Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Jedi Mission Logs (open to reports from any Jedi)

OOC: Post up a quick IC summary of events that your Jedi thinks other Jedi should know about. Could be a recording, could be a written mission log, do as you will. Example:


"Is this thing on? This is Quill. Uh, Jedi Master Jend-Ro Quill on Hoth, talking about my fight the other day.

"I got a vision through the Kalos Windspeaker saber and headed to a rich neighborhood in the Carida system. I found a Sith Lord and a stormtrooper taking a handful of teenagers, by force but not injuring them; I'm guessing they were Force-sensitive and bound for Sith training. I incapacitated the trooper, but the Sith knocked out the kids so they couldn't escape. The Sith and I tangled.

"He was about six-foot-nine in his armor, which was gilded phrik - too light to be beskar or alchemy. Without the armor I'm betting he weighed about the same as me, though: a lean young cuss. Didn't see his face but I'm guessing late thirties from how he moved. He used a long spear with a split blade that had a hidden lightsaber emitter between the forks. I didn't catch a name but he was a talker.

"Other than lightning, his two main abilities were unusual. He could generate a reddish aura around himself that eroded some of my Force use and burned me. He'd also conjured a tangible phantom doppelganger that I could damage but not destroy with Force Light. Basically I was fighting two of him. It wasn't a tenable situation.

"Our fight went on a while. His forces managed to take the kids. Once they did, I left, hopped off a cliff.

"That's all. Thought you oughta know."

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Jend-Ro Quill,

I am not a Jedi myself, but I feel this would be of interest to you. This recording includes an exchange of words between a female Felcatian and a young man while the two were in a bar on Ukatis. I began recording about halfway through their conversation, when the subject of the young man's captivity at a sinister insane asylum for Force users was mentioned.

-Nimdok, archaeologist



Female Voice: "...Insane asylum? What... What did he want?"

Male Voice: "If you're ever in the Hoth system and hear of a Dr. Jakob Benson, be sure not to go anywhere near him. The guy runs an insane asylum, but he's just as mad as his patients. He thinks the Force is a mental illness that needs to be 'cured'..."

Female Voice: "Dr. Jakob Benson...? I'll be sure to watch out for him. How in the galaxy could someone think it's an illness? I mean, yeah, there's good and bad guys. (pause) You sure know how to get yourself in tight spots, dancer dude."

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Jorah zos Darnus

Meanwhile, at the Temple of the Silver Jedi on Kashyyyk...

Imprisonment inside the temple library was decidedly not punishment for the young Cathar. At least, not until he had finished reading everything that he could get his hands on.

Unfortunately, there were these really annoying sounds that were terribly difficult to ignore. Mostly because those sounds belonged to these oversized buffons, more typically referred to as adults, and they were doing something that was incredibly stupid. Now, these were Jedi, so while it was true that the stupid could have been assumed, the fact that they were telling him what to do pretty much cemented it.

After all, if it was a good idea, then he'd have already done it by now.

The latest in the long list of transgressions for this solar rotation was dropping off recordings of Jedi field reports. Just what the heck was a Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill anyway?

An old guy, it turns out.

Okay, Boomer.

"Oh, great, more nonsensical ramblings for me to file!" the kitten chirped, sarcasm dripping from his tone even as his ears flattened back slightly as his fur bristled.

Of course, he had to at least skim the report to know how to file it. Which was when the boy did a double take. "Wait, so Sith kidnapping kids is, like, not okay. But Jedi kidnapping kids is totally okay?" the Cathar blurted aloud, staring aghast at the recording in his hands. "I guess when your religious order subsists on the mass abduction and forced conversion of kids all across the galaxy for whole generations, you get a pass on the whole kidnapping for the 'good guys?' Just what kind of deluded, self-righteous, bigoted double standard is this?"

So, for example, Jedi raiding a library and then forcibly removing a then-nine-years-old Cathar from his people, and then punishing said kitten for his cultural religious beliefs by committing the youngling to child labor in the Jedi Library.

The shade was most definitely thrown in Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu 's direction.

More practically however...

"What do I even file this under? Kidnapping? Duels? Base jumping Jedi Masters?"
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"I'd like to think the Jedi taught me right from wrong," the padawan mused aloud upon reviewing the log submitted by a familiar Sith kitten's name. Micah's report had been, in a word, nasty. Of him, of Master Quill, and of the efforts to restore honor and justice to the galaxy by those who followed the Light.

"I know he's just a youngling, but so was I when I was taken from my home. The Jedi didn't give me a choice, they gave my parents the choice, and I had to go along with it. I wasn't in any more control of the situation than Micah is right now, but I learned to make do," Jerek explained to the recording. He wasn't certain if he would actually send this, it was just something to talk about. Talking this much wasn't a common pastime of his, and he took long pauses to compose his thoughts before speaking again. "I'm sure it's even harder for a youngling who was already indoctrinated by the Sith before being rescued."

"Rescued. That's what it was, not a kidnapping. I happened upon Micah in the library on Ossus, a malignant structure built as a mocking replacement of the Great Jedi Library that once stood not far away. You know what happened to that library? The Sith obliterated it, they ripped it from its foundations, and strewed its parts across a field."
The horrors he had witnessed there came flooding back now, and the youth set his jaw to steel himself. He had grieved for Ossus that day, and for many days and months thereafter. Today wasn't about grief. "The Sith stripped the library of its books and body, and left its remains as a monument of sheer hubris."

