slugs. This can be amplified further if the user is adept in the force power itself. Able to increase this aspect of the firearm even more.
  • Affecting the rounds that are shot from the weapon, the slugs are transmuted to be Shatterpoint rounds. The force power of Shatterpoint is finding the weakness in an object and exploiting it to break the item. Such case as finding the weakness in glass, and then shattering it simply from touching it. However in this application, the rounds can be fired from the gun act as that point of failure for whatever is struck by the slug. This allows the round to pierce through physical armors with little effort. Such armor as Beskar and even Dark Side-influenced Metals can be pierced and damaged. Again, should a user be proficient in Shatterpoint this application can be enhanced from simply piercing the armor to completely destroying the armor. As the name states, shattering the armor from a range much longer than a Jedi might be able to do when in close proximity.
  • Despite all of the Force related applications of the weapon, The pistol itself has a very powerful round. Even when not under the influence of the force, The firearm outputs damage stronger than modern Heavy Blaster Pistols, or even the well known .48 Caliber Enforcer pistol.
  • Tactical Applications of modifications and attachments that allow easier use of the weapon such as a Red-Eye, flashlight, linking with electronic systems and the like.
  • EMP-Ion Resistance is a must for this weapon. Due to the electrical systems within the weaponry, including the use of a Haysian Smelt Faraday cage prevents electronic countermeasures from destroying or damaging the weapon.
  • Using similar technology to a Lightsaber in the usage of a Diathium Power Cell, allows the weapon to not have replacement energy cells. Essentially, so long as the owner has slugs, they can fire the weapon. The only aspect of the weapon requiring reloading or recharging, is that of the slugs themselves.
  • Cortosis Slugs. Shut down lightsabers if someone tries to stop the round, or uses a light-shield to defend themselves.
  • Force nullification can prevent the usage of any of the force abilities attributed to the weapon. Thus, it would essentially become a "standard" pistol instead of having the added effects.
  • Dark Siders cannot use the weapon as it is Light Side aligned. Sure, a Neutral Force user could pick it up as well, but any effects given by the weapon, or upon the slugs fired, would be at a disadvantage. So in essence, A dark sider can't use it at all, and a Neutral Force user would essentially use it as a "Standard" pistol.
  • Force Users who can use the abilities of Balistikinesis can slow down, or inhibit the slugs from reaching them. Instead of speed up the rounds, can instead slow them down so they can do pretty much no damage.
  • Force Users who can use Shatterpoint can interact with the slugs themselves and prevent this from happening. Instead of affecting the target that is hit, it would instead crumble into dust and do no damage to the victim.
  • Users of Mental Manipulation powers in the force can counteract the user of the firearm by way of messing with their senses. The weapon does aid in sensing danger, however, this can cause an overload of the mind if someone were strong enough against the user.
  • Shielding systems that block physical rounds can still stop the slugs from damaging them. The Slugs are really only good at damaging physical Armors, shields, or objects.
  • While the weapon is made of durable materials, and even uses Cortosis in the rounds it fires, the weapon itself can still be destroyed. Its much harder to do than just your simple blasters. it can take a beating, but its not "Nigh indestructible" like Sith swords, or Force-imbued Blades.
  • Lightsabers or lightsaber technology that has non-demetrious circuits can resist the Cortosis rounds.
  • The weapon, even with it being essentially a mini-rail gun due to the Verpine Shatter gun components, should be a quiet weapon. However, due to the application of the rounds reaching extreme speeds, the rounds emit a distinct "crack" of the rounds being supersonic and if applied correctly by a powerful force user, Hypersonic speeds. There is no way to silence or suppress this weapon. Its going loud. Due to this crack, its recommended to wear hearing protection with prolonged use. Short term effects can be ringing in the ears, and long term can make one lose their hearing.
Over the years, Kale has been crafting and creating various force-imbued weapons and technology. Even a Shotgun that could fire bolts of Light. Now, this is the cullimation of this application of the force. Making a pistol that can be used by Jedi, and other Light-siders so that an individual can use a weapon akin to a Lightsaber or force-imbued sword. However, in a handgun shape. Applying applications of the force with the weapon to produce this weapon is a feat in of itself.

(OOC: Of course, any weapon that is directed towards an opponent is up for interpretation on the received damage.)
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King of Pumpkins
Kaleleon Kaleleon

Hi there, I will be reviewing your sub today.

Two points

A) Shatterpoint fully does not work the way your trying to make it work in this gun. While it can show weak points in armour the user still must be the one to shoot it towards that point.

B) how is it locked only to light siders, as far as I can tell it’s just a force imbued weapon. Even if it’s only light siders, why couldn’t a dark sider corrupt it to work for themselves?
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Ravenfire Ravenfire

A) while shatterpoint does not directly work that way in context of what has been done via Legends wiki, there are many written applications of the force that have been expanded upon here on chaos. Using a Shatterpoint like effect on objects in different ways have been done many times before by many people. It's part of the strength where the effect is enhanced if one is knowledgeable in that force power. Chaos is an open sandbox of exploring what writers can do with what they are given. Interpretations of the force have been allowed and encouraged. It's why there is a rule that prohibits making "new force powers" because you can just use one that is already listed in Canon and modify it however you want. It's an interpretation of what the gun does.

B) I mentioned the usage of Alkahest. Which is a Chaos canon contextualization of "light side alchemy" In context of the factory, as well as being made by a Jedi Character, the weapon is inherently light side aligned. Yes, force Imbued doesn't have to be dark or light aligned. However, typically force imbued swords are considered "light sided" due to their canon ability of specifically being able to destroy dark sided spirits.

Also, as a Light sided Jedi made the weapon, he can focus the light side of the force into it.


King of Pumpkins
Kaleleon Kaleleon

1) Fair point, Chaos is a sandbox for many ideas, however Shatterpoint as it stands is a pretty broken ability even in canon. While yes anyone could say that their force wielder could use shatterpoint in the way you are suggesting, I still disagree that shatterpoint on a weapon just allows it to do it without user input. If you want to keep shatter point on this weapon, I would suggest it instead allows people who might otherwise be unable to access shatter point the ability to do so. Or if you want to keep the version of Shatterpoint your using then add an OOC about that the character on the other end of the weapon decides how much the bullet affects their armor or whatever else it is aimed at.

2) Yes the item itself is Lightside aligned, thats not in question. What is in question however is should a one of these fall into the hands of a dark side user why wouldn't they be able to corrupt it? If you don't want them corrupting it then offer a darksided way for them to potentially break the weapon. Similar to how Force Light can kill sith spawn and damage dark side imbued items. I would add of course an OOC that the user of the weapon decides how much the weapon is affected by corruption, if you decided to go down that path.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
1) Edited to have an OOC at the bottom of the page about taking damage.

2) Yes there are such things as "bleeding" a force crystal, or corrupting a nexus. However, that requires a ritual of some kind, or a process to procure. Just as much as its a process to make a Force Imbued item, or through Sith Alchemy, to reverse said effects, require just as much if not more effort. Doing this in battle isn't feasible at all. Making an arbitrary weakness to make it weaker than canon effects is nonsensical.

Ravenfire Ravenfire
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