Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jaster Starfallen

Hello! I'm creating a new character (again). I'd like a little input/inspiration/ideas from anyone to put into my character.

Current ideas:

A New Republic Special forces soldier (NFU)
Human Corellian
Strengths: Creative, in shape, resourceful, resilient to the point of stubborn.
Weaknesses: Insubordinate, gets space-sick(?), impatience, and is a control freak.
Makes a lot of jokes.

Help with:

I've just can't pull any ideas out of the pit that's my brain for this guy. I keep drawing a blank. Help me RPers, you're my only hope!

P.S. If anyone can find a good picture, let me know. *Winks*
[member="Jaster Starfallen"]

Need help with a backstory and equipment! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, I think we'll get along splendidly. :p

Maybe, for a backstory, you could look into reasons for his flaws and strengths - for example, he's a control freak because he doesn't trust people to take care of themselves? Maybe someone he cared about got hurt because they couldn't handle a particular responsibility, etcetera.

As for equipment, what kind of special forces role do you have in mind? Like, would he be a pilot, communications guy, sniper, so forth?

Edit: Forgot some of the greatest writing advice I've ever read. A writer once said that, if a concept sounds good, but doesn't hold your interest, than flip it around. For example, rather than having someone he cared about get hurt because they couldn't handle it, maybe his overbearing attitude got them hurt, or it was him who got hurt rather than someone else. Might mix it up a bit for you.
[member="Jansal Corego"]

Thanks! That is some REALLY good advice! I will definitely use that in my bio. As for equipment he is a squad leader, point man. Probably will use lots of rifles and grenades. But an all-around fighter. But will need some really good armor for those situations. To sum it up, balanced fighter with ranged weaponry and tough armor.

Again, thanks!
[member="Jaster Starfallen"]

Well, you could always purchase a set of armor that suits your interest from the marketplace; alternatively, you can make your own. It's what I did!

My character used his father's beskar'gam to make a suit of armor (link). Feel free to take inspiration from my submission or we could work together to create your own suit for a tech submission, either through PM or a thread, if you'd like.
I don't really know. I'd like to create my own armor, or at least find a good set. It's so hard to navigate the Factory. It'd be relatively easy, no lightsaber resistant materials, probably, and I already have a picture in mind. If you're willing to help I'd greatly appreciate it! If you do send me a PM and we can get started.

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