"I came to help rescue the books that once littered the shelves of the Great Library. The books I once read myself when I was a student there."
The boy's formative years had found him in that library on many occasions, only dwindling once the boy discovered flying starfighters gave him a thrill that book learning had a hard time matching. "I came with other Jedi who, as I assumed, had noble intentions to restore the honor that the Sith had stripped from the world and dole out justice to any who would stand in our way."

Jerek let out a wry chuckle, "You'd probably say we failed. Maybe only in private, whispered among circles of masters, never talked about in public. But there was no honor or justice in what happened that day."

"The library was flooded. By expert accounts, it was one of our own Jedi who committed this mass murder of the Sith Library's secrets. What books that existed only on flimsiplast, or worse on real paper, are gone now,"
The padawan shook his head, making his feelings on that subject clear. "I found Micah in the Sith Library, and when the flood came, he used all of his strength to form a shield from the onslaught. He was more prepared than I was, but when I got back up, he was unconscious. I couldn't just let him lay there, to drown in the flood or be hurt by someone else!"

"So I brought him with me. With us, the Jedi, when we fled. Remember, we failed?"
The teen gave the recording a sorrowful look, and he shook his shaggy head. A subconscious hand came up to straighten it again before continuing. "I guess, in my mind, Micah's the one good thing that came out of that day. We lost a lot of knowledge, but we gained a young soul that we have a chance to save from the destruction wrought by the Sith Empire on the minds of their young acolytes. What was I supposed to do, anyway, just offer him back to them? The Sith come to worlds to destroy and conquer, to wipe out what won't bend to their will, and sow discord among the galaxy. If we have a chance to help one young mind see the evil in that, I think we've succeeded."

"Look, I don't think the Jedi are pure or anything. I've seen my share of Jedi blunders, and a few watchers might know how that drove me away from the Jedi for a while."
Jerek sighed wistfully, regret coursing across his face. He looked down at his hands for a moment, his jaw clenching and unclenching. When he looked up again, there was a drive behind his eyes that replaced whatever had been there before. "But out on my own, I came across plenty of people who are helped by the Jedi being a buffer against the hordes of evil this galaxy has to throw at them. I never stopped thinking of myself as a Jedi then, and I can't stop thinking now that the Jedi are the galaxy's last, best hope for peace."

"That's all. I don't know if anyone wants to hear this, least of all Micah, but I had to say it anyway."

Jerek shrugged and turned off the recorder.


A Jedi sat cross-legged on a meditation cushion, blonde hair falling freely to frame a set of simple features. She was still. Unmoving. Her shoulders rose and fell with subtle, steady breaths. A final one was released, long and intentional. Elise opened her eyes, her face void of emotions.

The holoprojector clicked on, the recording starting.

The attack on Kitan has come to an end. The Sith's presence has been driven from our border planets, for how long... I cannot say. Our waters are large. Our warning systems barely allowed us the time to respond. They hit with the full strength of the Sith Empire. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex headed the assault, and if that does not speak towards their intentions... Our numbers were already thin and the destruction was... senseless....

While today is marked a victory, I cannot ignore the hard truth that we all would have been lost if reinforcements had not already been posturing in a sector nearby.

We do not know where Emperor Carnifex will strike next. I sense...

She closed her eyes, her chin dropping a degree. She let out a heavy breath, then looked back up, moisture reflecting in her weary gaze.

As the Sith become stronger, these incursions grow more frequent. The Silver Jedi will continue to place themselves on the front line. We will accept any and all aid in this task. We are all that stands between the Empire and the rest of the galaxy.

Please do not forget us. If we fail...

They will be everyone's concern.

Transmission over.
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Shira Varanin


CONTEXT: Outer Planets Alliance forces, with Jedi support, assaulted Mustafar in an effort to uproot the last stronghold of the Knights of Ren.

SCOPE: A battle between Jedi/OPA forces and Ren loyalists outside Castle Vader.

A Force-sensitive OPA operative, Janick BEAUCHAMP (Alignment dark-leaning, strength master, type witch), disguised herself using captured Ren armour and attempted to gain entrance to Castle Vader. The defenders (a force of several dozen stormtrooper-type personnel) did not respond to the ruse. I and 14 other Jedi Knights of the Cloud City Sentinels engaged to rescue BEAUCHAMP and secure entry to the castle. We created a secure perimeter around Beauchamp and the injured, and repelled consistent assaults from a Knight of Ren and the stormtrooper compliment. Other Knights of Ren and stormtroopers engaged allied forces around and within the temple.

We were unable to eliminate the enemy forces or discount the possibility that some escaped, including their leader. However, we seized Castle Vader (and Mustafar) conclusively. It is no longer a regional Dark Side stronghold.
I encountered an enigmatic man who goes by 'the Sith Master ' - and he deserves the epithet. I've rarely seen his equal, particularly in mind control. I was traveling with OPA soldiers at the time, and he turned them against me with ease. His face was curiously distorted, perhaps from ritual scarification or alchemy. Be advised that this man should be considered a new and major threat, comparable to the strongest Sith of the Empire.

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