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Approved Tech Jedi Master Tantor Aden's Lightsaber

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Intent: To create Jedi Master Tantor Aden's lightsaber from the Omega War as a personal reward for [member="Wolf"]

Development Thread: The Omega War (will link if necessary)

Manufacturer: Jedi Master Tantor Aden

Model: N/A

Affiliation: Wolf

Modularity: Yes- lightsaber focusing crystal.

Production: Unique

Material: Lightsaber components, durasteel, Jenruax Crystal

Classification: Lightsaber

Size: One handed/Off hand

Length: Hilt: 18cm. Blade: 100cm.

Weight: .5 kg

Special Features: This curved, blue bladed lightsaber is smaller than a standard saber. Built specifically to be used as a quick, off hand weapon, it is fast and deadly in very close range, and excellent for deflecting energy weapon attacks.

+ As an off hand weapon, this lightsaber is very light weight and easy to maneuver in tighter spaces than a normal lightsaber would be. It is best when used for quick, agile strikes at an enemy that has tried to close aggressively.
+ The Jenruax crystal makes this blade quick and easy to handle, resulting in a small boost to defensive capabilities against blasters.

- The shorter length of the blade makes it an up close and personal weapon in melee, with less reach than a normal saber.
- Old. This saber is ancient. It requires regular maintenance and care- if not taken care of, it could fail the user at a critical moment.
- Made from durasteel the saber hilt is susceptible to destruction by other sabers.
- Lightsabers are a poor weapon choice against slug throwers. This one is no exception.

Description: Built over 500 years ago by the Jedi Master, Tantor Aden, this weapon has been in Kith Verloren's (Darth Molior) hands since the first time the two crossed paths. Though in that instance (and the next half dozen times they met) the pair tried fruitlessly to kill each other, a strange bond grew between them. Despite the vastly differing points of view, the two connected nonetheless, and eventually fell in love.

Even after he betrayed her, Darth Molior kept the saber. She incorporated the shorter lightsaber in to her conservative dueling style, utilizing it for rapid, accurate attacks within the reach of her primary saber. It was especially effective against aggressive opponents who would try to close too quickly, allowing her to utilize it to its full, and deadly, extent.

Primary Source: NA
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