Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Fighter Pods

So this has been pondering my mind for quite a while, and with my general bad habit of mistaking the movies for everything canon, I'm not sure what to think of certain types of ships. Which Jedi get the Fighter Pods? Are they even a thing in these time periods? If anyone could help fully explain this to me, I'd be so happy! ^w^
[member="Kurloi Crabapple"]

Idk much about pods? But I'm sure all jedi Knights get fighter ships for transportations with the rings.

If you want to review what the jedi have you'll have to join the jedi academy. Also you could review the factory list for ships.

If you have an idea for ships you can talk to company owners for personal ships of you have the money.
[member="Kurloi Crabapple"]

As a rule, we all tend to have different ships - and also use different ones for different occasions. And each Jedi Order tends to have its own designs.

Corvus has two ships allocated to her - a light-Corvette for missions where she needs space and is away for some time, and a fighter that was designed specifically for Jedi and she tends to use only for ship-to-ship activity. And of course neither are her ships as she's a Jedi and has no material wealth of her own. They're owned by the Galactic Republic but as a Jedi of The Jedi Order she is permitted to fly them.

But as I say, we all do it differently. What was behind your question? Did you want to know what ship you should be piloting for example?

Kurloi Crabapple said:
So this has been pondering my mind for quite a while, and with my general bad habit of mistaking the movies for everything canon, I'm not sure what to think of certain types of ships. Which Jedi get the Fighter Pods? Are they even a thing in these time periods? If anyone could help fully explain this to me, I'd be so happy! ^w^
Seraphina and I have also just submitted a light corvette to be issues to Jedi for missions. It is called the Jocasta-class light corvette. As soon as it is approved I'll be adding it to the list of items available to the Jedi.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
I really appreciate the help! I think I'll just base a certain ship off the canon ones after a while, with some slight modifications if I can figure out the mechanics of doing something as EXTREME as that!
[member="Kurloi Crabapple"]

Depending on which Faction you belong to, they most likely have a list of ships available. if you want a unique one, people within your Faction will be able to help you develop the ship the way you want.

Me? I'm just lazy and get others to design them and the Galactic Republic to buy them :)
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
That sounds actually really lazy, and just my type of thing to do. Thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to beg around the faction once I actually get into more story, later on.

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